Georg G. Raffelt Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (München) - Fermilab

Georg G. Raffelt Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (München) - Fermilab

Georg G. Raffelt Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (München) - Fermilab


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<strong>Georg</strong> G. <strong>Raffelt</strong><br />

<strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong><br />

<strong>Max</strong> <strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong> (<strong>München</strong>)<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

The CP Problem of Strong Interactions<br />

Standard<br />

QCD Lagrangian<br />

contains<br />

a CP violating term<br />

Induces a neutron<br />

electric dipole moment<br />

(EDM) much in excess<br />

of experimental limits<br />

Characterizes degenerate<br />

QCD ground state (Θ ( vacuum)<br />

Θ<br />

L<br />

d<br />

CP<br />

n<br />

10 −<br />

< 10 −<br />

<<br />

α<br />

=<br />

−<br />

s<br />

2<br />

π<br />

( Θ<br />

−<br />

arg<br />

det<br />

M<br />

) q<br />

E<br />

color<br />

⋅<br />

B<br />

color<br />

�� �� �� ����������<br />

0<br />

≤<br />

Θ<br />

≤<br />

2<br />

π<br />

−<br />

16<br />

Θ<br />

−<br />

25<br />

≈<br />

25<br />

≈ Θ<br />

10<br />

e<br />

cm<br />

≈<br />

µ<br />

n < 10<br />

e<br />

cm<br />

10<br />

2<br />

10<br />

2 n <<br />

9<br />

Why so small ?<br />

Phase of Quark<br />

Mass Matrix<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Dynamical Solution<br />

Peccei & Quinn 1977 - Wilczek 1978 - Weinberg 1978<br />

Θ<br />

Re-interpret Re interpret as<br />

a dynamical variable<br />

(scalar field)<br />

α<br />

L ⋅<br />

CP<br />

a<br />

Θ<br />

→<br />

a<br />

(<br />

x<br />

)<br />

f<br />

a<br />

Pseudo-scalar<br />

Pseudo scalar axion field<br />

Peccei-Quinn Peccei Quinn scale,<br />

Axion decay constant<br />

a<br />

(<br />

x<br />

)<br />

= −<br />

s<br />

Θ<br />

E<br />

color<br />

B<br />

2<br />

color<br />

2π<br />

π<br />

color −<br />

s E<br />

color<br />

⋅<br />

B<br />

2<br />

color<br />

2π<br />

π f<br />

color<br />

a<br />

gluon<br />

gluon<br />

Axions generically couple to<br />

gluons and thus mix with π0 ���� ���� Axion<br />

mass<br />

���� ���� ���� ���� Pion<br />

mass<br />

���� ���� f<br />

~<br />

× π<br />

��������<br />

& couplings �������� ~<br />

��������<br />

& couplings��������<br />

× π f ��������<br />

���� & couplings �������� π<br />

��������<br />

���� ���� & couplings��������<br />

π ≈<br />

93<br />

MeV<br />

����<br />

���� ����<br />

���� ���� f<br />

Pion decay constant<br />

a<br />

V(a)<br />

Θ<br />

=<br />

0<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)<br />

α<br />

a<br />

Potential (mass term)<br />

induced by L CP drives<br />

a(x) to CP-conserving<br />

CP conserving<br />

minimum<br />

CP-symmetry<br />

CP symmetry<br />

dynamically restored

Windows of Opportunity<br />

Axions Alternatives<br />

Solve strong CP problem<br />

by Peccei-Quinn<br />

Peccei Quinn<br />

dynamical symmetry restoration<br />

Cosmic cold dark matter candidate<br />

Direct detection possible<br />

Search for new physics at E >> TeV<br />

in low-energy low energy experiments<br />

(Axions Nambu-Goldstone Nambu Goldstone boson of<br />

spontaneously broken symmetry)<br />

Massless up-quark up quark<br />

Spontaneous CP violation<br />

Fine tuning<br />

Supersymmetric particles<br />

Superheavy particles<br />

Sterile Neutrinos<br />

Many others …<br />

(but usually not experimentally<br />

accessible)<br />

Neutrino masses (see-saw) (see saw)<br />

Proton decay<br />

Monopoles<br />

Deviation from Newton’s Law<br />

(e.g. large extra dimensions)<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Axion Production in the Early Universe<br />

