Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry

Gruber P. Convex and Discrete Geometry


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96 <strong>Convex</strong> Bodies<br />

Proposition 6.5. Let C1,...,Cd ∈ C. Then:<br />

(i) V (C1 + t1,...,Cd + td) = V (C1,...,Cd) for all t1,...,td ∈ E d .<br />

(ii) V (mC1,...,mCd) = V (C1,...,Cd) for all rigid motions m : E d → E d .<br />

Remark. More generally, we have the following: let a : E d → E d be an affinity<br />

with determinant det a �= 0. Then<br />

Linearity<br />

V (aC1,...,aCd) =|det a|V (C1,...,Cd).<br />

Mixed volumes are linear in each variable with respect to non-negative linear combinations<br />

of convex bodies.<br />

Proposition 6.6. Let C, D, D2,...,Dd ∈ C. Then<br />

V (λC + µD, D2,...,Dd) = λV (C, D2,...,Dd) + µV (D, D2,...,Dd)<br />

for λ, µ ≥ 0.<br />

Proof. Let λ, µ ≥ 0. The quantities<br />

V � �<br />

λ1(λC + µD) + λ2D2 +···+λd Dd ,<br />

V � �<br />

(λ1λ)C + (λ1µ)D + λ2 D2 +···+λd Dd<br />

have identical polynomial representations in λ1,...,λd. The coefficient of λ1 ···λd<br />

in the first polynomial is<br />

d !V (λC + µD, D2,...,Dd).<br />

The coefficient of λ1 ···λd in the second polynomial can be obtained by representing<br />

the second quantity as a polynomial in λ1λ, λ1µ, λ2,...,λd <strong>and</strong> then collecting<br />

λ1 ···λd. Thus it is<br />

d !λV (C, D2,...,Dd) + d !µV (D, D2,...,Dd).<br />

Since the coefficients coincide, the proof is complete. ⊓⊔<br />

Continuity<br />

Mixed volume are continuous in their entries.<br />

Theorem 6.8. V (·,...,·) is continuous on C ×···×C.<br />

Proof. The following remark is clear:<br />

Let p, pn, n = 1, 2,..., be homogeneous polynomials of degree d in d<br />

variables such that

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