Environmental Health Criteria 214

Environmental Health Criteria 214

Environmental Health Criteria 214


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(direction, velocity, and turbulence) and thermal properties<br />

(stability) are the most important. A number of models are available<br />

for estimation of ambient concentrations of pollutants. Most of them<br />

are founded on the Gaussian air dispersion model, an introduction to<br />

which may be found in Wilson & Spengler (1996). Two of the seminal<br />

works in this field are Pasquill (1961) and Gifford & Hanna (1973).<br />

Another area of air quality models focuses on determining the<br />

sources of pollutants in outdoor air. As discussed in Chapter 2,<br />

information on sources of exposure is important for evaluating<br />

alternative strategies for managing risk. These models are commonly<br />

used for apportioning concentrations of airborne particulate matter<br />

among its various sources (e.g., coal-fired power plants,<br />

gasoline-powered vehicles and diesel-powered vehicles). In such source<br />

apportionment models, profiles of element concentrations in<br />

particulate matter emitted from different sources are combined with<br />

sophisticated statistical methods (e.g., principal component or factor<br />

analysis) to estimate the relative abundance of particles from each<br />

source type. Glover et al. (1991) and Daisey et al. (1986) provide a<br />

good introduction to source apportionment models for particulate<br />

matter, while Edgerton & Shah (1991) describe a source apportionment<br />

model for VOCs.<br />

Several approaches have been used to estimate expected indoor air<br />

pollution concentrations (for reviews see Cooke, 1991; WHO, 1997b).<br />

These include deterministic models based on a pollutant mass balance<br />

around a particular indoor air volume; a variety of empirical<br />

approaches based on statistical evaluation of test data and (usually)<br />

a least squares regression analysis; or a combination of both<br />

approaches, empirically fitting the parameters of a deterministic<br />

model with values statistically derived from experimental measurements<br />

(see Chapter 4). All three approaches have advantages and weaknesses.<br />

The deterministic model provides more generality in its application,<br />

but the results lack accuracy and precision. Deterministic models<br />

include single- and multiple-compartment models. The empirical models,<br />

when applied within the range of measured conditions for which they<br />

were fitted, provide more accurate information. An example of an<br />

empirical model for indoor concentrations of respirable particulate<br />

matter may be found in Chapter 12. Often the compartment of the indoor<br />

air mass balance models that is most difficult to represent is the<br />

role of indoor surfaces as sources or sinks for contaminants. This is<br />

an important field of inquiry with respect to inhalation exposures to<br />

ozone and VOCs (Reiss et al., 1995).<br />

6.4.2 Potable water<br />

Exposure to contaminants in water may occur via the ingestion,<br />

dermal absorption and inhalation routes. Ingestion of water primarily<br />

occurs via two pathways: direct ingestion via drinking or cooking and<br />

intrinsic water intake (i.e., the water intrinsic in foods prior to<br />

preparation). It is important to consider both routes. Drinking-water<br />

ingestion rates have also been shown to vary according to cultural<br />

differences and can be an important source of uncertainty about<br />

chemical exposure when extrapolating results of epidemiological<br />

studies from one culture to another (e.g., Mushak & Crocetti, 1995).<br />

Lognormal distributions of drinking-water ingestion rates for<br />

individuals comprising various age groups in the USA (Table 18) are<br />

available in the literature (Roseberry & Burmaster, 1992). Additional<br />

information on drinking and cooking water as exposure media may be<br />

found in Chapter 7.<br />

http://www.inchem.org/documents/ehc/ehc/ehc<strong>214</strong>.htm<br />

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