YES<br />

Thermal relics<br />

Ω<br />

1<br />

a ∝ ma<br />

∝ f<br />

−1<br />

a ∝ ma<br />

∝ f<br />

−<br />

a<br />

For ma a ~ 10 eV<br />

hot dark matter<br />

(Excluded by<br />

astrophysical limits)<br />

Thermalization at T < ΛQCD QCD ?<br />

NO for fa > O(10 > O(108 GeV)<br />

Non-thermal Non thermal relics from QCD epoch<br />

Ω<br />

1<br />

.<br />

175<br />

Ω<br />

175 1.<br />

175<br />

a ∝ fa<br />

∝ m<br />

−1.<br />

175<br />

a ∝ fa<br />

∝ m<br />

−<br />

a<br />

T ~ f a<br />

UPQ(1) PQ(1)<br />

spontaneously<br />

broken<br />

Higgs field settles<br />

in “Mexican hat”<br />


Axion Production in the Early Universe<br />

YES<br />

Thermal relics<br />

Ω<br />

1<br />

a ∝ ma<br />

∝ f<br />

−1<br />

a ∝ ma<br />

∝ f<br />

−<br />

a<br />

For ma a ~ 10 eV<br />

hot dark matter<br />

(Excluded by<br />

astrophysical limits)<br />

Thermalization at T < ΛQCD QCD ?<br />

NO for fa > O(10 > O(108 GeV)<br />

Non-thermal Non thermal relics from QCD epoch<br />

Ω<br />

1<br />

.<br />

175<br />

Ω<br />

175 1.<br />

175<br />

a ∝ fa<br />

∝ m<br />

−1.<br />

175<br />

a ∝ fa<br />

∝ m<br />

−<br />

a<br />

For ma a ~ 100 µeV eV T ~ cold f dark matter<br />

a<br />

Reheating T after UPQ(1) PQ inflation (1) spontaneously<br />

m a<br />

Experiments<br />

Astrophysical Axion Bounds<br />

Stellar Evolution Cosmology<br />

10 3 10 6 10 9 10<br />

10 12 [GeV<br />

keV eV<br />

meV µeV eV<br />

Tele<br />

scope<br />

Globular clusters<br />

(a-γ-coupling)<br />

(a coupling)<br />

Too many<br />

events<br />

HDM<br />

Too much<br />

energy loss<br />

SN 1987A (a-N-coupling)<br />

(a coupling)<br />

GeV] f a<br />

Axion dark matter possible<br />

(Low reheat T scenario)<br />

DM o.k. Too much DM<br />

(String scenario)<br />

Direct<br />

search<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Experimental Search for Galactic Axions<br />

