Environmental Health Criteria 214

Environmental Health Criteria 214

Environmental Health Criteria 214


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* Observed variables are on a continuous scale.<br />

* Measurement scale is at least ordinal.<br />

* Population 1 ( X 1 ) has approximately the same distribution as<br />

X 2 .<br />

If we assume that the data follows a normal distribution and that<br />

the data are independent, with the first group distributed N(µ,<br />

rho2 1 ) and the second group distributed N(µ, rho2 2 ) so that the<br />

variances are possibly different, a test can be constructed to see if<br />

the difference (Delta) between the means for the groups is equal to a<br />

hypothesized value (Delta0 ), typically set to zero. This scenario<br />

would result in a two-sample t-test, and the test statistic is<br />

presented in Eq. 4.13 in Table 13, where t is compared with a<br />

t-distribution with df = min( n 1 -1, n 2 -1) degrees of freedom,<br />

and s i 2 is computed as described in section 4.2.1. The possible<br />

alternatives are that Delta > Delta 0 , Delta < Delta 0 , or the<br />

general alternative that Delta not equal Delta 0 . If we are looking<br />

for differences, we reject the null hypothesis that the groups are the<br />

same for the respective alternative if t > T df,alpha, t < -<br />

T df,alpha, or | t| > T df, alpha/2 , where alpha is the prespecified type I<br />

error for the decision to be made.<br />

Referring once again to the blood lead example presented earlier,<br />

the following null hypothesis may be tested: mean blood lead<br />

concentrations in the Maltese sample population are equal to those in<br />

the Mexican sample population. The corresponding alternative<br />

hypothesis is: mean blood lead concentrations are not equal in the two<br />

sample populations. As indicated in Fig. 13, the point estimates of<br />

the respective sample means are different. Completion of the<br />

two-sample t-test will allow for determination of whether the<br />

difference is statistically significant with 1-alpha% confidence.<br />

Using Eq. 4.13, the t-statistic is computed to be 3.30. Setting<br />

alpha = 0.05, the critical t-value is 1.96. Thus, the Maltese and<br />

Mexican sample mean blood concentrations are significantly different<br />

at the 0.05 level.<br />

4.4.4 Statistical models<br />

Statistical models make explicit the potential sources of<br />

variability to be measured. The response, exposure, is dependent upon<br />

a combination of measured factors and background variation from<br />

unmeasured influences. For example, in examining pesticide exposures,<br />

one might consider methods and amounts of applications, climate<br />

conditions and duration of potential exposure. Unmeasured factors<br />

might include exact knowledge of individual behaviours and locations,<br />

which may cause different levels of exposure between two individuals<br />

who are equal with respect to other exposure characteristics. One must<br />

consider as many of the potential relationships between the responses<br />

as possible, as well as how the possible factors will affect each<br />

other, before finalizing a study design.<br />

Since no simple model will perfectly describe all relationships,<br />

the goal is to construct a parsimonious model that describes the major<br />

factors of the process resulting in exposure. For example, in studying<br />

the exposure of children to lead, the presence of lead in paint, in<br />

http://www.inchem.org/documents/ehc/ehc/ehc<strong>214</strong>.htm<br />

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