Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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288 <strong>Convex</strong> Polytopes<br />

An Alternative Approach to the Existence of the Elementary Volume<br />

on <strong>Convex</strong> Polytopes<br />

Using a well known determinant formula from analytic geometry, define the elementary<br />

volume of simplices. It is easy to show that this is a valuation on the space of<br />

all simplices in E d . The latter can be extended, by the extension result of Ludwig<br />

<strong>and</strong> Reitzner [667] mentioned in Sect. 7.1, to a unique, simple, translation invariant,<br />

monotone valuation on the space P of all convex polytopes in E d . Since it is easy to<br />

see that this valuation is 1 for the unit cube, it coincides by Theorem 16.1 with the<br />

earlier notion of elementary volume.<br />

Why not Simply use Lebesgue Measure?<br />

There is general agreement, that a notion of volume or measure on the space of<br />

convex polytopes should be at least a translation invariant, simple <strong>and</strong> monotone<br />

valuation which assumes the value 1 for the unit cube. Lebesgue measure has these<br />

properties <strong>and</strong> is unique (on the space of Lebesgue measurable sets). So, why not<br />

simply use Lebesgue measure instead of the elementary volume, the introduction<br />

<strong>and</strong> uniqueness of which are so complicated to show. The reason is that it is by<br />

no means clear that the restriction of Lebesgue measure to the small subspace of<br />

convex polytopes is the only valuation having the mentioned properties. (Note that<br />

the requirements of being translation invariant, etc. on the space of convex polytopes<br />

is a much weaker property than the analogous requirement on the large space of<br />

measurable sets.) A similar remark applies to Jordan measure.<br />

16.2 Hilbert’s Third Problem<br />

Let G be a group of rigid motions in E d . Two proper convex polytopes P, Q are<br />

G-equidissectable if there are dissections {P1,...,Pm} of P <strong>and</strong> {Q1,...,Qm} of<br />

Q such that<br />

Pi = mi Qi with suitable mi ∈ G for i = 1,...,m.<br />

By equidissectability we mean G-equidissectability, where G is the group of all rigid<br />

motions.<br />

If two convex polytopes are equidissectable, then they have equal volume. Does<br />

the converse hold? For d = 2 the answer is yes. While this can easily be shown with<br />

the geometric tools already known in antiquity, the first rigorous proofs are due to<br />

Bolyai [146] <strong>and</strong> Gerwien [372]. Farkas Bolyai published his proof in a book for<br />

high schools. In an appendix of this book Farkas’s son János published his famous<br />

result on non-Euclidean geometry. Gerwien was a Prussian officer <strong>and</strong> amateur mathematician.<br />

Gauss, perhaps, was in doubt whether for d = 3 the answer still is yes,<br />

see his letters [365] to Gerling. In the late nineteenth century there were several attempts<br />

to prove that the answer was no, for example by Bricard [166], unfortunately<br />

with a gap. This seems to have been the motive for Hilbert [501] to state, in the third<br />

problem of his famous list of 23 problems, the following.

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