DM axions<br />

Velocities in galaxy<br />

Energies therefore<br />

Axion Haloscope (Sikivie 1983)<br />

ma = 10−3000 10 3000 µeV eV<br />

va ≈ 10 -3 c<br />

Ea ≈ (1 ± 10 -6 ) ma m<br />

Bext ext ≈ 8 Tesla<br />

Microwave<br />

Resonator<br />

Q ≈ 10 5<br />

Primakoff Conversion<br />

a<br />

γ<br />

Bext ext<br />

Cavity<br />

overcomes<br />

momentum<br />

mismatch<br />

Power<br />

Frequency ma Microwave Energies<br />

(1 GHz ≈ 4 µeV eV)<br />

Axion Signal<br />

Power of galactic axion signal<br />

2<br />

×<br />

−21<br />

V ���� B ���� Q<br />

4×<br />

−21<br />

V ���� B ���� Q<br />

4 10<br />

W<br />

3<br />

���� ���� ���� ����<br />

0<br />

.<br />

22<br />

3<br />

22m<br />

m ���� ���� 8<br />

.<br />

5<br />

T<br />

���� ���� 10<br />

���� ���� m<br />

���� ����<br />

× ����<br />

����<br />

���� a ���� ����<br />

×<br />

����<br />

���� ����<br />

����<br />

���� a<br />

���� 2πGHz<br />

����<br />

����<br />

���� 2πGHz<br />

���� ����<br />

���� ����<br />

���� ���� 5<br />

×<br />

10<br />

Thermal noise of<br />

cavity & detector<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)<br />

5<br />

ρ<br />

a<br />

−<br />

25<br />

g<br />

/<br />

cm<br />

3<br />

���� ����<br />

���� ����<br />

���� ����<br />

���� ����

Axion Dark Matter Searches<br />

Limits/sensitivities assume axions are the galactic dark matter<br />

4<br />

3<br />

KSVZ<br />

E/N = 0<br />

2<br />

5<br />

1<br />

DFSZ<br />

E/N = 8/3<br />

1. Rochester-Brookhaven<br />

Rochester Brookhaven-<br />

<strong>Fermilab</strong><br />

PRD 40 (1989) 3153<br />

2. University of Florida<br />

PRD 42 (1990) 1297<br />

3. US Axion Search<br />

(Livermore)<br />

ApJL 571 (2002) L27<br />

4. ADMX (Livermore)<br />

Phys Repts 325 (2000) 1<br />

5. CARRACK I (Kyoto)<br />

preliminary<br />

hep-ph/0101200<br />

hep ph/0101200<br />

6. CARRACK II (Kyoto)<br />

hep-ph/0101200<br />

hep ph/0101200<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)<br />


Axion Dark Matter Searches<br />

Limits/sensitivities assume axions are the galactic dark matter<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1. Rochester-Brookhaven<br />

Rochester Brookhaven-<br />

<strong>Fermilab</strong><br />

PRD 40 (1989) 3153<br />

Steve Asztalos:<br />

2. University of Florida<br />

PRD 42 (1990) 1297<br />

KSVZ<br />

The U.S. 5dark<br />

dark matter 6 axion 3. US search<br />

Axion Search<br />

E/N Thursday, = 0<br />

Thursday, 2:50 p.m.<br />

DFSZ<br />

E/N = 8/3<br />

(Livermore)<br />

ApJL 571 (2002) L27<br />

4. ADMX (Livermore)<br />

Phys Repts 325 (2000) 1<br />

5. CARRACK I (Kyoto)<br />

preliminary<br />

hep-ph/0101200<br />

hep ph/0101200<br />

6. CARRACK II (Kyoto)<br />

hep-ph/0101200<br />

hep ph/0101200<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

m a<br />

Experiments<br />

Astrophysical Axion Bounds<br />

Stellar Evolution Cosmology<br />

10 3 10 6 10 9 10<br />

10 12 [GeV<br />

keV eV<br />

meV µeV eV<br />

Tele<br />

scope<br />

Globular clusters<br />

(a-γ-coupling)<br />

(a coupling)<br />

Too many<br />

events<br />

HDM<br />

Too much<br />

energy loss<br />

SN 1987A (a-N-coupling)<br />

(a coupling)<br />

GeV] f a<br />

Axion dark matter possible<br />

(Low reheat T scenario)<br />

DM o.k. Too much DM<br />

(String scenario)<br />

Direct<br />

search<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Gauge hierarchy problem solved by<br />

supersymmetry<br />

LSP good CDM candidate<br />

Axinos as Dark Matter<br />

Strong CP problem solved by<br />

Peccei-Quinn Peccei Quinn mechanism<br />

Axion good CDM candidate<br />

Axino also good and generic CDM candidate<br />

For Peccei-Quinn Peccei Quinn scale in allowed<br />

range and a low reheating T after<br />

inflation, thermal processes and decay<br />

of NLSP can produce CDM axinos<br />

No obvious experimental search<br />

possible<br />

Covi, Kim & Roszkowski<br />

PRL 82 (1999) 4180<br />

Covi, Kim, Kim & Roszkowski<br />

JHEP 0105 (2001)<br />

Covi, Roszkowski & Small<br />

hep-ph/0206119<br />

hep ph/0206119<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Gauge hierarchy problem solved by<br />

