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supposed to go into effect on July 1 st so the sooner the better, please.<br />

Commissioner Mazzola asked if we can cancel these speakers today.<br />

Mr. Gruberg said that we are going to have a further opportunity to have a public hearing,<br />

and everyone will have the right to speak, but this is not the session and forum where it’s<br />

going to be decided.<br />

Commissioner Mazzola said that we did not expect you here today ... and that’s okay ...<br />

but I personally have an appointment I have to get to and I think some of the<br />

Commissioners do as well. I would rather have you do it another forum so we can have<br />

it done correctly and we don’t have to rush you.<br />

Commissioner Guggenhime asked what will happen with the July date. That obviously<br />

concerns them.<br />

Mr. Martin responded that we will work with the organizing committee to pick a date, to<br />

pick the forum whether it’s City Hall in a room like this, or in the Airport Museum where<br />

we can get a microphone system set up and accommodate a couple hundred of people.<br />

We will decide how to that. We will schedule it as quickly as reasonably possible, but we<br />

want to make sure everyone who wants to attend is given reasonable notice.<br />

Mr. Gruberg asked for a commitment that the July 1 st date is on hold until we have these<br />

further discussions.<br />

Mr. Martin responded that we will hold the hearing within the next three weeks.<br />

Unidentified speaker ... I suggest you put it on the Agenda and then you make time, Sir,<br />

with the forty-fifty speakers.<br />

Commissioner Mazzola said that he will attend the meeting but it may not be in a forum<br />

like this.<br />

Mr. Martin said that after the public hearing it will return to the Commission formally. We<br />

cannot take action with a change on July 1 without a Commission vote. So, there will be<br />

both the public hearing and then a hearing before the Commission again where everyone<br />

will have another opportunity to speak again and the Commission will get to ask<br />

questions. Because this is not calendared, the Commission can’t enter into a<br />

substantive discussion.<br />

Mr. Emil Lawrence said that he does not represent any group in this meeting today. I<br />

represent myself. I’m a resident of City and County of San Francisco for 40 years. I’ve<br />

spoken before this Commission in the past. There’s a major problem with DAJA and<br />

Henry Thompson who’s acts as a rogue manager by removing documents from the<br />

bulletin board that taxi drivers read. He’s been doing this for eight months. I asked you<br />

two weeks ago to put a stop to it; nothing happen. Part of the problem that the taxi<br />

drivers in this City have, they’re shunted now from MTA. MTA is taken them off their<br />

plate as well. Now you don’t want to talk us either. It’s a problem in this City.<br />

Commissioner Crayton said that‘s not true.<br />

Minutes, April 20, 2010, Page 12

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