Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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34 Koebe’s Representation Theorem for Planar Graphs 507<br />

ϑv = ϑv(ρ) = �<br />

vw∈E(G∧ arctan<br />

)<br />

ρw<br />

− π for v ∈ V(G<br />

ρv<br />

∧ ), v �= v1,...,vk, ∞,<br />

�<br />

= ϑvi (ρ) = arctan ρw<br />

− αi<br />

for i = 1,...,k.<br />

2<br />

ϑvi<br />

The quantity<br />

v i w∈E(G ∧ )<br />

w�=∞<br />

ρvi<br />

µ(ρ) = �<br />

v∈V(G ′ )<br />

ϑv(ρ) 2<br />

is a measure for the deviation of the list ρ from a list as postulated in (9). For the<br />

proof of (9), we have to find a list ρ of positive numbers such that µ(ρ) = 0.<br />

First, the following equality will be shown:<br />

(10) �<br />

ϑv(ρ) = 0 for any list ρ = (ρv) of positive numbers.<br />

v∈V(G ′ )<br />

To see (10), note that<br />

(11) �<br />

ϑv(ρ) = �<br />

v∈V(G ′ )<br />

vw∈E(G ′ )<br />

arctan ρw<br />

ρv<br />

− π � #V(G ′ ) − k � − 1<br />

2<br />

+ arctan ρv<br />

ρw<br />

k�<br />

αi.<br />

Since all countries of G ∧ are quadrangles, it follows from Corollary 15.1 that<br />

(12) 2#V(G ′ ) = #E(G ∧ ) + 2 = #E(G ′ ) + k + 2.<br />

Noting that arctan t +arctan (1/t) = π/2fort > 0, Propositions (11) <strong>and</strong> (12) imply<br />

the equality (10).<br />

Let<br />

∅ �= S � V(G ′ ), l = #{v1,...,vk}∩S.<br />

Clearly, # � S ∪{∞} � = #(S) + 1 <strong>and</strong> #E � G ∧ (S ∪{∞}) � = #E � G ∧ (S) � + l. An application<br />

of (6) to S ∪{∞}instead of S (for #S ≥ 4 <strong>and</strong> l ≥ 0) <strong>and</strong> simple arguments<br />

(for #S = 2, 3 <strong>and</strong> l = 0) show that<br />

(13) 2#S − #E � G ∧ (S) � ≥ l + 3for#S ≥ 4, l ≥ 0or#S = 2, 3, l = 0.<br />

Simple arguments also yield the following:<br />

i=1<br />

(14) 2#S − #E � G ∧ (S) � ≥ l + 2for#S = 2, 3, l > 0.<br />

Second, we show that the quantity µ(·) attains its minimum. Let R be the set<br />

of all lists ρ = � ρv : v ∈ V(G ′ ) � , where 0 < ρv ≤ 1 <strong>and</strong> such that ρv = 1<br />

if ϑv(ρ) > 0. In addition, we require that ρv = 1 for at least one v. Wehave<br />

R �= ∅, since the list (1) ∈ R. Unfortunately, R is not compact. Let � ρ (n)� be a<br />

sequence of lists in R such that µ � ρ (n)� tends to the infimum of µ(ρ) for ρ ∈ R.<br />

Apply the Bolzano–Weierstrass theorem to see that, by considering a suitable subsequence<br />

<strong>and</strong> renumbering, if necessary, the sequence � ρ (n) �<br />

v converges for each<br />

v ∈ V(G ′ ). Let

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