Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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382 <strong>Geometry</strong> of Numbers<br />

For this, it is sufficient to prove the following implication:<br />

(2) Let x ∈ E d . Then x ∈ 1<br />

2 (λ1 +···+λd)C + l for suitable l ∈ L.<br />

To see this, choose d linearly independent points l1,...,ld ∈ L such that li ∈ λiC.<br />

Represent x in the form x = x1l1 +···+xdld with xi ∈ R. Choose u1,...,ud ∈ Z<br />

such that |xi − ui| ≤ 1 2 <strong>and</strong> let l = u1l1 +···+udld. Then<br />

x − l = (x1 − u1)l1 +···+(xd − ud)ld ∈ λ1 λd<br />

C +···+<br />

2 2 C<br />

= 1<br />

2 (λ1 +···+λd)C.<br />

The proof of (2), <strong>and</strong> thus of (1), is complete, concluding the proof of the right-h<strong>and</strong><br />

inequality. ⊓⊔<br />

A Result of Perron <strong>and</strong> Khintchine on Diophantine Approximation<br />

We first state a result due to Mahler [1939].<br />

Lemma 23.1. Let<br />

P = � x :|ai1x1 +···+aidxd| ≤1, i = 1,...,d � ,<br />

Q = � x :|bi1x1 +···+bidxd| ≤1, i = 1,...,d �<br />

be two parallelotopes in E d such that A ∗ = (aik) −T = (bik) = B. Let λP =<br />

λ1(P, Z d ) <strong>and</strong> λQ = λ1(Q, Z d ). Then<br />

Proof. To see that<br />

note that<br />

λP ≤ � � 1<br />

d λQ| det A| d−1 ,<br />

λQ ≤ � d λP| det B|<br />

� 1<br />

d−1 .<br />

P ∗ = � y :|b11y1 +···+b1d yd|+···+|bd1y1 +···+bddyd| ≤1 � ,<br />

{x :|xi| ≤1} ∗ ={y : x · y ≤ 1 for all x with |xi| ≤1} ={y :|y1|+···+|yd| ≤1}<br />

<strong>and</strong>, for an o-symmetric convex body C,<br />

(A −1 C) ∗ ={z : z · A −1 x ≤ for all x ∈ C}<br />

={A T A −T z : z T A −1 x = (A −T z) T x = A −T z · x ≤ 1 for all x ∈ C}<br />

={A T y : y · x ≤ 1 for all x ∈ C} =A T C ∗ .<br />

Thus,<br />

P ∗ = � A −1 {x :|xi| ≤1} � ∗ = A T {x :|xi| ≤1} ∗<br />

= B −1 {y :|y1|+···+|yd| ≤1}<br />

={z :|b11z1 +···+b1d zd|+···+|bd1z1 +···+bddzd|},

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