Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...

Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...

Air Quality Criteria for Lead Volume II of II - (NEPIS)(EPA) - US ...


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ANP atrial natriuretic peptide<br />

AP alkaline phosphatase<br />

AP-1 activated protein-1<br />

ApoE apolipoprotein E<br />

AQCD <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> <strong>Criteria</strong> Document<br />

Arg arginine<br />

AS52 cells derived from the CHO cell line<br />

ASGP-R aceyl glycoprotein receptor<br />

AST aspartate aminotransferase<br />

ASV anode stripping voltammetry<br />

3-AT 3-aminotriazole; 3-amino triazide<br />

ATP adenosine triphosphate<br />

ATP1A2 sodium-potassium adenosine triphosphase α2<br />

ATPase adenosine triphosphatase<br />

ATSDR Agency <strong>for</strong> Toxic Substances and Disease Research<br />

AVCD atrioventricular conduction deficit<br />

AVS acid volatile sulfide<br />

AWQC ambient water quality criteria<br />

$ beta-coefficient; slope <strong>of</strong> an equation<br />

$FGF $-fibroblast growth factor<br />

17$–HS 17$-hydroxysteriod<br />

3$-HSD 3$-hydroxysteriod dehydrogenase<br />

17$-HSDH 17$-hydroxysteriod dehydrogenase<br />

6$-OH-cortisol 6-$-hydroxycortisol<br />

B both<br />

BAEP brainstem auditory-evoked potentials<br />

BAER brainstem auditory-evoked responses<br />

BAF bioaccumulation factor<br />

B cell B lymphocyte<br />

BCFs bioconcentration factors<br />

BCS bovine calf serum<br />

BDNF brain derived neurotrophic factor<br />

BDWT body weight changes<br />

BEI biological exposure index<br />

BFU-E blood erythroid progenitor<br />


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