Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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Generalizations<br />

33 Optimum Quantization 491<br />

From the point of view of applications, it is of interest to extend Zador’s asymptotic<br />

formula to asymptotic formulae for expressions of the following form, where f is a<br />

non-decreasing function on [0, +∞), J ⊆ Ed Jordan measurable, �·�a norm on Ed ,<br />

possibly different from the st<strong>and</strong>ard Euclidean norm, <strong>and</strong> w : J → R + a continuous<br />

weight function:<br />

�<br />

(24) inf<br />

S⊆J<br />

#S=n<br />

J<br />

or of the form<br />

�<br />

(25) inf<br />

S⊆J<br />

#S=n<br />

J<br />

min{<br />

f (�x − s�)}w(x) dx,<br />

s∈S<br />

min<br />

s∈S { f (ρM(x, s))}w(x) dωM(x),<br />

where 〈M,ρM,ωM〉 is a d-dimensional Riemannian manifold with Riemannian metric<br />

ρM <strong>and</strong> measure ωM, J ⊆ M Jordan measurable <strong>and</strong> w : J → R + a weight<br />

function as before. Similar problems arise if the sets S are not necessarily contained<br />

in the set J. For many functions f corresponding asymptotic formulae exist. For<br />

pertinent results <strong>and</strong> more information compare <strong>Gruber</strong> [442, 443].<br />

The Constant δ<br />

The proof of the following asymptotic formula was communicated by Karoly<br />

Böröczky [157].<br />

Proposition 33.1. Let α>0. Then δα,d ∼ d α 2<br />

(2πe) α 2<br />

as d →∞.<br />

Proof. We make use of the material in the first two steps of the proof of the theorem<br />

of Zador. Note that<br />

� α<br />

δα,d = lim n d I (K,α,n)<br />

n→∞<br />

� .<br />

Estimate below: From the proof of (1) we have,<br />

(26) n α d<br />

d I (K,α,n) ≥<br />

(α + d) V (B d ) α .<br />

d<br />

Estimate above: By Rogers’s covering theorem 31.4, for all sufficiently large<br />

n there are points {xn1,...,xnn} in the cube K <strong>and</strong> ρn > 0 such that the balls<br />

ρn B d + xni cover the cube <strong>and</strong> their total volume is less than 2d log d. Then<br />

n ρ d n V (Bd ) ≤ 2d log d, or<br />

n α d ρ α n ≤ (2d log d) α d<br />

V (B d ) α d<br />


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