1/1 - eCommons@Cornell - Cornell University

1/1 - eCommons@Cornell - Cornell University

1/1 - eCommons@Cornell - Cornell University

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The most recent census record of living<br />

'41ers by college shows Ag and Life<br />

Sciences, 279; Arts and Sciences, 389; Hotel,<br />

60; Architecture, Art, and Planning, 17;<br />

Engineering, 171, and Human Ecology,<br />

121. • Ralph Antell, 9924 Maplestead<br />

Lane, Richmond, VA 23235.<br />

Martha Lawson Morse and husband Norman<br />

have, I assume, made a planned trip to<br />

eastern Siberia last July to meet a friend<br />

there and see Lake Baikal, the largest freshwater<br />

lake in Asia. Another lake, Seneca,<br />

was their home for the rest of the summer<br />

before their return to Houston, TX, where<br />

Martha received life membership in Contemporary<br />

Handweavers, of Texas and an<br />

award from the volunteer services committee<br />

of the Inst. for International Education.<br />

Martha still teaches weaving, and they still<br />

host foreign students.<br />

Eileen McQuillan Bertalott is still<br />

looking for bridge partners on Cape Cod (in<br />

Orleans) where she and husband Albert<br />

moved last year. Otherwise life is enjoyable.<br />

They both love the area—especially because<br />

two of their four daughters live nearby.<br />

Eddie (Burgess) and R. L. "Bart"<br />

Bartholomew continue their exciting<br />

lives—Bart is in his 12th year of teaching<br />

at Palm Beach Community College and Eddie,<br />

although officially "retired," still heads<br />

the public relations committee for the Palm<br />

Beach chapter of the Public Relations Society<br />

of America (PRSA). She also had major<br />

responsibilities in arranging for Governor<br />

and Presidential nominee Michael Dukakis<br />

to speak at a fundraiser for Florida Atlantic<br />

U.—he waived his fee and was most charming<br />

and generous with his time, Eddie reports.<br />

From her letter we gather Florida is<br />

awash in <strong>Cornell</strong> happenings. Among those<br />

she and Bart enjoyed were a party at the<br />

Palm Beach Governor's Club hosted by Esther<br />

Schiff Bondareff '37, where they saw<br />

Walt Scholl and Eleanor (Bloomfield) '44.<br />

Also a party with Bob Kester and wife Marcia,<br />

Ruth Myers Stauffer and husband Neil,<br />

and Ata Berker and wife Margareta. Many<br />

thanks for your letter and pics, Eddie.<br />

• Shirley Richards Sargent, 15 Crannell<br />

Ave., Delmar, NY 12054.<br />

A ^% Mateo Go (Honolulu, HI) at-<br />

Λ I tended his daughter's swearing-<br />

/l m in ceremony as federal magis-<br />

ImMέ # trate judge for the eastern NY<br />

1 ^i division. Judge Marilyn Go is the<br />

^^ first Chinese-American east of<br />

the Rockies to be installed in such an important<br />

position. Ed Markham (Seattle,<br />

WA) was honored by the Bedding Plants<br />

Foundation Inc., who established a scholarship<br />

fund on his 75th birthday to bring international<br />

students of horticulture to the<br />

US. Ed worked for Vaughan and other seed<br />

companies and is a leader of national and<br />

international tours for the Professional Plant<br />

Growers Assn.<br />

Our class is struggling to get over the<br />

loss of President Betty McCabe. A memorial<br />

service is planned for 5 p.m., June 9, '94<br />

at Sage Chapel. All attendees should make<br />

arrangements to stay at the CRC headquarters<br />

in the Jerome Holland '39 International<br />

Living Center (ILC, Lowrise 8). Write<br />

E. A. "Buck" Buxton, Talmadge Rd.,<br />

Mendham, NJ 07945 for information.<br />

Barbara (Crohurst) and George<br />

Howell (Oak Brook, IL) and Pete Wolff are<br />

serving on <strong>Cornell</strong>'s planned giving committee.<br />

Bill Webster (Little Rock, AR) says<br />

he continues to rue the election of his governor<br />

to "The Big Show" in Washington, DC<br />

and gets out of the country whenever possible.<br />

This year he'll visit Sicily, Malta, Scotland,<br />

and Costa Rica.<br />

George Barthel (Ellenville, NY) is one<br />

of the rare people. He has been honored by<br />

having a newly renovated bridge named after<br />

him for a lifetime of service to Ulster<br />

County's citizens. George served 20 years<br />

on the county legislature and six years on<br />

the board of supervisors during his tenure<br />

as Wawarsing supervisor. His 1,200-acre<br />

farm produces sweet corn, wheat, and potatoes.<br />

He served as an advisor to Secretary<br />

of Agriculture Orville Freeman (a USMC<br />

friend of mine during World War II).<br />

Sam Baron (Chapel Hill, NC) participated<br />

in conferences on Russian history in<br />

Berlin with visits to Amsterdam and Prague<br />

in 1992 and in St. Petersburg with visits to<br />

Moscow and Rosstov-on-Dow in 1993. Henry<br />

and Ruth Goodyer Jones (N. Haven,<br />

CT) celebrated 51 years of married life. They<br />

were to visit their daughter in Japan. Henry<br />

is semi-retired and chairs his church investment<br />

committee. Although legally blind, he<br />

can read with the help of a CCTV magnifying<br />

system and enjoys duckpin bowling with<br />

help of teammates who tell him what to<br />

shoot at!<br />

