Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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246 <strong>Convex</strong> Polytopes<br />

V-Polytopes <strong>and</strong> H-Polytopes<br />

<strong>Convex</strong> polytopes as defined earlier are also called convex V-polytopes. HereV<br />

st<strong>and</strong>s for vertices. Dually, a convex H-polyhedron is the intersection of finitely many<br />

closed halfspaces. A bounded convex H-polyhedron is called a convex H-polytope.<br />

A formal proof of the following folk theorem is due to Weyl [1021], see also<br />

Minkowski [744], Sect. 4.<br />

Theorem 14.2. Let P ⊆ E d . Then the following statements are equivalent:<br />

(i) P is a convex V-polytope.<br />

(ii) P is a convex H-polytope.<br />

Proof. (i)⇒(ii) We may suppose that dim P = d. P has only finitely many faces.<br />

Since each boundary point of P is contained in a support hyperplane of P by Theorem<br />

4.1, bd P is the union of its proper faces. Connecting an interior point of P with<br />

a line segment which misses all faces of dimension at most d − 2 with an exterior<br />

point, each point where it intersects the boundary of P must be contained in a face<br />

of dimension d − 1, i.e. in a facet. Thus P must have facets. Let Hi, i = 1,...,m,<br />

be the hyperplanes containing the facets of P <strong>and</strong> H −<br />

i the corresponding support<br />

halfspaces. We claim that<br />

(3) P = H −<br />

1 ∩···∩ H − m .<br />

The inclusion P ⊆ H −<br />

1 ∩ ··· ∩ H − m is trivial. To show the reverse inclusion, let<br />

x ∈ Ed \P. For each of the finitely many faces of P of dimension at most d − 2,<br />

consider the affine hull of the face <strong>and</strong> x. Choose a point y ∈ int P which is contained<br />

in none of these affine hulls. The intersection of the line segment [x, y] with bd P<br />

then is a point z ∈ bd P which is contained in none of these affine hulls <strong>and</strong> thus in<br />

none of the faces of P of dimension at most d − 2. Since bd P is the union of all<br />

faces, z is contained in a suitable facet <strong>and</strong> thus in one of the hyperplanes, say Hi.<br />

Then x �∈ H −<br />

i <strong>and</strong> therefore x �∈ H −<br />

1 ∩···∩ H − −<br />

m . Hence P ⊇ H1 ∩···∩ H − m ,<br />

concluding the proof of (3).<br />

(ii)⇒(i) Let P = H −<br />

1 ∩···∩ H − −<br />

m be bounded, where each Hi , i = 1, ··· , m,<br />

is a halfspace with boundary hyperplane Hi. Clearly, P is a convex body. By<br />

Minkowski’s theorem 5.5, P is the convex hull of its extreme points. To conclude<br />

the proof that P is a convex polytope, it is thus sufficient to show that P has only<br />

finitely many extreme points. To see this, it is sufficient to prove the following proposition:<br />

(4) Let e be an extreme point of P. Then e is the intersection of a sub-family<br />

of {H1,...,Hm}.<br />

By re-indexing, if necessary, we may assume that<br />

e ∈ H1,...,Hk, int H −<br />

k+1 ,...,int H − m .

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