Germ man Emir rati Joint Ord t Counci Proto dinary Ge l for ... - AHKs

Germ man Emir rati Joint Ord t Counci Proto dinary Ge l for ... - AHKs

Germ man Emir rati Joint Ord t Counci Proto dinary Ge l for ... - AHKs


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<strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong> <strong>man</strong> <strong>Emir</strong> <strong>rati</strong> <strong>Joint</strong> t <strong>Counci</strong>l<br />

<strong>for</strong> Industry<br />

& Commerce<br />

(AHK)<br />

The <strong>Ge</strong>nera al Assembly on<br />

Tuesday, 31 1 st n the <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>an <strong>Emir</strong>ati <strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Counci</strong>l <strong>for</strong> Inndustry<br />

& Commmerce<br />

(AHK) ) took place on<br />

May 2011 at the Beach Rotana Hotel,<br />

Abu Dhabi.<br />

The assemb bly was opene ed by Dr. Peter r Goepfrich, CEO<br />

of AHK, who<br />

confirmed that the quorum<br />

de<strong>man</strong>deed<br />

by the<br />

By-Laws was<br />

reached. Martin M Böll was<br />

nominated supervisor s of eelections.<br />

Agenda of the assembly was as follow ws:<br />

<strong>Proto</strong>col<br />

of thhe<br />

<strong>Ord</strong> <strong>dinary</strong> <strong>Ge</strong> eneral Asssembly<br />

Tuesday, 31st May 20011<br />

Beach Rotan na Hotel, Abuu<br />

Dhabi<br />

� Present tation of the Report of the CEO on behalf<br />

of the Boardd<br />

of Directorss<br />

concerning aactivities<br />

20100-2011<br />

� Discharge<br />

of respons sibilities of the<br />

Board of Directors<br />

� Present tation of the Financial Repo ort concerning<br />

the financiaal<br />

year Januarry<br />

2010 – December<br />

2010 by the<br />

treasur rer Ralph Nitzgen<br />

� Present tation of the Independent Auditor’s A Repo ort (PricewateerhouseCoopers)<br />

by Sami Faazly<br />

� Appoin ntment of the auditor <strong>for</strong> th he new financial<br />

year. The aauditor<br />

will bee<br />

ODEH & Co. Certified Pubblic<br />

Accoun ntants, P.O. Bo ox 30489, Abu u Dhabi<br />

� Voting on amendments<br />

of § 5 (2) 1. and § 6 (1) of the By-Laws,<br />

which weere<br />

amended aas<br />

follows:<br />

“Activ ve members ca an be natural persons, p enter rprises and orgganizations,<br />

pprivate<br />

or publlic,<br />

residing in<br />

<strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>a any or in the UAE U or in anot ther country and<br />

whose parrticipation<br />

in tthe<br />

<strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>an-UUAE<br />

economic relations<br />

as well<br />

as their supp port of the AH HK’s purposes can c be provenn.”<br />

“The membership m<br />

begins<br />

with the e accession of f the admissionn<br />

resolution. A right to admmission<br />

does noot<br />

prevail.<br />

The admissi ion follows the<br />

decision of the t CEO as perr<br />

§ 5 (2). AHK eemployees<br />

do not have the right<br />

to me embership.”

� Voting on approval of o the new me embers of the Board of Trusstees.<br />

The Boaard<br />

of Trustees<br />

was approveed<br />

as per<br />

list in Appendix A II<br />

� Election<br />

of the new members of the<br />

Board of Directors. D The Board of Directors,<br />

whose tterm<br />

of officee<br />

will be<br />

two years,<br />

was appro oved as per lis st in Appendix x I<br />

� Voting on approval of o resolution to t join the gen neral assembly<br />

of the Assocciation<br />

of <strong>Ge</strong>rr<strong>man</strong><br />

Chambers<br />

of<br />

Industr ry and Comme erce (DIHK). Resolution<br />

was s approved.<br />

Right after the general assembly, a the Constituent Session S of thhe<br />

Board of DDirectors<br />

tookk<br />

place.<br />

During the session, the members m of th he board elect ted following members as CChair<strong>man</strong>,<br />

