Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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The Reverse Normal Image<br />

10 Problems of Minkowski <strong>and</strong> Weyl <strong>and</strong> Some Dynamics 189<br />

Let C ∈ Cp be given. Given a Borel set B ⊆ Sd−1 ,thereverse normal or reverse<br />

(B) of B in bd C is defined by<br />

spherical image n −1<br />

C<br />

n −1<br />

C (B) = � x ∈ bd C : there is an exterior normal<br />

unit vector of bd C at x contained in B � .<br />

Let µd−1 be the (d − 1)-dimensional Hausdorff measure in E d . A subset of bd C is<br />

measurable if it is measurable with respect to µd−1| bd C.<br />

Proposition 10.1. The reverse normal image of a Borel set in S d−1 is measurable in<br />

bd C.<br />

Proof. Let M be the family of all sets B in Sd−1 for which n −1<br />

C (B) is measurable.<br />

We have to show that M contains all Borel sets in Sd−1 . This will be done in three<br />

steps.<br />

First, the following will be shown:<br />

(1) Let B ⊆ Sd−1 be compact. Then n −1<br />

C (B) is compact in bd C <strong>and</strong> thus<br />

B ∈ M.<br />

To see this, let x1, x2, ··· ∈ n −1<br />

C (B) such that x1, x2, ··· → x ∈ bd C, say.We<br />

have to show that x ∈ n −1<br />

C (B). Choose u1, u2, ··· ∈ B ⊆ S d−1 for which xn ∈<br />

n −1<br />

C (un) for n = 1, 2,... By considering a suitable subsequence <strong>and</strong> renumbering,<br />

if necessary, we may suppose that u1, u2, ···→u ∈ S d−1 , say. Since B is compact,<br />

u ∈ B. The body C is contained in each of the support halfspaces {z : un · z ≤<br />

un · xn}. Since un → u, xn → x, it follows that C is contained in the halfspace<br />

{z : u · z ≤ u · x} <strong>and</strong> x is a common boundary point of this halfspace <strong>and</strong> of C.<br />

Hence this halfspace supports C <strong>and</strong> thus x ∈ n −1<br />

C (u) ⊆ n−1<br />

C (B), concluding the<br />

proof of (1).<br />

Second, we claim the following:<br />

(2) Let B ∈ M. Then B c = S d−1 \B ∈ M.<br />

At each point of n −1<br />

C<br />

(B) ∩ n−1<br />

C (Bc ) there are two different exterior unit normal vec-<br />

(B) ∩ n−1<br />

C (Bc )<br />

� −1<br />

is singular. The theorem of Anderson <strong>and</strong> Klee 5.1 then shows that µd−1 nC (B) ∩<br />

n −1<br />

C (Bc ) � = 0. The set n −1<br />

C (Bc ) thus differs from the set Sd−1 \n −1<br />

C (B) which is<br />

measurable by the assumption in (2), by a set of measure 0 <strong>and</strong> therefore is measurable<br />

itself. The proof of (2) is complete.<br />

Third, the following statement holds:<br />

tors of bd C, one in B, the other one in B c . Hence each point of n −1<br />

C<br />

(3) Let B1, B2, ···∈M. Then B = B1 ∪ B2 ∪···∈M.<br />

This follows from the identity n −1<br />

C (B) = n−1<br />

C (B1) ∪ n −1<br />

C (B2) ∪···<br />

Having proved (1) – (3), it follows that M is a σ -algebra of subsets of Sd−1 containing all compact sets in Sd−1 . It thus contains the smallest such σ -algebra,<br />

that is the family of all Borel sets in Sd−1 . ⊓⊔

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