SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks

SOBIBÓR - Holocaust Handbooks


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106 J. GRAF, T. KUES, C. MATTOGNO, <strong>SOBIBÓR</strong><br />

death camps whose primary purpose was to kill in gas chambers<br />

through the carbon monoxide from engine exhaust, and that the<br />

hundreds of thousands of corpses of Jews killed there were first buried<br />

and then later cremated.”<br />

That eyewitnesses may err in their recollections is, of course, a truism.<br />

Browning should also know that people can “recall” false memories<br />

and that alleged perpetrators confess to crimes they never committed,<br />

even when not physically coerced to do so. 287 The supposed consensus<br />

invoked by him that the eyewitnesses “without exception all<br />

concur […] that Be��ec, Sobibór and Treblinka were death camps”<br />

where Jews were mass murdered with “carbon monoxide from engine<br />

exhaust” is in fact nothing but a mesh of contradictions, held together<br />

by mere belief.<br />

In the case of Sobibór the witness accounts left by Jewish former<br />

inmates are of little value for the question whether the camp was a center<br />

for mass extermination of Jews, as “the most conclusive evidence”<br />

those inmates had that gassings were taking place in camp III, to which<br />

they lacked all access, was indeed “purely circumstantial” and, when<br />

examined more closely, does not unequivocally confirm the mass murder<br />

allegations. To this should be added the messages supposedly<br />

smuggled out from camp III, whose reported contents are either absurd<br />

or contradict the established historiography on Sobibór.<br />

On the other hand, the statements from former camp personnel are<br />

largely devoid of detail, especially where camp III and its killing installations<br />

are concerned. As for the number, sizes, capacity, and construction<br />

material of the alleged gas chambers, or the circumstances surrounding<br />

the start of gassings at the camp, their declarations are rife<br />

with contradictions. 288<br />

While Browning and other historians of his ilk are satisfied with<br />

creating a historiographic picture out of selected pieces of eyewitness<br />

testimony and a handful of arbitrarily interpreted documents, all skeptical<br />

inquirers searching for what really happened at Sobibór must recognize<br />

the necessity of comparing the witness accounts with available<br />

material evidence. Are the remains found at the former camp site really<br />

compatible with the alleged mass murder of hundreds of thousands of<br />

people in gas chambers? This will be the topic of our next chapter.<br />

287 Cf. Gisli H. Gudjonsson, The Psychology of Interrogations and Confessions, John Wiley<br />

& Sons, Chichester 2003, pp. 179-186.<br />

288 Cf. chapter 8.4.

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