Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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242 <strong>Convex</strong> Bodies<br />

by Proposition 13.1(iii). Thus β = 1/κd <strong>and</strong> (9) shows that<br />

s(C) = 1<br />

�<br />

hC(u)udσ(u) = sC,<br />

κd<br />

Sd−1 concluding the proof of (8).<br />

In the last step note that s(·) <strong>and</strong> sC are continuous in C. Hence (8) implies that<br />

s(C) = sC for all C ∈ C, i.e. Proposition (ii) holds. ⊓⊔<br />

Remark. For a slight refinement of this result, see Posicel’skiĭ [814]. The problem<br />

remains whether one can relax the properties (b) <strong>and</strong> (c).<br />

Description of the Continuous Endomorphisms of the <strong>Convex</strong> Cone 〈C, +〉<br />

The next result is due to Schneider [900].<br />

Theorem 13.7. Let d ≥ 3 <strong>and</strong> let E : C → C be a mapping. Then the following<br />

statements are equivalent:<br />

(i) E(C) = C + λ(C − C) for C ∈ C, where λ ≥ 0 is a constant.<br />

(ii) E has the following properties:<br />

(a) E(C + D) = E(C) + E(D) for C, D ∈ C<br />

(b) E(aC) = aE(C) for C ∈ C <strong>and</strong> all surjective affinities a : E d → E d<br />

(c) E is continuous<br />

Description of the Endomorphisms of the Lattice 〈C, ∧, ∨〉<br />

By an endomorphism of the lattice 〈C, ∧, ∨〉 a mapping E : C → C is meant for<br />

which<br />

E(C ∧ D) = E(C) ∧ E(D), E(C ∨ D) = E(C) ∨ E(D) for C, D ∈ C.<br />

As a final result of this section we state a description by <strong>Gruber</strong> [424] of the endomorphisms<br />

of 〈C, ∧, ∨〉.<br />

Theorem 13.8. Let d ≥ 2 <strong>and</strong> let E : C → C be a mapping. Then the following<br />

statements are equivalent:<br />

(i) E is an endomorphism of 〈C, ∧, ∨〉.<br />

(ii) For E one of the following hold:<br />

(a) E(C) = DforC∈ C, where D is a fixed convex body<br />

(b) There is a surjective affinity a : E d → E d such that E(C) = aC for C ∈ C<br />

Remark. For a description of the endomorphisms in case d = 1, see [424].

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