Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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54 <strong>Convex</strong> Bodies<br />

in one of the two closed halfspaces determined by H. In this case, we denote the<br />

halfspace containing C by H − , the other one by H + . H − is called a support halfspace<br />

of C at x. In general, we represent H in the form H ={z : u · z = u · x}, where<br />

u is a normal (unit) vector of H pointing into H + . Then H − ={z : u · z ≤ u · x}<br />

<strong>and</strong> H + ={z : u · z ≥ u · x}. u is an exterior normal (unit) vector of H, ofC or of<br />

bd C at x. Note that H may not be unique. The intersection C ∩ H is the support set<br />

of C determined by H or, with exterior normal (unit) vector u.<br />

In Theorems 1.2 <strong>and</strong> 2.3, it was shown that a convex function has affine support<br />

at each point in the interior of its domain of definition. The following theorem is the<br />

corresponding result for convex sets.<br />

Theorem 4.1. Let C ⊆ E d be a closed convex set. For each x ∈ bd C, there is a<br />

support hyperplane HC(x) of C at x, not necessarily unique. If C is compact, then<br />

for each vector u ∈ E d \{o}, there is a unique support hyperplane HC(u) of C with<br />

exterior normal vector u.<br />

Let S d−1 denote the Euclidean unit sphere in E d .<br />

Proof. First, the following will be shown.<br />

(1) Let y ∈ E d \C. Then the hyperplane H through pC(y) ∈ bd C, orthogonal<br />

to y − pC(y), supports C at pC(y).<br />

It is sufficient to show that H separates y <strong>and</strong> C. If this does not hold, there is a point<br />

z ∈ C which is not separated from y by H. Then the line segment [pC(y), z] ⊆C<br />

contains a point of C which is closer to y than pC(y). This contradicts the definition<br />

of pC(y) <strong>and</strong> thus concludes the proof of (1).<br />

Next we claim the following.<br />

(2) Let Hn ={z : un · z = xn · un} be support hyperplanes of C at the points<br />

xn ∈ bd C, n = 1, 2,... Assume that un → u ∈ E d \{o} <strong>and</strong> xn → x (∈<br />

bd C) as n →∞. Then H ={z : u · z = u · x} is a support hyperplane of<br />

C at x.<br />

Clearly, x ∈ H. It is sufficient to show that C ⊆ H − .Letz ∈ C. Then un ·z ≤ un · xn<br />

for n = 1, 2,... Letting n →∞, we see that u · z ≤ u · x, or z ∈ H − , concluding<br />

the proof of (2).<br />

For the proof of the first assertion in the theorem, choose points yn ∈ E d \C, n =<br />

1, 2,...,such that yn → x. By Lemma 4.1, xn = pC(yn)(∈ bd C) → x = pC(x).<br />

Proposition (1) shows that, for n = 1, 2,..., there is a support hyperplane of C at<br />

xn,sayHn ={z : un · z = un · xn}, where un ∈ S d−1 . By considering a subsequence<br />

<strong>and</strong> re-numbering, if necessary, we may suppose that un → u ∈ S d−1 ,say.An<br />

application of (2) then implies that H ={z : u · z = u · x} is a support hyperplane of<br />

C at x.<br />

To see the second assertion, note that the compactness of C implies that u · x =<br />

sup{u · z : z ∈ C} for a suitable x ∈ C. Clearly, x ∈ bd C <strong>and</strong> H ={z : u · z = u · x}<br />

is a support hyperplane of C (at x) with exterior normal vector u. ⊓⊔

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