Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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204 <strong>Convex</strong> Bodies<br />

For more information on John’s theorem <strong>and</strong> its aftermath, see the article of<br />

Ball [53] <strong>and</strong> the surveys of Johnson <strong>and</strong> Lindenstrauss [552], Ball [54], <strong>and</strong><br />

Giannopoulos <strong>and</strong> Milman [374] in the H<strong>and</strong>book of the <strong>Geometry</strong> of Banach<br />

Spaces. For information on other John type <strong>and</strong> so-called minimum position results<br />

see <strong>Gruber</strong> [445].<br />

Uniqueness <strong>and</strong> John’s Characterization of Inscribed Ellipsoids of Maximum<br />

Volume<br />

Our aim here is to show the results of Löwner, Behrend [90], Danzer, Laugwitz <strong>and</strong><br />

Lenz [242], <strong>and</strong> of John [549], Pełczyński [788], <strong>and</strong> Ball [51], respectively, for<br />

o-symmetric convex bodies.<br />

Given d ×d matrices A = (aij), B = (bij), define their inner product by A· B =<br />

� aijbij, where summation on i <strong>and</strong> j is from 1 to d. The dot · denotes also the<br />

ordinary inner product in E d .Foru,v ∈ E d ,letu ⊗ v be the d ×d matrix u v T . Then<br />

(u ⊗ v)x = (v · x) u for u,v,x ∈ E d . I is the d × d unit matrix.<br />

Theorem 11.1. Let C ∈ Cp be symmetric in o. Then there is a unique ellipsoid of<br />

maximum volume (necessarily symmetric in o) amongst all ellipsoids contained in C.<br />

Theorem 11.2. Let C ∈ Cp be symmetric in o <strong>and</strong> B d ⊆ C. Then the following<br />

statements are equivalent:<br />

(i) Bd is the unique ellipsoid of maximum volume amongst all ellipsoids in C.<br />

(ii) There are ui ∈ Bd ∩ bd C <strong>and</strong> λi > 0, i = 1,...,m, where d ≤ m ≤ 1 2d(d + 1)<br />

such that<br />

I = �<br />

λi ui ⊗ ui, �<br />

λk = d.<br />

i<br />

Here, <strong>and</strong> in the following, summation on i <strong>and</strong> k is from 1 to m. It is not difficult to<br />

extend both theorems to convex bodies C which are not necessarily symmetric in o.<br />

Without loss of generality, we assume, in the following, that all ellipsoids are<br />

symmetric in o. Before beginning the proof, we state two tools:<br />

(1) Each non-singular d ×d matrix M can be represented in the form M = AR,<br />

where A is a symmetric, positive definite <strong>and</strong> R an orthogonal d ×d matrix.<br />

(Take A = (MM T ) 1 2 <strong>and</strong> R = A −1 M, see [367], p.112.) Identify a symmetric d × d<br />

matrix A = (aij) with the point (a11,...,a1d, a22,...,a2d,...,add) ∈ E 1 2 d(d+1) .<br />

Then, the set of all symmetric positive definite d × d matrices is (represented by) an<br />

open convex cone P in E 1 2 d(d+1) with apex at the origin. The set<br />

(2) D ={A ∈ P : det A ≥ 1} is a closed, smooth <strong>and</strong> strictly convex set in P<br />

with non-empty interior.<br />

This follows from the implicit function theorem <strong>and</strong> Minkowski’s determinant<br />

inequality,<br />


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