Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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392 <strong>Geometry</strong> of Numbers<br />

Topology on the Space of Lattices<br />

We define the natural topology on the space L of all lattices in E d by specifying a<br />

basis. A basis of the topology on L is given by the following sets of lattices:<br />

� M ∈ L : M has a basis {c1,...,cd} with �ci − bi� 0.<br />

The corresponding notion of convergence can be described as follows. A sequence<br />

(Ln) of lattices in E d is convergent, if there is a lattice L in E d such that, for<br />

suitable bases {bn1,...,bnd} of Ln, n = 1, 2,..., <strong>and</strong> {b1,...,bd} of L, respectively,<br />

we have<br />

bn1 → b1,...,bnd → bd as n →∞.<br />

From now on, we assume that L is endowed with this topology.<br />

It is not difficult to see that this topology is induced by a suitable metric on L.<br />

See [447].<br />

Dense Sets of Lattices<br />

Confirming a statement of Rogers [851], Woods [1030] proved that the set of lattices,<br />

where the basis vectors are the columns of the following matrices, is dense in the<br />

space L(1):<br />

⎛<br />

α 0 ... 0 α1<br />

⎜ 0 α ... 0 α2<br />

⎜ ...............<br />

⎝ 0 0 ... α αd−1<br />

0 0 ... 0 α1−d ⎞<br />

⎟<br />

⎠ , where α1,...,αd−1 ∈ R <strong>and</strong> α>0.<br />

This set of lattices can be used to prove the Minkowski–Hlawka theorem, see<br />

Sect. 24.1.<br />

A refinement of Wood’s result is the following result due to Schmidt [894]. For<br />

almost all (d − 1)-tuples (β1,...,βd−1) ∈ Ed−1 , the set of lattices, where the basis<br />

vectors are the columns of the matrices<br />

⎛<br />

⎞<br />

is dense in L(1).<br />

k 0 ... 0 β1k<br />

⎜ 0 k ... 0 β2k ⎟<br />

⎜ ................ ⎟ , k = 1, 2,...,<br />

⎝<br />

⎠<br />

00... k βd−1k<br />

00... 0 k 1−d<br />

25.2 Mahler’s Selection Theorem<br />

Mahler’s selection theorem is the main topological result for the space of lattices.<br />

It provides a firm basis for several results which before were clear only intuitively.<br />

In the following we present a st<strong>and</strong>ard version of it.

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