Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...

Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...

Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...


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210 Pb lead-210 radionuclide<br />

Pb(Ac)2<br />

lead acetate<br />

PbB blood lead concentration<br />

PbCl2<br />

lead chloride<br />

Pb(ClO4)2<br />

lead chlorate<br />

PBG-S porphobilinogen synthase<br />

PBMC peripheral blood mononuclear cells<br />

Pb(NO3)2<br />

lead nitrate<br />

PbO lead oxides (or litharge)<br />

PBP progressive bulbar paresis<br />

PbS galena<br />

PbU urinary lead<br />

PC12 pheochromocytoma cell<br />

PCR polymerase chain reaction<br />

PCV packed cell volume<br />

PDE phosphodiesterase<br />

PDGF platelet-derived growth factor<br />

PDI Psychomotor Development Index<br />

PEC probable effect concentration<br />

PEF expiratory peak flow<br />

PG prostaglandin (e.g., PGE2, PGF2); prostate gland<br />

PHA phytohemagglutinin A<br />

Pi inorganic phosphate<br />

PIXE particle induced X-ray emission<br />

PKC protein kinase C<br />

pl NEpi plasma norepinephrine<br />

PMA progressive muscular atrophy<br />

PMN polymorphonuclear leucocyte<br />

PMR proportionate mortality ratio<br />

PN postnatal (day)<br />

P5N pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase<br />

PND postnatal day<br />

p.o., PO per os (oral administration)<br />

POMS Pr<strong>of</strong>ile <strong>of</strong> Mood States<br />

ppb parts per billion<br />


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