supersymmetry<br />

LSP good CDM candidate<br />

Axinos as Dark Matter<br />

Strong CP problem solved by<br />

Peccei-Quinn Peccei Quinn mechanism<br />

Axion good CDM candidate<br />

Axino also good and generic CDM candidate<br />

Laura Covi:<br />

Bounds on T R from axino CDM<br />

Friday, 4:40 p.m.<br />

For Peccei-Quinn Peccei Quinn scale in allowed<br />

range and a low reheating T after<br />

inflation, thermal processes and decay<br />

of NLSP can produce CDM axinos<br />

No obvious experimental search<br />

possible<br />

Covi, Kim & Roszkowski<br />

PRL 82 (1999) 4180<br />

Covi, Kim, Kim & Roszkowski<br />

JHEP 0105 (2001)<br />

Covi, Roszkowski & Small<br />

hep-ph/0206119<br />

hep ph/0206119<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Axion Axion-photon photon-coupling coupling g gaγγ γγ<br />

γγ [GeV<br />

Axion-Like Like Particles that Couple to Photons<br />

10 -4<br />

10 -6<br />

GeV -1 ] Axion<br />

10 -8<br />

10 -10 10<br />

10 -12 12<br />

10 -14 14<br />

10 -16 16<br />

10 -7<br />

General low-mass low mass (pseudo)scalars<br />

that couple to photons<br />

What are they good for?<br />

What are the limits?<br />

How can they be detected?<br />

10 -6<br />

DFSZ DFSZ model model<br />

KSVZ KSVZ model model<br />

10 -5 10 -4<br />

10 -3<br />

10 -2<br />

10 -1<br />

Axion mass m a [eV eV]<br />

Axion Line<br />

1 10 100<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)<br />

π0 π0

Two-Photon Two Photon Coupling and its Consequences<br />

Particles with two-photon two photon vertex:<br />

Neutral pions (π0 ), Gravitons<br />

Axions (a) and similar hypothetical particles<br />

Two-photon<br />

Two photon<br />

decay<br />

Primakoff<br />

Effect<br />

Magnetically<br />

induced vacuum<br />

birefringence<br />

Γ<br />

a<br />

γ<br />

=<br />

g<br />

2<br />

a<br />

γ<br />

m<br />

64<br />

π<br />

3<br />

a<br />

γ<br />

Conversion of photons into<br />

pions, gravitons or axions, axions,<br />

or the reverse<br />

In addition to QED<br />

Cotton-Mouton<br />

Cotton Mouton-effect effect<br />

L a<br />

γ<br />

g<br />

a<br />

Photon<br />

Coalescence<br />

= γ<br />

E<br />

⋅<br />

B<br />

a<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Axion Axion-photon photon-coupling coupling g gaγγ γγ<br />

γγ [GeV GeV -1 ]<br />

10 -4<br />

10 -6<br />

10 -8<br />

10 -10 10<br />

10 -12 12<br />

10 -14 14<br />

10 -16 16<br />

10 -7<br />

Limits on Axion-Photon<br />

Axion Photon-Coupling Coupling<br />

10 -6<br />

Laser<br />

PVLAS PVLAS expected<br />

expected<br />

DM<br />

Search<br />

HB Stars in Globular Clusters<br />

Future Future<br />

DFSZ DFSZ model model<br />

KSVZ KSVZ model model<br />

10 -5 10 -4<br />

10 -3<br />

10 -2<br />

10 -1<br />

Axion mass m a [eV eV]<br />

Axion Line<br />

1 10 100<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Dimming of Supernovae without Cosmic Acceleration<br />

