Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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330 <strong>Convex</strong> Polytopes<br />

Theorem 19.6. The integer unimodular invariant valuations φ : P Z d → R (with<br />

ordinary addition <strong>and</strong> multiplication by real numbers) form a real vector space of<br />

dimension d + 1. This space has a basis {L0,...,Ld} such that<br />

Li(nP) = n i Li(P) <strong>and</strong> L(nP) = L0(P) + L1(P)n +···+Ld(P)n d<br />

for P ∈ P Z d , n ∈ N, i = 0,...,d.<br />

Proof. We first show that<br />

(11) The homomorphisms ψ : G d /H d → R with ordinary addition <strong>and</strong> multiplication<br />

with real numbers form a real vector space of dimension d + 1.<br />

These homomorphisms clearly form a real vector space. For the proof that it is of dimension<br />

d +1, use Proposition 19.3 to define d +1 homomorphisms ψi : G d /H d →<br />

R, i = 0,...,d, by:<br />

ψi(a0S0 +···+ad Sd + H d ) = ai for a0S0 +···+ad Sd + H d ∈ G d /H d .<br />

To show that ψ0,...,ψd are linearly independent, let α0,...,αd ∈ R be such that<br />

α0ψ0 +···+αdψd = 0. Then<br />

0 = α0ψ0(a0S0 +···+ad Sd + H d ) +···+αdψd(a0S0 +···+ad Sd + H d )<br />

= α0a0 +···+αdad for all a0,...,ad ∈ Z,<br />

which implies that α0 = ··· = αd = 0 <strong>and</strong> thus shows the linear independence<br />

of ψ0,...,ψd. To show that ψ0,...,ψd form a basis, let ψ : G d /H d → R be a<br />

homomorphism. Then<br />

ψ(a0S0 +···+ad Sd + H d ) = a0ψ(S0 + H d ) +···+adψ(Sd + H d )<br />

= a0β0 +···+adβd say, where βi = ψ(Si + H d )<br />

= β0ψ0(a0S0 +···+ad Sd + H d ) +···+βdψd(a0S0 +···+ad Sd + H d )<br />

for all a0S0 +···+ad Sd + H d ∈ G d /H d .<br />

Hence ψ = β0ψ0 +···+βdψd. Thus {ψ0,...,ψd} is a basis, concluding the proof<br />

of (11).<br />

By Proposition 19.2, the integer unimodular invariant valuations φ : P Z d → R<br />

coincide with the restrictions of the homomorphisms ψ : G d /H d → R to a certain<br />

subset of G d /H d . Thus (11) implies that<br />

(12) The integer unimodular invariant valuations φ : P Z d → R form a real<br />

vector space of dimension at most d + 1.<br />

We next show that<br />

(13) There are d + 1 linearly independent valuations L0,...,Ld : P Z d → R<br />

such that<br />

Li(nP) = n i Li(P), L(nP) = L0(P) + L1(P)n +···+Ld(P)n d<br />

for P ∈ P Z d , n ∈ N, i = 0,...,d.

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