ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS - Colby-Sawyer College

ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS - Colby-Sawyer College ANNUAL REPORT OF GIFTS - Colby-Sawyer College
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Alumni Donors, Class of 1951, continued The Susan Colby Society Mrs. Janet Ten Broeck Pierce* Miss Harriet G. Ward The Eugene M. Austin Club Mrs. Elsie-Joan Martin Albergotti* Mrs. Margery Bugbee Atherton Mrs. Katharine Tyler Drolet Contributors Mrs. Joan Booth Adams* Mrs. Helen Simms Alberti* Mrs. Joan Howie Alderton* Mrs. Nancy Wallace Ashton* Mrs. Dorothy Ernst Bean Mrs. Joan Taylor Beucke* Mrs. Ellen Harman Bishop Mrs. Dorothy Redfield Brooks* Mrs. Barbara Alpaugh Bull* Mrs. Eleanor Merklen Cambrey* Ms. Ann L. Carter Mrs. Carolyn Kennard Christopher Mrs. Consuelo Wiberg Clark Mrs. Ann Houston Conover* Mrs. Joan Gilbert Crossley* Mrs. Roberta Green Davis* Mrs. Ursula Meyerhof Davis* Mrs. Joan Glover Dunphy* Mrs. Mary Loudon Eckert* Mrs. Patricia Seymour Forstrom Mrs. Renee Streim Greer* Mrs. Mary Mitchell Hadley* Mrs. Joyce Houston Holmes* Mrs. Susan Clapp Humphrey* Mrs. Joan Weaver Hylander Mrs. Janet Nordhouse Kennebeck* Mrs. MaryEm Bodman Kenner Mrs. Beverley Cushman Knudsen* Ms. Patricia Ford Labalme Mrs. Mary Jane Critchett Lane Mrs. Caroline Regan Lassoe* Mrs. Joan Hadley Lena* Mrs. Gerry D’Amico Loehr* Mrs. Barbara Easterbrooks Mailey* Mrs. Nancy Hess Mathes Mrs. Beverly Janson Mogensen* Ms. Eunice Morse Mrs. Jean Malony Murdock Mrs. Lynn Healy Nichols* Mrs. Barbara Nute Orr Ms. Sally Conner Parry* Mrs. Elizabeth Booth Pilling Mrs. Ruth Gray Pratt* Mrs. Susan Roesser Putnam* Miss Mary Ann Reigle ^Deceased *Five or more consecutive years of giving 16 COLBY-SAWYER COLLEGE ANNUAL REPORT Mrs. Marcia Rogers Reilly Mrs. Frances Black Rosborough* Mrs. Irene Baker Salmonsen* Mrs. Anmarie Roessler Smith* Mrs. Joan White Snively* Mrs. Carole Katz Spatz* Mrs. Ellen Duane Stumpf* Mrs. Anne Conner Sturtevant Mrs. Joan Zimble Sudikoff* Miss Joan F. Sullivan* Mrs. Marie Lecour Taylor* Mrs. Amy Deyo Trinkino* Mrs. Janice Rundle Trucksess* Mrs. Barbara Gesen Trulson* Mrs. Maryann Henry von Dwingelo* Mrs. Ingrid Reichhold Wagner Mrs. Mary Ann Harman Wagner* Mrs. Nancy Tobey Williams Mrs. Patricia Pearson Wingard* 1952 Class Agent: Mrs. Joan Rablin Keppler Annual Fund: $31,115 Participation: 34% Annual Fund Donors The H. Leslie Sawyer Society Mrs. Janet Udall Schaefer* A NNUAL R EPORT When you make an unrestricted gift, you enable the college to deploy resources when and where they are most needed in order to directly support the best educational opportunities for our students. The Mt. Kearsarge Society Mrs. Ann Doyle Gramstorff* Mrs. Doris Smart Sandstrom The Susan Colby Society Mrs. Nancy Shumway Adams* Mrs. Sylvia Cookman Hnat Mrs. Polly Heath Kidder* Mrs. Mary Anne Lutz Mackin* The Eugene M. Austin Club Mrs. Marian Pennock Calhoun* Mrs. Sarah Bond Gilson* Mrs. Corinne Smoller Goldstein* Mrs. Carol Woods Searing* Contributors Mrs. Martha Marano Ackermann* Mrs. Isabelle Barnett Berglund* Mrs. Noel Henriques Brakenhoff* Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bentley Burton* Mrs. Marye-Jane Harrington Callahan-French* Mrs. Carol Hunter Christophe* Mrs. Betty Gundlach Currier* Mrs. Elaine Marks Disick Mrs. Marilyn Woods Entwistle* Mrs. Jean Easton Erb* Mrs. Margaret Scruton Green* Mrs. Ann Raabe Halloran* Mrs. Nancy Keefe Hirschberg Mrs. Elaine Bowser Hudson Mrs. Anne Prindle Johnson* Mrs. Natalie Clarke Jones Mrs. Phyllis Reynolds Kapner Mrs. Junia Dunham Kennedy Mrs. Joan Rablin Keppler* Ms. Carol Moffitt Kline* Mrs. Barbara Hallett Lester* Mrs. Ruth Richards Lovingood Ms. Lois Rogers Manning Mrs. Nancy Garland Menchetti* Mrs. Sally Smith Miller* Mrs. Mary Jane Fritzinger Moeller* Ms. M. Jane Montgomery* Mrs. Rayma Whittemore Murray* Mrs. Joan Salmon Nesbit* Mrs. Judith Chamberlain Nickerson* Mrs. Sally Humphreys Nicoll* Mrs. Carol Maitland Norbury Mrs. Elizabeth Carlson Salomon* Mrs. June Parker Smith* Mrs. Elizabeth Borgerson Stevens Mrs. Donna Robb Trask Mrs. Nancy Angell Turnage* Mrs. Melba Harrison Wallace* Mrs. Virginia Lawrence Warner* Mrs. Marion Hickey Whiting*

