Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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Fig. 17.1. Isometric but not congruent polytopal surfaces<br />

17 Rigidity 293<br />

We wanted to give only an idea of M. Cauchy’s proof, but have reproduced the<br />

argument almost completely. We have thus furnished further evidence of the brilliance<br />

with which this young geometer came to grips with a problem that had resisted even<br />

the efforts of the masters of the art, a problem whose solution was utterly essential if<br />

the theory of solids was to be perfected.<br />

See Belhoste [91], p.28.<br />

For a nice presentation of Cauchy’s proof <strong>and</strong> a survey of related problems, we<br />

refer to Dolbilin [276]. See also the survey of Schlenker [889].<br />

Cauchy’s Rigidity Theorem for <strong>Convex</strong> Polytopal Surfaces<br />

can be stated as follows:<br />

Theorem 17.1. Let P, Q be proper convex polytopes in E 3 . If there is a homeomorphism<br />

of bd P onto bd Q which maps each facet of P isometrically onto a facet of<br />

Q, then P <strong>and</strong> Q are congruent.<br />

There are many versions of Cauchy’s proof in the literature, see, for example the<br />

proof in Aigner <strong>and</strong> Ziegler [6] which includes the arm lemma. The proof consists of<br />

two parts, a geometric <strong>and</strong> a combinatorial one. In the geometric part the following<br />

proposition is proved. Mark an edge of P by +, −, or leave it unmarked, if the<br />

dihedral angle of P at this edge is greater than, less than or equal to the dihedral<br />

angle of Q at the corresponding edge of Q. If no edge of P is marked, P <strong>and</strong> Q<br />

are congruent as can be seen by building up bd Q beginning with one facet <strong>and</strong><br />

successively adding adjacent facets. If at least one edge of P is marked, then for any<br />

vertex of P on a marked edge the following can be shown. On circling around the<br />

vertex, there are at least four changes of sign of the marks encountered (omitting<br />

the edges not marked). This is ruled out in the combinatorial part of the proof by an<br />

argument based on the Euler polytope formula for planar connected graphs.<br />

The first tool for the proof is the so-called arm lemma of Cauchy. We state it<br />

without proof. Proofs are elementary, yet complicated. For a proof, see Danzer [240].<br />

For references to other proofs compare [218].

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