Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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7 Valuations 133<br />

Theorem 7.9. Let φ be a continuous valuation on C which is invariant with respect<br />

to proper rigid motions. Then<br />

φ = c0W0 +···+cd Wd with suitable constants c0,...,cd.<br />

This result clearly shows the importance of the quermassintegrals W0,...,Wd on C.<br />

For information on quermassintegrals, see Sect. 6.4 <strong>and</strong> the references cited there.<br />

Proof (by Induction on d). The functional theorem is trivial for d = 0. Assume now<br />

that d > 0 <strong>and</strong> that it holds for d − 1. We have to prove it for d. The restriction of<br />

φ to C(E d−1 ) satisfies the assumption of the theorem. The induction hypothesis then<br />

shows that<br />

(18) φ(C) = d0w0(C) +···+dd−1wd−1(C) for C ∈ C(E d−1 ),<br />

where d0,...,dd−1 are suitable constants <strong>and</strong> w0,...,wd−1 are the quermassintegrals<br />

in E d−1 . Note that<br />

d κi−1<br />

(19) W0(C) = 0,wi−1(C) = Wi(C)<br />

i κi<br />

for C ∈ C(Ed−1 ) ⊆ C(Ed = Ed−1 × R),<br />

by Proposition 6.7. Consider the valuation<br />

ψ = φ −<br />

d�<br />

i=1<br />

di−1<br />

d κi−1<br />

Wi = φ −<br />

i κi<br />

d�<br />

ci Wi, say.<br />

ψ(C) = 0forC∈ C(Ed−1 ) ⊆ C(Ed ) by (18) <strong>and</strong> (19). Since φ is invariant with<br />

respect to proper rigid motions, by assumption, <strong>and</strong> the same is true of the quermassintegrals<br />

Wi, by Theorem 6.13, ψ is also invariant with respect to proper rigid<br />

motions. This shows that ψ is simple. Since φ is continuous, by assumption, <strong>and</strong> the<br />

quermassintegrals Wi are continuous by Theorem 6.13, the valuation ψ is continuous<br />

too. Thus ψ satisfies the assumptions of Hadwiger’s characterization theorem for the<br />

volume which then implies that ψ = c0V = c0W0 where c0 is a suitable constant.<br />

Hence<br />

d�<br />

d�<br />

φ = ψ + ci Wi = ci Wi. ⊓⊔<br />

i=1<br />

Remark. Hadwiger [462, 464] also proved a similar result, where, instead of continuity,<br />

monotony is assumed. An interesting recent result of Ludwig <strong>and</strong> Reitzner<br />

[666] shows that the valuations on C which are semi-continuous <strong>and</strong> invariant with<br />

respect to volume preserving affinities are precisely the linear combinations of the<br />

Euler characteristic, affine surface area <strong>and</strong> volume. Alesker [7, 8] determined the<br />

continuous rotation invariant <strong>and</strong> the continuous translation invariant valuations<br />

on C. For further pertinent results <strong>and</strong> additional information, see McMullen <strong>and</strong><br />

Schneider [716], McMullen [714] <strong>and</strong> Klain <strong>and</strong> Rota [587].<br />

i=0<br />


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