1953 Annual Fund: $29,617 Participation: 35% Annual Fund Donors The President’s Society Mrs. Sinclair Smith Siragusa* The Susan Colby Society Mrs. Polly Black Koerner* Mrs. Ann Radcliff Stephenson* Mrs. M. Catherine Oberrender Von Glahn* The Eugene M. Austin Club Mrs. Ruth Sampson Clark* Mrs. Helen Grove Haerle* Mrs. Joan Kaufman Kirkpatrick* Contributors Miss Jane N. Bacon Mrs. Gordon McAllen Baker* Ms. Nancy Stone Barrett* Mrs. Nancy Ober Batchelder Mrs. Jane Thompson Belsky* Mrs. Marilyn Pond Bonasia* Mrs. Barbara Young Camp* Mrs. Martha Jost Claxton* Mrs. Janet Arminio Connolly* Miss Clare D. Conover* Mrs. Ann Murdoch Cooper Mrs. Alison Faulk Curtis* Mrs. Hannah Langdon Darche Mrs. Jane Pearl Dickinson* Mrs. Mary-Cliffe Killion Dunn Mrs. Sybil Scott Dupuis* Mrs. Nancy Lee Carter Eaton* Mrs. Jane Bingham Fawcett* Mrs. Diane MacKenzie Griffiths Miss Sally Heald* Mrs. Darthea Wells Hunt* Mrs. Virginia Merklen Hutchins* Mrs. Barbara Freeman Jones* Mrs. Carolyn Nagel Kaufman Mrs. Elizabeth La Gorce Kramer Mrs. Judith Bingham Larsen Mrs. Mary Eberlein Longabaugh* Mrs. Virginia Erb McGinley* Mrs. Martha Funk Miller* Mrs. Naomi Nylund Ogden* Mrs. Jane Carpenter Patterson Ms. Katharine C. Purrington Ms. Vaughan Peters Rachel* Mrs. Barbara Johnston Rodgers* Mrs. Margaret Magoun Rothrauff Mrs. Edyth Carpenter Sapp Mrs. Joan Bartram Sawyer* Mrs. Nancy Prann Segee Mrs. Tracy Rickers Siani Mrs. Joyce Luckett Sturdy Mrs. Irene Crossley Tarnowski Mrs. Barbara Gowdy Tongue* Mrs. Barbara Howe Tucker Mrs. Ellen Barrows Van Winkle Mrs. Nancy Southwick Westland* Mrs. Gretchen Hoch White* Mrs. Sally Wheeler Whitney* Mrs. Noel Roe Wilson Mrs. Barbara Fenn Wysession Capital/Endowment Fund Donors Mrs. Sinclair Smith Siragusa* 1954 Annual Fund: $17,588 Participation: 36% Annual Fund Donors The Mt. Kearsarge Society Mrs. Nancy Paige Parker* The Susan Colby Society Mrs. Barbara Frank Ketchum Mrs. Anne Dwyer Milne* Ms. Janet Rich Nixon* Mrs. Gertrude Bast Vermilya* The Eugene M. Austin Club Mrs. Jean Cragin Ingwersen* Mrs. Ruth Levy Schultz Contributors Mrs. Marjorie Dexter Ayars Mrs. Barbara Brown Bateman Mrs. Barbara Rogers Berndt Ms. Patricia Blackwood* Mrs. Virginia Sbarra Boeck* Ms. Mary Jaxon Burson Mrs. Claire Mufson Carter* Mrs. Gloria Fish Chick* Miss Blenda F. Covill* Mrs. Elinor DeFord Crane* Mrs. Nancy Brown Cummings* Mrs. Anne Batchelor De Grazia* Mrs. Ruth Crimp Felker Ms. Helen McWalter Finan Mrs. Myrtle Westhaver Flight* Mrs. Sally Browne Foster Mrs. Joan Chace Hallberg* Mrs. Janet Hofmann Hansen Mrs. Ann Blessing Hibler* Mrs. Dorothy Colburn Holstine Mrs. Barbara Dennett Howard* Mrs. Sara Bassett Howe* Mrs. Jane Doherty Johnson Ms. Elizabeth J. Laidlaw* Ms. Joan Penny Lempenau Banks Mrs. Sally Clickner L’Huillier* Mrs. Deborah Mathes Liebewein Miss Shirley I. Marshall* Mrs. Joan Potter Nelson A NNUAL R EPORT Mrs. Sara Hay Nichols* Mrs. Joan Potter