Vicee<br />

Chairmen annd<br />

Treasurer:<br />

� H.E. Ab bdullah Al Mas saood<br />

� Raja Ea asa Saleh Al Gurg G<br />

� Dr. <strong>Ge</strong>r rhard Haase<br />

� Ralph Nitzgen N<br />

Chair<strong>man</strong><br />

First Vice Ch hairperson<br />

Second Vice Chair<strong>man</strong><br />

Treasurer<br />

Dubai, 1 st June<br />


Faisal M. Al A Amiri<br />

Saeed Moh hammed Al Ghurair G<br />

Raja Easa Saleh Al Gurg g<br />

H.E. Abdullah<br />

Al Masao ood<br />

Mohamme ed Al Muallem m<br />

Swaidan Saeed<br />

Al Nabo oodah<br />

H.H. Sheik kha Dr. Hind Al A Qassimi<br />

Faraj Ali Bin B Hamoodah h<br />

Abdul Rah<strong>man</strong><br />

Saeed Ghanim G<br />

Dr. Michae el Bitzer<br />

Dr. <strong>Ge</strong>rhard<br />

Haase<br />

Mazen Kho ourdaji<br />

Harald Kro oll<br />

Markus Lechter<strong>man</strong>n<br />

Stefan Me echa<br />

Ralph Nitz zgen<br />

Steffen Re eisacher<br />

Udo Schäb berle<br />

Appendix x I<br />

New Board of DDirectors<br />

of the <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>an G Em mi<strong>rati</strong> <strong>Joint</strong> t <strong>Counci</strong>l f<strong>for</strong><br />

Industryy<br />

& Commmerce<br />

(AHKK)<br />

Chair<strong>man</strong>, Al A Amiri International<br />

Tradinng<br />

Agencies LLC<br />

Investment Consultant, C AL<br />

GHURAIR Innvestment<br />

LLCC<br />

Managing Director,<br />

Easa SSaleh<br />

Al Gurg Group<br />

Chair<strong>man</strong>, Al A Masaood Grroup<br />

Senior Vice President P & MManaging<br />

Direector<br />

UAE Region,<br />

DP Worldd<br />

Chair<strong>man</strong>, Al A Naboodah CCommercial<br />

Grroup<br />

LLC<br />

Chairperson, , <strong>Emir</strong>ates Bussinesswomen<br />

<strong>Counci</strong>l<br />

Chair<strong>man</strong>, Bin<br />

Hamoodah Group<br />

Chair<strong>man</strong>, Middle M East <strong>Ge</strong>eneral<br />

Enterprrises<br />

CEO, National<br />

Health Insuurance<br />

Compaany<br />

– Da<strong>man</strong><br />

Representati ive, Wintershaall<br />

Middle Easst<br />

GmbH - Abuu<br />

Dhabi<br />

Managing Director,<br />

Ghasssan<br />

Ahmed Al Sulai<strong>man</strong> Traading<br />

(GAAST)<br />

Managing Director,<br />

BASF FZE<br />

Vice President,<br />

TÜV Middle<br />

East<br />

Managing Director,<br />

Volkswwagen<br />

Middlee<br />

East FZE<br />

Senior Execu utive Officer/G<strong>Ge</strong>neral<br />

Manager,<br />

Commerzzbank<br />

AG<br />

Dubai Branch<br />

Market Deve elopment Leadd<br />

MENA, SAP Middle East & North Africaa<br />

LLC<br />

Head of Priv vate Clients Guulf<br />

Region, BHHF-Bank<br />

Representati ive Office Abuu<br />


Appendix II<br />

<strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>an <strong>Emir</strong>ati <strong>Joint</strong> <strong>Counci</strong>l <strong>for</strong> Industry & Commerce (AHK)<br />

Board of Trustees<br />

1 H.E. Saed Al Awadi CEO EDC - Dubai Export Development Corpo<strong>rati</strong>on<br />

2 Mr. Suhail Al Banna CEO Tejari FZ LLC<br />

3 H.E. Ali Bin Khalfan Al Mutawa Al Dhahry Chair<strong>man</strong> Ali & Sons Group<br />

4 H.E. Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber CEO Masdar<br />

5 Mr. Nazeem Fawwaz Al Kudsi CEO Invest AD - Abu Dhabi Investment Company PJSC<br />

6 H.E. Mohamed Ahmed Al Mahmoud Ambassador of UAE to <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>any UAE Embassy in <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>any<br />

7 Mr. Hussain Mohamed Al Mahmoudi Director <strong>Ge</strong>neral Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry<br />

8 Mr. Rashid Al Mazroui Chair<strong>man</strong> Al Mazroui Group<br />

9 H.E. Ahmed Mohammed Al Midfa Chari<strong>man</strong> Sharjah Chamber of Commerce & Industry<br />

10 Dr. Rashid Alleem Director <strong>Ge</strong>neral Hamriyah Free Zone Authority<br />

11 Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Mikhlafi Secretary <strong>Ge</strong>neral Ghorfa Arab-<strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>an Chamber of Commerce and Industry e.V.<br />

12 Dr. Florian Amereller Senior Partner Amereller Law Firm<br />

13 Mr. Philipp Bayat Executive Board Member/Vorstand BAUER COMP Holding GmbH<br />

14 Dr. Aldo Belloni Member of Executive Board Linde AG<br />

15 Mr. Uwe Benkert <strong>Ge</strong>neral Manager Alpine Bau Deutschland AG - Dubai Branch<br />

16 Prof. Roland Berger Chair<strong>man</strong> Roland Berger Strategy Consultants GmbH<br />

17 Dr. Olaf Berlien Chair<strong>man</strong> of the Board ThyssenKrupp AG<br />

18 Dr. Martin Berlin Chief Strategy Officer Dubai Properties Group<br />

19 Mr. Thomas Birringer Head of Regional Program Gulf States Konrad Adenauer Stiftung<br />

20 Mr. Martin Böll Bureau Chief <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>any Trade & Invest<br />

21 H.E. Klaus-Peter Brandes Ambassador of <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>any in the UAE <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>an Embassy in the UAE<br />

