Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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276 <strong>Convex</strong> Polytopes<br />

The existence of good acyclic orientations of G(P) is easy to see. Choose u ∈<br />

Sd−1 such that the linear form x → u·x assumes different values at different vertices<br />

of P. Then orient an edge vw of P from v to w if u · vu · w.<br />

We now characterize, among all acyclic orientations of G(P), the good ones. Let<br />

O be an acyclic orientation. The in-degree of a vertex v of G(P) is the number of<br />

edges incident with v <strong>and</strong> oriented towards it. Let hO i be the number of vertices of<br />

G(P) with in-degree i, where i = 0, 1,...,d, <strong>and</strong> let<br />

f O = h O 0 + 2hO 1 + 22 h O 2 +···+2d h O d .<br />

If a vertex v of G(P) has in-degree i, then v is a sink of 2 i faces of P. (Since P is<br />

simple, any set of j ≤ i edges of P incident with v determines a face of dimension<br />

j of P which contains these edges but no further edge incident with v.) Let f be the<br />

number of non-empty faces of P. Since each face of P has at least one sink,<br />

Thus,<br />

f O ≥ f, <strong>and</strong> O is good if <strong>and</strong> only if f O = f.<br />

(3) among all acyclic orientations O of G(P), the good orientations are precisely<br />

those with minimum f O .<br />

It is easy to see that each face F of the simple polytope P is simple in aff F,<br />

i.e. F is i-regular, where i = dim F. Clearly, G(F) is a sub-graph of G(P). Wenext<br />

characterize among all sub-graphs of G(P) those which are the edge graphs of faces<br />

of P:<br />

(4) Let H be an induced sub-graph of G(P) that is, it contains all edges of G(P)<br />

which are incident only with vertices of H. Then the following statements<br />

are equivalent:<br />

(i) H = G(F) where F is a face of P.<br />

(ii) H is connected, i-regular for some i <strong>and</strong> initial with respect to some<br />

good acyclic orientation O of G(P).<br />

Here, when saying that the induced sub-graph H is initial, we mean that each edge<br />

of G(P) which is incident with precisely one vertex of H (<strong>and</strong> thus is not an edge of<br />

H) is oriented away from this vertex.<br />

(i)⇒(ii) Clearly, H is connected <strong>and</strong> i-regular where i = dim F. Letu ∈ S d−1<br />

such that the linear function x → u · x assumes different values at different vertices<br />

of P <strong>and</strong> such that the values at the vertices of F are smaller than the values at the<br />

other vertices of P. The orientation O which is determined by this linear form is an<br />

acyclic good orientation <strong>and</strong> H is initial with respect to it.<br />

(ii)⇒(i) Let v beasinkofH with respect to O. There are i edges in H incident<br />

with v <strong>and</strong> oriented towards it. Thus v is a sink of the face F of P of dimension<br />

i containing these i edges. Since O is good, v is the unique sink of F <strong>and</strong> thus all<br />

vertices of F are �O v. Being initial, H contains all vertices �O v. Hence V(F) ⊆

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