Palatine* Mrs. Barbara Ritter Peterson* Mrs. Elizabeth Moss Phillips* Mrs. Suzanne Curley Price Mrs. Joan Durkee Reed* Mrs. Carol Nelson Reid* Mrs. Carol Crocker Rice Miss Ruth E. Rice Mrs. Coralyn Whiting Samson* Mrs. Helen Johnson Sargent* Mrs. Lois Kilpatrick Shelton Mrs. Enid Karmazine Shocket Mrs. Patricia Jezierny Short* Ms. Wilma Smiley* Mrs. Louise Moser Stoops Mrs. Ann Waldman Tackeff Mrs. Sachiko Mizoguchi Taneda* Mrs. Judith Dickinson Taylor* Mrs. Ann Hilton Thompson* Miss Margot C. Thompson* Mrs. Sidney Faithfull Van Zandt* Mrs. Natalie Langley Webster* Mrs. Agnes Lind Werring Mrs. Mary-Jane Mahoney Wright Capital/Endowment Fund Donors Anonymous* Mrs. Sally Clickner L’Huillier* Mrs. Anne Dwyer Milne* 1955 Class Agent: Mrs. Sandra Davis Carpenter Annual Fund: $21,175 Participation: 43% Annual Fund Donors The President’s Society Mrs. Joyce Juskalian Kolligian* The Susan Colby Society Mrs. Sandra Davis Carpenter* Mrs. Sally Roesser Johnston* Mrs. Nancy Wilkins Kaplan* The Eugene M. Austin Club Mrs. Beverly Stearns Bernson* Mrs. Marcia Symmes Harmon* Mrs. Barbara Strait Wentz* Contributors Mrs. Terry Whitten Bailey* Mrs. Marinda Helmer Beinert* Mrs. Grace Meeks Berg* Mrs. Martha Thorp Brightman Mrs. Barbara Jerauld Coffin* Mrs. Nancy Mahon Collins Mrs. Nancy Little Cotton* Mrs. Jeraldine Davis Dean* Mrs. Elaine Andrews Demetroulakos* Mrs. Constance Valpey Deschenes* Mrs. Marilyn Good Dillman Mrs. Carol Myers Ditmore Mrs. Nancy Keyes Dooher Mrs. Margaret Judge Dooley* Mrs. Sallie Lou Johnson Elliott* Mrs. Frances Kennedy Finch* Ms. Joan Piatt Fisher Mrs. Ruth Houston Fowler Ms. Elaine F. Gilman Mrs. Mary Roberts Giolito Mrs. Marilyn Williams Greene* Mrs. Adrienne Pease Guptill* Mrs. Carole Binney Haehnel* Mrs. Gretchen Davis Hammer Mrs. Linda Fitzpatrick Heggy* Miss Martha Ruth Horsefield Mrs. Ann Whaley Hosted* Mrs. Sally Eldridge Howard Mrs. Judith Engel Hunter* Mrs. Jane Lawler Jackman* Mrs. Eleanor Faulkner Jones Mrs. Sandra Goodchild Karstens Mrs. Gail Burnett Kass* Ms. Jane Dallas Kaup Mrs. Rosemary Carhart Keenan* Mrs. Diane Longmaid Kelly Ms. Nancy Fisher Kerr* Mrs. Irmeli Ahomaki Kilburn* Mrs. Christiana Huckel Kinnamon* Mrs. Joan Cole Knost* Mrs. Linda Ann Valpey Langan Mrs. Alethe Laird Lescinsky Mrs. Barbara Drenchkhahn Loughran* Mrs. Joanne Holden Miller* Mrs. Barbara Harris Mimmack Mrs. Nancy Sellers Mion Mrs. Morgia Dunham Nardy Mrs. Polly Parsons Nash Mrs. Jean Warwick Osgood* Mrs. Cynthia Ward Peters Mrs. Stephanie Brown Reininger* Ms. Elizabeth Ann Rintels Ms. Eleanor M. Russell Mrs. Virginia Beck Sanborn Mrs. Barbara Harmon Sawyer* Mrs. Joan-Lee Goldsmith Shames* Mrs. Dona Smith Shanklin Mrs. Martha Strauss Shoemaker Mrs. Susan Bailey Sink* Mrs. Georgianna Hubbell Sorensen Mrs. Jane Shoemaker Storm Mrs. Barbara Curtis Sturgeon* Mrs. Virginia Darling Sullivan ––continued on page 18 JULY 1, 2007 THROUGH JUNE 30, 2008 17

