Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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326 <strong>Convex</strong> Polytopes<br />

V (S) = V .Let j be the largest index such that p1− p0,...,p j−1− p0 ∈ Z d are such<br />

that the parallelotope spanned by these vectors contains no point of Z d except for its<br />

vertices. An application of Theorem 21.3 shows that there is a basis {c1,...,cd} of<br />

Z d such that<br />

pi − p0 = ui1c1 +···+uiici for i = 1,...,d<br />

with suitable uik ∈ Zd . The assumption on j shows that o is the only point of Zd in the parallelotope � α1(p1 − p0) +···+αj−1(pj−1 − p0) : 0 ≤ αi < 1 � <strong>and</strong><br />

that |u jj| > 1. The former can be used to show that |u11| = ··· = |u j−1, j−1| =1.<br />

By replacing ci by −ci, if necessary, <strong>and</strong> renaming, we may assume that u11 =<br />

··· = u j−1, j−1 = 1 <strong>and</strong> u jj > 1. Putting d1 = c1, d2 = u21c1 + c2,...,d j−1 =<br />

u j−1,1c1 +···+u j−1, j−2c j−2 + c j−1 <strong>and</strong> d j = u1d1 +···+u jdj−1 + c j with<br />

suitable ui ∈ Zd , <strong>and</strong> d j+1 = c j+1,...,dd = cd, we obtain a basis � �<br />

d1,...,dd of<br />

Zd such that<br />

p1 − p0 = d1<br />

p2 − p0 = d2<br />

............<br />

p j−1 − p0 = d j−1<br />

p j − p0 = v j1d1 +···+v jjd j<br />

.....................................<br />

pd − p0 = vd1d1 +·········+vdddd<br />

with suitable vik ∈ Z, where 0 ≤ v j1,...,vj, j−1 ≤ v jj,vjj > 1. Finally, permuting<br />

d1,...,d j−1 suitably, if necessary, <strong>and</strong> retaining d j,...,dd, we obtain a basis<br />

e1,...,ed of Z d such that<br />

V (p1 − p0) = e1<br />

V (p2 − p0) = e2<br />

...............<br />

V (pj−1 − p0) = e j−1<br />

V (pj − p0) = w j1e1 +···+w jje j<br />

..........................................<br />

V (pd − p0) = wd1e1 +·········+wdded<br />

with a suitable integer unimodular d × d matrix V <strong>and</strong> integers wik ∈ Z such that<br />

0 ≤ w j1 ≤ w j2 ≤ ··· ≤ w jj,wjj > 1. Now choose an integer unimodular d × d<br />

matrix W such that Wei = bi <strong>and</strong> put U = WV. Then<br />

U(pi − p0) = bi for i = 1,..., j − 1,<br />

U(pj − p0) = w j1b1 +···+w jjb j,<br />

where w jk ∈ Z, 0 ≤ w j1 ≤···≤w jj,wjj > 1.<br />

Since S + Hd p = US− Up0 + Hd p , by the definition of Hdp , we may assume that S<br />

already has this form. The facets of S are<br />

Fi = conv{p0,...,pi−1, pi+1,...,pd}, i = 0,...d.<br />

If p ∈ Z d , represent conv � S ∪{p} � as follows:

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