Csáki, Kaloper & Terning<br />

PRL 88 (2002) 161302, PLB 535 (2002) 33<br />

Erlich & Grojean<br />

hep-ph/0111335<br />

hep ph/0111335<br />

Deffayet, Harari, Uzan<br />

& Zaldarriaga, hep-ph/0112118<br />

hep ph/0112118<br />

Mörtsell, Bergström & Goobar<br />

astro-ph/0202153<br />

astro ph/0202153<br />

Christensson & Fairbairn<br />

astro-ph/0207525<br />

astro ph/0207525<br />

Axion-photon<br />

Axion photon-oscillations oscillations in intergalactic B-field field domains dim photon flux<br />

�� Effect grows linearly with distance<br />

�� Saturates at equipartition between photons and axions (unlike grey grey<br />

dust)<br />

Mixing matrix<br />

Domain size ~ 1 Mpc<br />

Field strength ~ 1 nG<br />

a-γ-coupling coupling ~ 10 -10<br />

Axion mass < 10 -16 16 eV<br />

���� ���� 2<br />

g<br />

1<br />

2<br />

a B ����<br />

−<br />

1 ���� ω g<br />

pl γ ω ���� 1<br />

2<br />

a B ����<br />

−<br />

1 ���� ω<br />

10.<br />

8ne<br />

0.<br />

15 ga<br />

B ����<br />

pl γ ω����<br />

����<br />

���� ����<br />

10.<br />

8ne<br />

ω 0.<br />

15 gaγB<br />

����<br />

���� −1<br />

=<br />

���� ω<br />

γ<br />

−1<br />

Mpc<br />

2ω<br />

����<br />

����<br />

2<br />

���� 2<br />

−4<br />

2 −1<br />

gaγB<br />

m ����<br />

����<br />

=<br />

���� Mpc<br />

2ω<br />

����<br />

����<br />

2<br />

−4<br />

2 −1<br />

a<br />

0.<br />

15 gaγB<br />

7.<br />

8 10 m ����<br />

����<br />

× aω<br />

����<br />

gaγBω<br />

m ����<br />

���� ����<br />

a<br />

0.<br />

15 g<br />

���� aγB<br />

7.<br />

8 10 m ����<br />

����<br />

× aω<br />

����<br />

ω<br />

����<br />

���� ����<br />

10 GeV -1<br />

Photon energy ~ 1 eV<br />

Electron density<br />

~ 10 -7 cm -3<br />

(average baryon density)<br />

Chromaticity depends<br />

sensitively on assumed<br />

values and distribution<br />

of n e and B<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Dimming of Supernovae without Cosmic Acceleration<br />

Csáki, Kaloper & Terning<br />

PRL 88 (2002) 161302, PLB 535 (2002) 33<br />

Erlich & Grojean<br />

hep-ph/0111335<br />

hep ph/0111335<br />

Deffayet, Harari, Uzan<br />

& Zaldarriaga, hep-ph/0112118<br />

hep ph/0112118<br />

Mörtsell, Bergström & Goobar<br />

astro-ph/0202153<br />

astro ph/0202153<br />

Christensson & Fairbairn<br />

astro-ph/0207525<br />

astro ph/0207525<br />

Axion-photon<br />

Axion photon-oscillations oscillations in intergalactic B-field field domains dim photon flux<br />