Alumni Donors, Class of 1951,<br />

continued<br />

The Susan <strong>Colby</strong> Society<br />

Mrs. Janet Ten Broeck Pierce*<br />

Miss Harriet G. Ward<br />

The Eugene M. Austin Club<br />

Mrs. Elsie-Joan Martin<br />

Albergotti*<br />

Mrs. Margery Bugbee Atherton<br />

Mrs. Katharine Tyler Drolet<br />

Contributors<br />

Mrs. Joan Booth Adams*<br />

Mrs. Helen Simms Alberti*<br />

Mrs. Joan Howie Alderton*<br />

Mrs. Nancy Wallace Ashton*<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Ernst Bean<br />

Mrs. Joan Taylor Beucke*<br />

Mrs. Ellen Harman Bishop<br />

Mrs. Dorothy Redfield Brooks*<br />

Mrs. Barbara Alpaugh Bull*<br />

Mrs. Eleanor Merklen Cambrey*<br />

Ms. Ann L. Carter<br />

Mrs. Carolyn Kennard<br />

Christopher<br />

Mrs. Consuelo Wiberg Clark<br />

Mrs. Ann Houston Conover*<br />

Mrs. Joan Gilbert Crossley*<br />

Mrs. Roberta Green Davis*<br />

Mrs. Ursula Meyerhof Davis*<br />

Mrs. Joan Glover Dunphy*<br />

Mrs. Mary Loudon Eckert*<br />

Mrs. Patricia Seymour Forstrom<br />

Mrs. Renee Streim Greer*<br />

Mrs. Mary Mitchell Hadley*<br />

Mrs. Joyce Houston Holmes*<br />

Mrs. Susan Clapp Humphrey*<br />

Mrs. Joan Weaver Hylander<br />

Mrs. Janet Nordhouse<br />

Kennebeck*<br />

Mrs. MaryEm Bodman Kenner<br />

Mrs. Beverley Cushman<br />

Knudsen*<br />

Ms. Patricia Ford Labalme<br />

Mrs. Mary Jane Critchett Lane<br />

Mrs. Caroline Regan Lassoe*<br />

Mrs. Joan Hadley Lena*<br />

Mrs. Gerry D’Amico Loehr*<br />

Mrs. Barbara Easterbrooks<br />

Mailey*<br />

Mrs. Nancy Hess Mathes<br />

Mrs. Beverly Janson Mogensen*<br />

Ms. Eunice Morse<br />

Mrs. Jean Malony Murdock<br />

Mrs. Lynn Healy Nichols*<br />

Mrs. Barbara Nute Orr<br />

Ms. Sally Conner Parry*<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Booth Pilling<br />

