Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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350 <strong>Convex</strong> Polytopes<br />

of the vectors in B. Letu be such a vector with cu(> 0) as close as possible to 0.<br />

Then, in particular, u �∈ B <strong>and</strong> we may choose vectors v,w ∈ C ∩ Z d \{o}, with<br />

u = v + w. Then cu = c v + c w. Since v,w ∈ C \{o} we thus have that 0 <<br />

c v,c w < cu which contradicts our choice of u. Thus every vector in C ∩ Z d ,<br />

including o, is a non-negative integer linear combination of vectors in B. The proof<br />

of (2) is complete. ⊓⊔<br />

The notion of geometric Hilbert basis <strong>and</strong> the geometric Hilbert basis theorem<br />

remind one of the Hilbert [500] basis theorem for ideals in polynomial rings over<br />

Noetherian rings. There are actually relations between these two topics, see [915],<br />

p. 376 for references.<br />

Characterization of Totally dual Integral Systems by Hilbert Bases<br />

We prove the following result, where a row ai of A is active on F if ai x = βi for<br />

each x ∈ F:<br />

Theorem 20.5. Let Ax ≤ b be a rational system of linear inequalities. Then the<br />

following propositions are equivalent:<br />

(i) Ax ≤ b is totally dual integral.<br />

(ii) For each face F of the convex polyhedron P ={x : Ax ≤ b} the rows of A which<br />

are active on F form a Hilbert basis of the cone generated by these rows.<br />

Proof. (i)⇒(ii) Let F be a face of P <strong>and</strong> let a1,...,ak be the rows of A which are<br />

active on F. Then, clearly, the following hold:<br />

(3) Let x be a relatively interior point of F. Leta be a row of A <strong>and</strong> β the<br />

corresponding entry of b. Then<br />

ax= β if a is one of a1,...,ak <strong>and</strong> ax

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