Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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484 <strong>Geometry</strong> of Numbers<br />

Now, combine (1), (2), (4), apply Jensen’s inequality 2.1 for convex functions,<br />

<strong>and</strong> use (6) <strong>and</strong> (7) to see that<br />

n�<br />

�<br />

a1 +···+an<br />

I (H, f, n) ≥ M(ai,vi) ≥ nM<br />

n<br />

i=1�<br />

|H|<br />

�<br />

≥ nM , 6 .<br />

n<br />

, v1<br />

�<br />

+···+vn<br />

n<br />

The proof of the theorem is complete. ⊓⊔<br />

33.2 Zador’s Asymptotic Formula for Minimum Distortion<br />

In higher dimensions, the problem raised in the introduction of Sect. 33 appeared first<br />

in the work of Zador [1035] in the context of data transmission, more precisely, in<br />

the problem to evaluate the quality of certain encoders as the number of code-words<br />

of the code-books used tends to infinity. Later appearances are in error estimates for<br />

numerical integration, approximation of probability measures by discrete probability<br />

measures, approximation of convex bodies by polytopes <strong>and</strong> approximation of<br />

functions by step functions. Far-reaching refinements <strong>and</strong> generalizations of Zador’s<br />

results are due to Chernaya [206] <strong>and</strong> <strong>Gruber</strong> [443].<br />

In the following, we give an asymptotic formula due to Zador for general d,<br />

which is sufficient for many applications. For applications see Sect. 33.4.<br />

Minimum Distortion<br />

Let J be a Jordan measurable set in Ed with V (J) >0 <strong>and</strong> let α>0. The expression<br />

�<br />

I (J,α,n) = inf min<br />

S⊆J s∈S<br />

#S=n<br />

{�x − s�α } dx<br />

J<br />

is called minimum distortion. This notion first appeared in the context of data transmission,<br />

compare Sect. 33.4. In some cases the following slightly different quantity<br />

is of interest:<br />

K (J,α,n) = inf<br />

S⊆Ed �<br />

min<br />

s∈S<br />

#S=n<br />

{�x − s�α } dx.<br />

Zador’s Asymptotic Formula<br />

J<br />

The following result goes back to Zador [1035]. The proof is a simplified version of<br />

the author’s [443] proof of a more general result. A body is a compact set which is<br />

equal to the closure of its interior.<br />

Theorem 33.2. Let α>0. Then there is a constant δ = δα,d > 0, depending only<br />

on α <strong>and</strong> d, such that, for any Jordan measurable body J ⊆ E d with V (J) >0,<br />

I (J,α,n), K (J,α,n) ∼ δ<br />

V (J)α+d d<br />

n α d<br />

as n →∞.

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