Mrs. Ruth Gray Pratt*<br />

Mrs. Susan Roesser Putnam*<br />

Miss Mary Ann Reigle<br />

^Deceased<br />

*Five or more consecutive years<br />

of giving<br />

16 COLBY-SAWYER COLLEGE <strong>ANNUAL</strong> <strong>REPORT</strong><br />

Mrs. Marcia Rogers Reilly<br />

Mrs. Frances Black Rosborough*<br />

Mrs. Irene Baker Salmonsen*<br />

Mrs. Anmarie Roessler Smith*<br />

Mrs. Joan White Snively*<br />

Mrs. Carole Katz Spatz*<br />

Mrs. Ellen Duane Stumpf*<br />

Mrs. Anne Conner Sturtevant<br />

Mrs. Joan Zimble Sudikoff*<br />

Miss Joan F. Sullivan*<br />

Mrs. Marie Lecour Taylor*<br />

Mrs. Amy Deyo Trinkino*<br />

Mrs. Janice Rundle Trucksess*<br />

Mrs. Barbara Gesen Trulson*<br />

Mrs. Maryann Henry<br />

von Dwingelo*<br />

Mrs. Ingrid Reichhold Wagner<br />

Mrs. Mary Ann Harman Wagner*<br />

Mrs. Nancy Tobey Williams<br />

Mrs. Patricia Pearson Wingard*<br />

1952<br />

Class Agent:<br />

Mrs. Joan Rablin Keppler<br />

Annual Fund: $31,115<br />

Participation: 34%<br />

Annual Fund Donors<br />

The H. Leslie <strong>Sawyer</strong> Society<br />

Mrs. Janet Udall Schaefer*<br />


When you make an unrestricted gift, you enable the college to deploy resources when and<br />

where they are most needed in order to directly support the best educational opportunities for<br />

our students.<br />

The Mt. Kearsarge Society<br />

Mrs. Ann Doyle Gramstorff*<br />

Mrs. Doris Smart Sandstrom<br />

The Susan <strong>Colby</strong> Society<br />

Mrs. Nancy Shumway Adams*<br />

Mrs. Sylvia Cookman Hnat<br />

Mrs. Polly Heath Kidder*<br />

Mrs. Mary Anne Lutz Mackin*<br />

The Eugene M. Austin Club<br />

Mrs. Marian Pennock Calhoun*<br />

Mrs. Sarah Bond Gilson*<br />

Mrs. Corinne Smoller Goldstein*<br />

Mrs. Carol Woods Searing*<br />

Contributors<br />

Mrs. Martha Marano<br />

Ackermann*<br />

Mrs. Isabelle Barnett Berglund*<br />

Mrs. Noel Henriques<br />

Brakenhoff*<br />

Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Bentley<br />

Burton*<br />

Mrs. Marye-Jane Harrington<br />

Callahan-French*<br />

Mrs. Carol Hunter Christophe*<br />

Mrs. Betty Gundlach Currier*<br />

Mrs. Elaine Marks Disick<br />

Mrs. Marilyn Woods Entwistle*<br />

Mrs. Jean Easton Erb*<br />

Mrs. Margaret Scruton Green*<br />

Mrs. Ann Raabe Halloran*<br />

Mrs. Nancy Keefe Hirschberg<br />

Mrs. Elaine Bowser Hudson<br />

Mrs. Anne Prindle Johnson*<br />

Mrs. Natalie Clarke Jones<br />

Mrs. Phyllis Reynolds Kapner<br />

Mrs. Junia Dunham Kennedy<br />

Mrs. Joan Rablin Keppler*<br />

Ms. Carol Moffitt Kline*<br />

Mrs. Barbara Hallett Lester*<br />

Mrs. Ruth Richards Lovingood<br />

Ms. Lois Rogers Manning<br />

Mrs. Nancy Garland Menchetti*<br />

Mrs. Sally Smith Miller*<br />

Mrs. Mary Jane Fritzinger<br />

Moeller*<br />

Ms. M. Jane Montgomery*<br />

Mrs. Rayma Whittemore<br />

Murray*<br />

Mrs. Joan Salmon Nesbit*<br />

Mrs. Judith Chamberlain<br />

Nickerson*<br />

Mrs. Sally Humphreys Nicoll*<br />

Mrs. Carol Maitland Norbury<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Carlson<br />

Salomon*<br />

Mrs. June Parker Smith*<br />

Mrs. Elizabeth Borgerson<br />

Stevens<br />

Mrs. Donna Robb Trask<br />

Mrs. Nancy Angell Turnage*<br />

Mrs. Melba Harrison Wallace*<br />

Mrs. Virginia Lawrence Warner*<br />

Mrs. Marion Hickey Whiting*

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