�� Effect grows linearly with distance<br />

�� Saturates at equipartition between photons and axions (unlike grey grey<br />

dust)<br />

Mixing matrix<br />

Domain size ~ 1 Mpc<br />

Field strength ~ 1 nG<br />

a-γ-coupling coupling ~ 10 -10<br />

Axion mass < 10 -16 16 eV<br />

John Terning:<br />

Dimming Supernovae via Axions<br />

Thursday, 4:00 p.m.<br />

���� ���� 2<br />

g<br />

1<br />

2<br />

a B ����<br />

−<br />

1 ���� ω g<br />

pl γ ω ���� 1<br />

2<br />

a B ����<br />

−<br />

1 ���� ω<br />

10.<br />

8ne<br />

0.<br />

15 ga<br />

B ����<br />

pl γ ω����<br />

����<br />

���� ����<br />

10.<br />

8ne<br />

ω 0.<br />

15 gaγB<br />

����<br />

���� −1<br />

=<br />

���� ω<br />

γ<br />

−1<br />

Mpc<br />

2ω<br />

����<br />

����<br />

2<br />

���� 2<br />

−4<br />

2 −1<br />

gaγB<br />

m ����<br />

����<br />

=<br />

���� Mpc<br />

2ω<br />

����<br />

����<br />

2<br />

−4<br />

2 −1<br />

a<br />

0.<br />

15 gaγB<br />

7.<br />

8 10 m ����<br />

����<br />

× aω<br />

����<br />

gaγBω<br />

m ����<br />

���� ����<br />

a<br />

0.<br />

15 g<br />

���� aγB<br />

7.<br />

8 10 m ����<br />

����<br />

× aω<br />

����<br />

ω<br />

����<br />

���� ����<br />

10 GeV -1<br />

Photon energy ~ 1 eV<br />

Electron density<br />

~ 10 -7 cm -3<br />

(average baryon density)<br />

Chromaticity depends<br />

sensitively on assumed<br />

values and distribution<br />

of n e and B<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

γ<br />

Primakoff<br />

production<br />

Sun<br />

Search for Solar Axions<br />

a<br />

Axion flux<br />

Axion Helioscope (Sikivie 1983)<br />

a<br />

Axion-Photon<br />

Axion Photon-Oscillation<br />

Oscillation<br />

Magnet S<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)<br />

N<br />

�� Tokyo Axion Helioscope<br />

(Results since 1998)<br />

�� CERN Axion Solar Telescope (CAST)<br />

(in preparation)<br />

Alternative Technique:<br />

Bragg conversion in crystal<br />

Experimental limits on solar axion flux<br />

from dark-matter dark matter experiments<br />

(SOLAX, COSME, DAMA, ...)<br />


Tokyo Axion Helioscope<br />

~ 3 m<br />

S.Moriyama, M.Minowa M. Minowa, , T.Namba T. Namba, , Y.Inoue, Y.Takasu Y. Takasu & A.Yamamoto,<br />

PLB 434 (1998) 147<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

New Limits from Tokyo Axion Helioscope<br />

Y. Inoue et al.,<br />

astro-ph/0204388<br />

astro ph/0204388<br />

Axion-photon<br />

Axion photon<br />

transition region<br />

filled with<br />

pressurized gas<br />

to give photons<br />

an effective mass<br />

(avoid momentum<br />

mismatch)<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Axion Axion-photon photon-coupling coupling g gaγγ γγ<br />

γγ [GeV GeV -1 ]<br />

10 -4<br />

10 -6<br />

10 -8<br />

10 -10 10<br />

10 -12 12<br />

10 -14 14<br />

10 -16 16<br />

10 -7<br />

Limits on Axion-Photon<br />

Axion Photon-Coupling Coupling<br />

PVLAS PVLAS expected<br />

expected<br />

Helio<br />

seis<br />

Tokyo Helioscope<br />

mology<br />

10 -6<br />

Laser<br />

DM<br />

Search<br />

Future Future<br />

DFSZ DFSZ model model<br />

KSVZ KSVZ model model<br />

10 -5 10 -4<br />

10 -3<br />

10 -2<br />

10 -1<br />

Axion mass m a [eV eV]<br />

Sun<br />

Bragg<br />

HB<br />

Stars<br />

1 10 100<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)<br />

Telescope<br />

Axion Line

Formerly<br />

Solar olar<br />

Axion xion<br />

Telescopic elescopic<br />

ANtenna ANtenna<br />

CERN ERN Axion xion Solar olar Telescope elescope (CAST)<br />

Solar axion search at CERN using a decommissioned LHC test magnet<br />

magne<br />

E.Arik, D.Autiero, F.Avignone, K.Barth, S.Bowyer, H.Bräuninger, H.Br uninger, R.Brodzinski,<br />

J.Carmona, F.Cataneo, S.Cebrian, G.Celebi, S.Cetin, J.Collar, R.Creswick,<br />

R. Creswick,<br />

M.Delattre, A.Delbart, R.de Oliveira, L.di Lella, N.Erduran, G.Fanourakis,<br />

G.Fanourakis,<br />

H.Farach, C.Fiorini, E.Garcia, T.Geralis, I.Giomataris, T.Girard, T.Girard,<br />

