Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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List of Symbols<br />

Bd Euclidean unit ball, 44<br />

C∗ polar body, 171<br />

HC(u) support hyperplane with<br />

exterior normal u, 54<br />

HC(x) support hyperplane at x,<br />

53<br />

H − C (x) support halfspace at x, 54<br />

L∗ polar lattice, 365<br />

NC(x) normal cone, 68<br />

P(Q) perimeter of a polygon,<br />

318<br />

S(C) surface area, 104<br />

Sd−1 Euclidean unit sphere, 54<br />

V (J) volume, Jordan measure,<br />

120<br />

Vi intrinsic volume, 104<br />

Wi quermassintegral, 93<br />

# counting function, 118<br />

�·� Euclidean norm, 20<br />

aff affine hull, 44<br />

bd boundary, 4<br />

⊥ orthogonal complement,<br />

45<br />

C, C(Ed ) space of convex bodies,<br />

41<br />

Ck differentiability class, 37<br />

Cp, Cp(Ed ) space of proper convex<br />

bodies, 41<br />

L(C) space of polyconvex<br />

bodies, 117<br />

L(P) space of polyconvex<br />

polytopes, 115<br />

P, P(Ed ) space of convex<br />

polytopes, 89<br />

χ Euler characteristic, 118<br />

cl closure, 4<br />

conv convex hull, 42<br />

δ(C, L) density of a set lattice,<br />

442<br />

577<br />

δ(C, T ) density of a family of<br />

translates, 441<br />

δ(T ) density of a discrete set,<br />

440<br />

δ H Hausdorff metric, 84<br />

δV symmetric difference<br />

metric, 203<br />

δ BM Banach–Mazur distance,<br />

207<br />

δL(C) lattice packing density,<br />

441<br />

δT (C) translative packing<br />

density, 441<br />

diam diameter, 49<br />

dim dimension, 22<br />

dimH Hausdorff dimension, 70<br />

epi epigraph, 3<br />

ext set of extreme points, 75<br />

κk volume of Bk , 103<br />

λi successive minimum, 376<br />

lin linear hull, 82<br />

Ed Euclidean d-space, 2<br />

Ed /L torus group, 395<br />

Zd integer lattice, 356<br />

1C characteristic function,<br />

167<br />

D(δ) discriminant surface, 437<br />

O(d) orthogonal group, 135<br />

P cone of positive quadratic<br />

forms, 431<br />

PZd space of lattice polytopes,<br />

310<br />

R(m) Ryshkov polyhedron, 435<br />

SL(d) special linear group, 389<br />

SO(d) special orthogonal group,<br />

121<br />

µ(C, L) covering radius, 381<br />

⊕ direct sum, 45<br />

int interior, 4

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