Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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50 <strong>Convex</strong> Bodies<br />

The Centrepoint of a Finite Set<br />

We give a second application of Helly’s theorem. Let A ⊆ Ed be a finite set consisting<br />

of, say, n points. A point x ∈ Ed is a centrepoint of A if each closed halfspace<br />

n<br />

which contains x contains at least d+1 points of A. Rado [820] proved the following<br />

result.<br />

Theorem 3.4. Each finite set in E d has a centrepoint.<br />

Proof. Let A ⊆ Ed be a finite set with n points. Clearly, a point in Ed is a centrepoint<br />

of A if <strong>and</strong> only if it lies in each open halfspace H o which contains more than d<br />

d+1 n<br />

points of A. For the proof of the theorem it is thus sufficient to show that the open<br />

halfspaces H o have non-empty intersection. This is certainly the case if the convex<br />

polytopes conv(A ∩ H o ) have non-empty intersection. Given d + 1 of these polytopes,<br />

each contains more than d<br />

d+1 n points of A. If their intersection were empty,<br />

then each point of A is in the complement of one of these polytopes. Hence A is<br />

the union of these complements, but the union consists of less than n points. This<br />

contradiction shows that any d + 1 of the polytopes have non-empty intersection. By<br />

Helly’s theorem all these polytopes then have non-empty intersection. Each point of<br />

this intersection is a centrepoint. ⊓⊔<br />

Remark. For extensions <strong>and</strong> the related ham-s<strong>and</strong>wich theorem see Matouˇsek [695]<br />

<strong>and</strong> the references cited there.<br />

3.3 Hartogs’ Theorem on Power Series<br />

Given a power series in d complex variables,<br />

(1)<br />

∞�<br />

an1···nd zn1<br />

1 ···znd d for z = (z1,...,zd) ∈ C d ,<br />

n1,...,nd=0<br />

the problem arises to determine the largest connected open set in C d on which it<br />

converges, its domain of convergence. Considering the case d = 1, it is plausible to<br />

conjecture, that a domain of convergence is a polycylinder, i.e. a Cartesian product<br />

of d open circular discs. Surprisingly, this is wrong. A theorem of Hartogs gives a<br />

complete description of domains of convergence.<br />

This section contains the definition of Reinhardt domains <strong>and</strong> Hartogs’ theorem<br />

which says that the domains of convergence of power series in d complex variables<br />

are precisely the Reinhardt domains. Only part of the proof is given.<br />

For a complete proof <strong>and</strong> for more information on analytic functions in several<br />

complex variables, see, e.g. L. Kaup <strong>and</strong> B. Kaup [568].<br />

Reinhardt Domains <strong>and</strong> Domains of Convergence<br />

In order to state Hartogs’ theorem, we need the notion of a (complete, logarithmically<br />

convex) Reinhardt domain. This is an open, connected set G in C d with the following<br />


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