Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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504 <strong>Geometry</strong> of Numbers<br />

Then H is a planar representation of G ′ , i.e. it has no edge crossings.<br />

If J is a closed Jordan curve in C, we denote by interior J the bounded component<br />

of C\J. LetC∞ be the cycle of the exterior country of G ′ .<br />

To see (3), we first extend f to a continuous map of the point set of G ′ , i.e.<br />

the union of all vertices <strong>and</strong> edges of G ′ , onto the point set of H such that f<br />

is one-to-one on each edge of G ′ . Next, we extend f step by step to a covering<br />

map of C onto C: Noting (iii), we may extend f by the Jordan-Schönflies theorem<br />

for each country cycle C �= C∞ of G ′ to interior C such that the extended f<br />

maps C ∪ interior C homeomorphically onto the compact set f (C) ∪ interior f (C).<br />

The extended f then maps C∞∪ interior C∞ continuously onto the compact set<br />

f (C∞) ∪ f (interior C∞). Letx ∈ interior C∞. By distinguishing the cases where<br />

x is an interior point of a bounded country, a relatively interior point of an edge,<br />

or a vertex of G ′ <strong>and</strong> noting (iv) <strong>and</strong> (ii), we see that there are neighbourhoods U<br />

of x <strong>and</strong> W of f (x) such that f maps U homeomorphically onto W . As a consequence,<br />

we see that f (interior C∞) is an open set in E 2 . Since a boundary point of<br />

f (interior C∞) must be a limit point of points of the form f (xn), n = 1, 2,..., where<br />

xn ∈ interior C∞,itmustbeoftheform f (x) where x ∈ C∞∪interior C∞. (Consider<br />

a convergent subsequence of the sequence (xn).) Since x ∈ interior C∞ is excluded,<br />

x ∈ C∞. Hence bd f (interior C∞) ⊆ f (C∞). Thus, noting that f (interior C∞)<br />

is open, connected <strong>and</strong> bounded, f (interior C∞) = interior f (C∞) follows. By a<br />

version of the Jordan-Schönflies theorem, f finally can be extended to a continuous<br />

map f : C → C such that f is a homeomorphism on C\interior C∞. Let<br />

x ∈ C\interior C∞. As before, we see that there are neighbourhoods U of x <strong>and</strong> W<br />

of f (x) such that f maps U homeomorphically onto W . The extended f satisfies the<br />

required assumptions of (2) <strong>and</strong> thus is a homeomorphism of C onto C. In particular,<br />

H is a planar representation of G ′ , concluding the proof of (3).<br />

In the fourth step we show that the conditions (1)(i,ii) yield a weak primal-dual<br />

circle packing of G:<br />

(4) Let ρ = � ρv : v ∈ V(G ′ ) � satisfy (1)(i,ii). Then there is a weak primal-dual<br />

circle packing of G with radii ρ = (ρv) <strong>and</strong> with the same local clockwise<br />

orientation as in G <strong>and</strong> G ∗ .<br />

We shall construct an isomorphic planar image of G ′ such that the image of an edge<br />

uv is a line segment. For each vertex u ∈ V(G ′ ) we shall determine a point ū ∈ C<br />

such that the discs with centres ū <strong>and</strong> radii ρu form the desired weak primal-dual<br />

circle packing. We start with an edge uv ∈ E(G ′ ) <strong>and</strong> draw a corresponding line<br />

segment ū ¯v in C of length � ρ2 u + ρ2 �1/2. v Then the position of each neighbour of ū is<br />

uniquely determined. Now, given an arbitrary vertex w ∈ V(G ′ ), consider a path in<br />

G ′ connecting u <strong>and</strong> w <strong>and</strong> use it to construct ¯w. For the proof that ¯w is independent<br />

of the path chosen, it is sufficient to show that, for each simply closed path in G ′ , our<br />

construction leads to a closed path in C. This can easily be shown by induction on<br />

the number of country 4-cycles in the simply closed path. The image of G ′ in C thus<br />

obtained satisfies the properties specified in (3). Hence it has no crossings <strong>and</strong> thus<br />

is a planar graph. For each of its vertices ū the disc Du with centre ū <strong>and</strong> radius ρu<br />

is contained in the convex polygon consisting of the convex kites which correspond

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