Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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19 Lattice Polytopes 327<br />

(2) conv � S ∪{p} � = S ˙∪ conv � Fi1 ∪{p}� ˙∪··· ˙∪ conv � Fik ∪{p}�<br />

= conv � Fj1 ∪{p}� ˙∪··· ˙∪ conv � Fjl ∪{p}� .<br />

Here, for a facet Fin , the point p is in the interior of the halfspace aff F+<br />

in determined<br />

by the support hyperplane aff Fin of S, <strong>and</strong>, for a facet Fjn , the point p is in the<br />

interior of the support halfspace aff F − of S. Then<br />

jn<br />

(3) S + conv � Fi1 ∪{p}� +···+conv � Fik ∪{p}� + H d p<br />

= conv � Fj1 ∪{p}� +···+conv � Fjl ∪{p}� + H d p<br />

by the definition of Hd p . We next show that<br />

(4) There is a point p ∈ Z d such that<br />

V � conv � Fi ∪{p} �� < V = V (S) for i = 0,...,d.<br />

The proof of (4) is elementary <strong>and</strong> will only be outlined. Choose m such that<br />

maj + 1 ≤ a1 +···+a j ≤ (m + 1)a j<br />

<strong>and</strong> put p = (0,...,0, 1,...,1, 0,...,0) ∈ Z d with j − m − 1 zeros, m + 1<br />

ones <strong>and</strong> d − j zeros (in this order). Considering the equations of the hyperplanes<br />

aff Fi for i = 0, i = 1,..., j − 1, i = j, i = j + 1,...,d, it turns out that<br />

p ∈ aff Fi for i = j + 1,...,d. For all other i the point p is closer to aff Fi than pi.<br />

This concludes the proof of (4). Propositions (4), (3) <strong>and</strong> the induction assumption<br />

show that S satisfies (1). The induction is thus complete <strong>and</strong> (1) holds generally,<br />

concluding the proof of the proposition. ⊓⊔<br />

Let G d be the free Abelian group generated by the convex lattice polytopes P ∈<br />

P Z d <strong>and</strong> let H d be the subgroup generated by the following elements of the group<br />

G d :<br />

P − UP− u, P ∈ PZd , U ∈ U, u ∈ Z d<br />

P − �<br />

Pi + �<br />

i<br />

i< j<br />

Let A be an Abelian group.<br />

Pi ∩ Pj −··· , P = P1 ∪···∪ Pm, Pi, Pi ∩ Pj ,...∈ P Z d<br />

Proposition 19.2. Between the integer unimodular invariant valuations φ : P Z d →A<br />

<strong>and</strong> the homomorphisms ψ : G d /H d → A there is a one-to-one correspondence<br />

such that<br />

(5) φ(P) = ψ(P + H d ) for P ∈ P Z d .<br />

Proof. The first step is to show the following statement:<br />

(6) Let φ : P Z d → A be an integer unimodular invariant valuation. Then there<br />

is a unique homomorphism ψ : G d /H d → A such that (5) is satisfied.<br />

First, define a mapping ψ : G d → A as follows: for P ∈ P Z d let ψ(P) = φ(P).<br />

Then extend ψ to a mapping ψ : G d → A by linearity (over Z d ). This is possible<br />

since G d is the free Abelian group generated by the polytopes in P Z d . Clearly ψ is a<br />

homomorphism. Next,

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