Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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12 Special <strong>Convex</strong> Bodies 229<br />

by properties (v), (iii) of the lemma, Proposition (5) <strong>and</strong>, again, properties (iii), (v),<br />

(ii), (iii) <strong>and</strong> (ii). Thus property (i) <strong>and</strong> Proposition (5) imply that<br />

For each line L(= S ∗ ) through o there is a hyperplane H(= T ∗ ) through o<br />

such that<br />

B ∗ + L = B ∗ ∩ H + L.<br />

Blaschke’s characterization of ellipsoids then shows that B ∗ is an ellipsoid. Since o is<br />

in the centre of B, alsoB ∗ has centre o. An application of property (iv) then implies<br />

that B is an ellipsoid, concluding the proof of Statement (i) of the theorem. ⊓⊔<br />

Orthogonality in Normed Spaces<br />

A well-known notion of orthogonality in normed spaces which goes back to a question<br />

of Carathéodory on Finsler spaces is as follows. Given a normed space with<br />

norm |·|, a vector x is orthogonal to a vector y, in symbols<br />

x⊥y, if |x| ≤|x + λy| for all λ ∈ R.<br />

Expressed geometrically, x⊥y means that the line through x parallel to the vector y<br />

supports the ball {z :|z| ≤|x|} at the boundary point x. This notion of orthogonality<br />

is sometimes named for Birkhoff [118] or James [541]. Orthogonality is important<br />

in the context of approximation <strong>and</strong> still attracts interest, see the pertinent literature<br />

in the books of Amir [27] <strong>and</strong> Istrǎtescu [537].<br />

The following result is due to Blaschke [123, 124] <strong>and</strong> Birkhoff [118].<br />

Theorem 12.6. Let |·|be a norm on E d , d ≥ 3, <strong>and</strong> let ⊥ be the corresponding<br />

notion of orthogonality. Then the following are equivalent:<br />

(i) |·|is Euclidean.<br />

(ii) ⊥ is symmetric, i.e. x⊥y implies y⊥x forx, y ∈ E d .<br />

Proof. (i)⇒(ii) This is trivial.<br />

(ii)⇒(i) Let B ={x :|x| ≤1}. We will prove that<br />

(6) For each line L through o there is a hyperplane H through o such that<br />

B + L = B ∩ H + L.<br />

Let bd B ∩ L ={±p}, say, <strong>and</strong> let H + p be a support hyperplane of B at p.Forthe<br />

proof that B + L = B ∩ H + L, it is sufficient to show that any line of the form L +q,<br />

where q ∈ B, meets B ∩ H. Given such a line, let (L + q) ∩ H ={r}. Since r ∈ H<br />

<strong>and</strong> H + p supports B at p, wehave|p| ≤|p + λr| for all λ ∈ R or p⊥r. Thus<br />

r⊥p by (ii), or |r| ≤|r + µp| for all µ ∈ R, or|r| ≤|s| for all s ∈ L + r = L + q.<br />

Hence, in particular, |r| ≤|q| ≤1, or r ∈ B. This concludes the proof of (6).<br />

Having proved (6), Blaschke’s ellipsoid theorem shows that B is an ellipsoid,<br />

concluding the proof of (i). ⊓⊔

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