Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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20 Linear Optimization 347<br />

of E k . They generate a lattice L in S. We show that b ′ ∈ S\L. Letx ∈ F. Then<br />

b ′ = A ′ x = x1b ′ 1 +···+xdb ′ d ∈ S. Ifb′ ∈ L, then b ′ = u1b ′ 1 +···+udb ′ d = A′ u<br />

for suitable u ∈ Z d . Hence F contains the integer vector u, which is excluded by<br />

assumption. Let L ∗ be the polar lattice of L in S. Since b ′ �∈ L there is a rational row<br />

y ′ ∈ L ∗ with<br />

y ′ b ′ �∈ Z, while y ′ A ′ = (y ′ b ′ 1 ,...,y′ b ′ d ) ∈ Zd<br />

by the definition of L ∗ . By adding suitable positive integers to the entries of y ′ ,if<br />

necessary, we may suppose that<br />

If a1,...,ak are the rows of A ′ , then<br />

y ′ ≥ o while still y ′ b ′ �∈ Z, y ′ A ′ ∈ Z d .<br />

c = y ′ A ′ = y ′ 1 a1 +···+y ′ k ak ∈ pos{a1,...,ak}∩Z d = NP(F) ∩ Z d ,<br />

β = y ′ b ′ ∈ Q \ Z<br />

by Proposition 20.1. The hyperplane<br />

H ={x : cx = β} ={x : y ′ A ′ x = y ′ b ′ }<br />

is rational, contains F ={x : A ′ x = b ′ } <strong>and</strong> its normal vector c is in NP(F). Thus<br />

H supports P. H contains no u ∈ Z d since otherwise y ′ b ′ = y ′ A ′ u ∈ Z while<br />

y ′ b ′ �∈ Z. This contradicts (ii) <strong>and</strong> thus concludes the proof. ⊓⊔<br />

A consequence of this result is the following:<br />

Corollary 20.1. Let Ax ≤ b be a rational system of linear inequalities. Then the<br />

following statements are equivalent:<br />

(i) sup{cx : Ax ≤ b} is attained by an integer vector x for each rational row c for<br />

which the supremum is finite.<br />

(ii) sup{cx : Ax ≤ b} is an integer for each integer row c for which the supremum<br />

is finite.<br />

(iii) P ={x : Ax ≤ b} is a lattice polyhedron.<br />

Proof. (i)⇒(ii) Let c be an integer row <strong>and</strong> such that sup{cx : Ax ≤ b} is finite. By<br />

(i), the supremum is attained at an integer vector x <strong>and</strong> thus is an integer.<br />

(ii)⇒(iii) We first show the following:<br />

(2) Let H ={x : cx = δ} be a rational support hyperplane of P. Then H<br />

contains a point of Z d .<br />

By multiplying the equation cx = δ by a suitable positive rational number <strong>and</strong><br />

changing notation, if necessary, we may suppose that c is an integer row vector with<br />

relatively prime entries. Since H is a support hyperplane of P, sup{cx : Ax ≤ b} =<br />

δ is finite. By (ii), δ is then an integer. Since c has relatively prime integer entries,<br />

there is a u ∈ Z d such that cu = δ. Hence u ∈ H, concluding the proof of (2).<br />

Having proved (2), Theorem 20.3 implies statement (iii).<br />

(iii)⇒(i) Trivial. ⊓⊔

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