The first new department store since<br />

1940 to be erected in New York City is Barney's<br />

on 61st and Madison. With more than<br />

250,000 square feet of space, it was designed<br />

by a <strong>Cornell</strong>ian architect, Class of '71. See<br />

what you can learn by reading this<br />

column? • Carolyn Evans Finneran, 2933<br />

76th SE, #13D, Mercer Island, WA 98040.<br />

A ^\ In the December 1993 column<br />

Λ m we reported the death of Rob-<br />

/1 ^ ert Mitchell, but I came across<br />

ίm4 \ his final note to us, and, because<br />

I I I I found it interesting and hope<br />

^ ^^ you will too, here it is:"Went for<br />

family reunion to Wisconsin. On my mother's<br />

side I am only a fourth-generation<br />

American. Believe my father's line goes back<br />

before the Revolutionary War. This will be<br />

my next project. The last one found me in<br />

Virginia for two months working on a history<br />

of Augusta Military Academy, which was<br />

attended by three members of the Class of<br />

'43: my brother Walt Mitchell and Clinton<br />

Thomas, both deceased, and me. I<br />

played football there against John Vonetes,<br />

who attended Fork Union Military Academy."<br />

I'm sure classmates haven't forgotten that Bob<br />

was once captain of Company E, Pershing Rifles<br />

and its championship drill team.<br />

Came across this note from the late<br />

great Wally Rogers. It would have been<br />

nice if I had included it, not that anyone<br />

could have heard it, in my remarks at Corson-Mudd<br />

last June: "Dear Miller: I was delighted<br />

to read of your selection for the Pullitzer.<br />

It was an honor long overdue! Entrenous<br />

(that's French for between us), I knew<br />

it had to come. It was obvious that during<br />


50<br />

your hiatus as class columnist you were an<br />

avid student of the Wally Rogers writing<br />

style. When you finally returned to your<br />

typewriter, your columns contained a<br />

warmth and mellowness absent from your<br />

earlier efforts. In the words of George Bush,<br />

they were kinder and gentler. If there are<br />

any higher awards than Joe Pullitzer's, I'm<br />

sure you will garner them, if not in the next<br />

issue, then certainly in the one after that."<br />

Bob Schuyler '40 writes on McGraw<br />

Hill stationery: "First, an apology for using<br />

the three-carbon memo of my former (and<br />

also Jack Slater's and Mead Stone's current)<br />

employer—the major perk that kept<br />

us at McGraw for so many years. I regret to<br />

report that John Hudson passed away<br />

March 4 at his home in Cedar Grove, NJ after<br />

a brief illness. After graduating and completing<br />

his army duties, he joined New Jersey<br />

Bell's engineering department and remained<br />

until his recent retirement." We join Bob in<br />

condoling with Louise and her family.<br />

In March I wrote about my inability to<br />

find evidence of Scott Brown's jazz leanings<br />

while on the Hill. Charlie Shaw didn't<br />

waste time in enlightening us: "Scotty was<br />

the pianist—and a damned good one—with<br />

the quintet I formed in our senior year. We<br />

were among the few musicians in the Ithaca<br />

area who were temporarily draft-exempt,<br />

so we played jazz and kept busy doing it. I<br />

remember one time during Junior Week<br />

when we played 16 hours straight. Five days<br />

after graduation I was in the Navy at the<br />

training school at Notre Dame where I, along<br />

with Strabo Claggett, played in the big<br />

band and competed on the track team. (Columnist's<br />

note: Strabo threw heavy objects;<br />

Charlie ran like the wind.) I was indeed sorry<br />

to hear of his passing; he was wonderful<br />

company. Patty (Homer) and I continue to<br />

travel and spent last October in Portugal. I<br />

understand that my grandson Marten in Seattle<br />

still keeps in touch with his former neighbor<br />

Miller Harris III back East, and I am glad<br />

for that." Me too, Charlie.<br />

Phil Weisman threatens to take out<br />

an ad in The New York Times berating me<br />

for omitting his name from the list of erstwhile<br />

Big Red rowing greats who managed<br />

to coax their creaking limbs into a shell and<br />

race during our glorious 50th Reunion. The<br />

guy was crotchety as far back as frosh camp.<br />

Wonder if he knows what space costs in The<br />

Times. • S. Miller Harris, PO Box 164,<br />

Spinnerstown, PA 18968.<br />

more plug<br />

/1 /1 ^°<br />

^Jd^Jd the time you read this, chanc-<br />

W W es are we'll all be back home<br />

^ ~ basking in reminiscences and<br />

fond memories. But you won't get details<br />

until September. J. Warren Finch was<br />

thinking <strong>Cornell</strong> all year. He joined the Suncoast<br />

<strong>Cornell</strong> Club in Florida and has enjoyed<br />

their lobster cook-outs on Tampa Bay,<br />

reuned at the <strong>Cornell</strong>-Penn game in Philadelphia<br />

last November, and wouldn't miss<br />

our 50th. He's eager to find some ROTC<br />

buddies, veterans of Ft. Niagara and Ft.<br />

Bragg. Robert Greenburg and Edwina<br />

welcomed a first grandchild in San Francisco<br />

last fall and look forward to sharing a town-

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