Krasnodar GRES Project Volume I11 Environmental Assessment

Krasnodar GRES Project Volume I11 Environmental Assessment

Krasnodar GRES Project Volume I11 Environmental Assessment


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Table 4.29 summarizes the chemical composition of the Laba river upstream of<br />

Labinsk (data by North-Caucasian UGKS).<br /> Bacterial and Viral Indices<br />

E. Coli index - is not higher than 1000.<br /> Sediments<br /> Transport of Sediments<br />

Water erosion in the Laba basin is widespread, particularly in the upper and middle<br />

reaches, where the main tributaries combine and there are favorable conditions for<br />

the formation of sediment runoff (large slopes, rapid flow, presence of weak<br />

fragmentary material).<br />

The Laba river near Kaladzhinskaya is characterized by considerable fluctuations<br />

in the maximum discharge of suspended sediments. The highest daily average<br />

discharge of river suspended sediments varies from 44 kg/ s to 2400 kg/s. In the<br />

Laba river basin, the sediment runoff of the summer season accounts for 52-55%,<br />

that of spring up to 40%. The sediment drift in fall and winter is reduced and<br />

accounts for only 7% of the annual runoff of suspended sediments.<br />

The highest turbidity in the Laba river is observed in the spring-summer flood<br />

period. The highest annual turbidity of the Laba river water near Kaladzhinskaya<br />

over the period from 1931 to 1980 changed from 300 g/m3 (1 934) to 17000 g/m3<br />

(1 954). Table 2.1 6 shows monthly average water turbidity, averaged over a long-<br />

term period of observations.<br />

I<br />

Table 4.30<br />

Monthly Average Water Turbidity in the Laba River Near Kaladzhinskaya (glm3)<br />

12<br />

11<br />

33<br />

111<br />

99<br />

IV<br />

280<br />

V<br />

360<br />

VI<br />

380<br />

VII<br />

210<br />

Table 4.31. displays the particle size distribution of suspended sediments, and<br />

Table 4.32 shows their discharge rate.<br />

Vlll<br />

150<br />

IX<br />

84<br />

X<br />

78<br />

XI<br />

63<br />

XI1<br />

38<br />

Year<br />

230<br />

PAGE 4-31

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