S.Gninenko,<br />

N.Goloubev, M.Hasinoff, D.Hoffmann, I.Irastorza, J.Jacoby, K.Jakovcic,<br />

K.Jakovcic,<br />

M.Knopf, M.Krcmar, Z.Krecak, A.Ljubicic, A.Longoni, G.Lutz, G.Luzon, G.Luzon,<br />

A.Mailov,<br />

V.Matveev, H.Miley, A.Morales, J.Morales, M.Mutterer, S.Nussinov, S.Nussinov,<br />

A.Ortiz de<br />

Solorzano, W.Pitts, A.Placci, J.Puimedon, G.<strong>Raffelt</strong>, H.Riege, M.Sampietro,<br />

M. Sampietro,<br />

M.Sarsa, M.Stipcevic, C.Thomas, R.Thompson, P.Valko, J.Villar, B.Vullierme,<br />

B.Vullierme,<br />

L.Walckiers, W.Wilcox, K.Zachariadou, K.Zioutas<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Horizontally Moving Platform<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Recent Picture of CAST (12 August 2002)<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

X-Ray Ray Focussing to Increase Signal-To Signal To-Noise Noise<br />

With imaging x-ray x ray mirror, solar image ~ 1 mm 2<br />

compared with 14 cm 2 magnet bore<br />

Abrixas x-ray x ray satellite, failed<br />

shortly after launch in 1999<br />

Vast background<br />

suppression<br />

One spare x-ray x ray mirror available<br />

from Zeiss, has been tested at<br />

Panther facility of MPE Garching<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Axion Axion-photon photon-coupling coupling g gaγγ γγ<br />

γγ [GeV GeV -1 ]<br />

10 -4<br />

10 -6<br />

10 -8<br />

10 -10 10<br />

10 -12 12<br />

10 -14 14<br />

10 -16 16<br />

10 -7<br />

Limits on Axion-Photon<br />

Axion Photon-Coupling Coupling<br />

PVLAS PVLAS expected<br />

expected<br />

Helio<br />

seis<br />

Tokyo Helioscope<br />

mology<br />

CAST Sensitivity<br />

10 -6<br />

Laser<br />

DM<br />

Search<br />

Future Future<br />

DFSZ DFSZ model model<br />

KSVZ KSVZ model model<br />

10 -5 10 -4<br />

10 -3<br />

10 -2<br />

10 -1<br />

Axion mass m a [eV eV]<br />

+Gas<br />

Sun<br />

Bragg<br />

HB<br />

Stars<br />

1 10 100<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)<br />

Telescope<br />

Axion Line

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)

Axion Axion-photon photon-coupling coupling g gaγγ γγ<br />

γγ [GeV GeV -1 ]<br />

10 -4<br />

10 -6<br />

10 -8<br />

10 -10 10<br />

10 -12 12<br />

10 -14 14<br />

10 -16 16<br />

10 -7<br />

Limits on Axion-Photon<br />

Axion Photon-Coupling Coupling<br />

PVLAS PVLAS expected<br />

expected<br />

Helio<br />

seis<br />

Tokyo Helioscope<br />

mology<br />

CAST Sensitivity<br />

10 -6<br />

Laser<br />

DM<br />

Search<br />

Future Future<br />

DFSZ DFSZ model model<br />

KSVZ KSVZ model model<br />

10 -5 10 -4<br />

10 -3<br />

10 -2<br />

10 -1<br />

Axion mass m a [eV eV]<br />

+Gas<br />

Sun<br />

Bragg<br />

HB<br />

Stars<br />

1 10 100<br />

<strong>Georg</strong> <strong>Raffelt</strong>, <strong>Max</strong>-<strong>Planck</strong>-<strong>Institut</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Physik</strong>, <strong>München</strong>, Germany COSMO 02, Chicago (18-21 September 2002)<br />

Telescope<br />

Axion Line

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