Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...

Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...

Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...


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number <strong>of</strong> U.S. rivers and lakes was then added to the test system, and the LT50 was reported.<br />

NOM was found to reduce the toxic effects <strong>of</strong> Pb to rainbow trout.<br />

Fish size is an important variable in determining the adverse effects <strong>of</strong> Pb. Alam and<br />

Maughan (1995) exposed two different sizes <strong>of</strong> common carp (Cyprinus carpio) to Pb<br />

concentrations to observed effects on carp mortality. Water chemistry parameters were reported<br />

(pH = 7.1; temperature = 20 ΕC). Smaller fish (3.5 cm) were found to be more sensitive to Pb<br />

than were larger fish (6.5 cm). The reported LC50s were 0.44 mg/L and 1.03 mg/L, respectively.<br />

Marine Fish<br />

There were no studies available that examined the toxicity <strong>of</strong> Pb to marine fish species <strong>for</strong><br />

the time period examined (1986 to present). However, Eisler (2000) reviewed available research<br />

on Pb toxicity to marine species and reported studies done prior to 1986. Acute toxicity values<br />

ranged from 50 µg/L to 300,000 µg/L in plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) exposed to organic and<br />

inorganic <strong>for</strong>ms <strong>of</strong> Pb (Eisler, 2000). Organolead compounds (e.g., tetramethyl Pb, tetraethyl Pb,<br />

triethyl Pb, diethyl Pb) were generally more toxic to plaice than inorganic Pb (Maddock and<br />

Taylor, 1980).<br />

Other Aquatic Biota<br />

A paucity <strong>of</strong> data exist on the effects <strong>of</strong> Pb to growth, reproduction, and survival <strong>of</strong><br />

aquatic stages <strong>of</strong> frogs and turtles. Rice et al. (1999) exposed frog larvae (Rana catesbeiana) to<br />

780 µg Pb/L and two oxygen concentrations (3.5 or 7.85 mg/L) <strong>for</strong> 7 days (Table AX7-2.4.3).<br />

Exposure conditions included water hardness <strong>of</strong> 233 to 244 mg CaCO3/L, pH from 7.85 to 7.9,<br />

and temperature at 23 ΕC. Frog larvae were found to display little to no activity in the low<br />

oxygen and high Pb treatment. Hypoxia-like behavior was exhibited in larvae exposed to both<br />

low and high oxygen concentrations and high Pb. There<strong>for</strong>e, larvae <strong>of</strong> R. catesbeiana showed<br />

sensitivity to Pb and responded with hypoxia-like behavior. Additionally, the larvae in the Pb<br />

treatment were found to have lost body mass relative to controls and the other treatments. Rice<br />

et al. (1999) suggested that the decrease in mass likely indicated the beginning <strong>of</strong> a period <strong>of</strong><br />

reduced growth rate. Larvae exposed <strong>for</strong> longer periods (>4 weeks) were smaller and<br />

metamorphosed later compared to unexposed individuals.<br />


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