Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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22 <strong>Convex</strong> Functions<br />

| f (z) − f (y)| ≤L�z − y� where L = 2γ<br />

ε .<br />

This concludes the proof of (4) <strong>and</strong> thus of (1). ⊓⊔<br />

Remark. Note that continuity may not extend to bd C as the following example<br />

shows: let B d be the solid Euclidean unit ball in E d <strong>and</strong> f : B d → R. Suppose that<br />

for a suitable real α>0 the restriction of f to int B d is convex <strong>and</strong> bounded above by<br />

α <strong>and</strong> the restriction of f to bd B d is bounded below by 2α, but otherwise arbitrary.<br />

Then f is convex <strong>and</strong> discontinuous at each point of bd B d .<br />

Support <strong>and</strong> a Hahn–Banach Type Result<br />

Support <strong>and</strong> the related separation properties of convex functions <strong>and</strong> convex sets<br />

are of great importance for convex analysis. Moreover, they are bridges between<br />

convex geometry <strong>and</strong> optimization <strong>and</strong> – to some extent – functional analysis. See,<br />

e.g. Hiriart-Urruty <strong>and</strong> Lemaréchal [505], Stoer <strong>and</strong> Witzgall [970] <strong>and</strong> Rudin [861].<br />

A function f : C → R has affine support at a point x ∈ C if there is an affine<br />

function a : E d → R of the form a(y) = f (x) + u · (y − x) for y ∈ E d , where u is<br />

a suitable vector in E d , such that<br />

f (y) ≥ a(y) = f (x) + u · (y − x) for y ∈ C.<br />

a is called an affine support of f at x. The dot · denotes the usual inner product in<br />

E d .<br />

The following result extends Theorem 1.2. It is a finite-dimensional version of<br />

the Hahn–Banach theorem. For the general Hahn–Banach theorem see, e.g. [861].<br />

Our proof is by induction. It generalizes to the infinite dimensional case where, of<br />

course, induction has to be replaced by transfinite induction. A related result on the<br />

existence of support hyperplanes of a convex body is Theorem 4.1. Our proof of<br />

the latter result is essentially finite dimensional <strong>and</strong> thus basically different from the<br />

proof of the following result.<br />

Theorem 2.3. Let f : C → R be convex <strong>and</strong> P an affine subspace in E d through a<br />

point x ∈ int C. Suppose that the restriction f |P has an affine support aP at x. Then<br />

f has an affine support a at x which extends aP, i.e. a|P = aP.<br />

Proof. We may assume that x = o <strong>and</strong> f (o) = 0. Let L = P. Let dim st<strong>and</strong><br />

for dimension. If dim L = d, we are done. Otherwise it is sufficient to prove the<br />

following proposition:<br />

(5) Let k = dim L, dim L + 1,...,d. Then there are a k-dimensional linear<br />

subspace Lk ⊇ L <strong>and</strong> a linear function lk : Lk → R which affinely supports<br />

f |Lk <strong>and</strong> extends lL = aP.<br />

The proof of (5) is by induction. If k = dim L, (5) holds by assumption. Suppose<br />

now that (5) holds for a k < d. Choose w ∈ C\Lk. Then

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