22 Dr. Jürgen Chrobog Chair<strong>man</strong> of the Board BMW Foundation<br />

23 Mr. Dirk Demtröder Managing Director/COO IPIC – Ferrostaal Contracting LLC<br />

24 Mr. Horst Draudt Head of ME Implementation & Rollout Cassidian an EADS Company<br />

25 Mr. Matthias Eckert Managing Partner Emc² Management Consulting<br />

26 Mr. Dieter Ernst CEO Berlinwasser International AG<br />

27 Dr. Jürgen Friedrich CEO <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>any Trade & Invest<br />

28 Mr. Bodo Fries Consultant<br />

29 Dr. Dieter Fuchs <strong>Ge</strong>neral Manager Fraunhofer <strong>Ge</strong>sellschaft Middle East<br />

30 H.E. Abdul Jabbar Gargash Executive Director Gargash Enterprises

31 Mr. Dieter Grabenbauer Member Executive Board LURGI AG<br />

32 Mr. Axel Graenitz Member of the Executive Board Duss<strong>man</strong>n Group<br />

33 Dr. Frauke Heard-Bey Board Member Abu Dhabi Cultural Foundation<br />

34 Mr. Wolfgang Hedderich President & CEO HMS International Hotel GmbH / Maritim Hotels<br />

35 Mr. Moritz Kerler <strong>Ge</strong>neral Manager QUARRY & MINING (RAK) LLC<br />

36 Mr. Jürgen Koch Resident Repesentative / Gulf Region Office giz - IS International Services<br />

37 Mrs. Monika Krauss <strong>Ge</strong>neral Manager Kitab<br />

38 Mr. Joachim Kundt CEO Siemens LLC<br />

39 Mr. Hans Wolfgang Kunz Member of Executive Board Giesecke & Devrient GmbH<br />

40 Mr. Harald Luxen Managing Director Leytron Consulting Group<br />

41 Mr. Peter Mayr CEO Terramar GmbH<br />

42 Mrs. Liz Mohn Chairwo<strong>man</strong> of the Board Bertels<strong>man</strong>n<br />

43 Mr. Franz Peraus Senior vice President, Head of Middle East Cassidian an EADS Company<br />

44 Dr. Amadeo Rah<strong>man</strong>n CEO Mondia FZ LLC<br />

45 H.E. Klaus H. D. Ranner Consul <strong>Ge</strong>neral <strong><strong>Ge</strong>rm</strong>an Consulate <strong>Ge</strong>neral Dubai<br />

46 Dr. Sven Rohte CCO National Health Insurance Company - Da<strong>man</strong><br />

47 Mr. Markus Scheer Member of the Board of Managing Directors KfW IPEX-Bank GmbH<br />

48 Mr. Peter Scherer President & CFO Henkel Jebel Ali FZCO<br />

49 Mr. Paul Schneider <strong>Ge</strong>neral Manager Al Rosta<strong>man</strong>i Pegel LLC<br />

50 Mr. John V. Schneider-Merck <strong>Ge</strong>neral Manager & Partner Bin Ghassan Trading LLC<br />

51 Mr. Peter-Michael Schuster <strong>Ge</strong>neral Manager RAK Offshore - RAK Investment Authority<br />

52 Mr. Karim Smaira Vice President-Intercontinental Merck Serono Middle East FZ-LLC<br />

53 Mr. Joachim Steinbach Vice President Sales and Services SE Europe, Africa & ME Lufthansa<br />

54 Mr. Peter Steinhorst <strong>Ge</strong>neral Manager HOCHTIEF Construction Management Middle East GmbH<br />

55 Mr. Marcus Thiel Corporate Banking Services Deutsche Bank AG - Dubai Branch (DIFC)<br />

56 Dr. Gunter Thielen Chair<strong>man</strong> of the Supervisory Board Bertels<strong>man</strong>n AG<br />

57 Dr. Michael Thie<strong>man</strong>n Chair<strong>man</strong> of the Executive Board Uhde GmbH<br />

58 Mr. Burkhard Thost Owner THOST Projekt<strong>man</strong>agement für Bauten und Anlagen GmbH<br />

59 Mr. Peter Alexander Trettin President and CEO Central, Eastern Europe / Africa / Asia Daimler AG<br />

60 Mr. Thomas Vogel CEO Endress+Hauser Instruments International AG<br />

61 Mr. Norbert Wagner Project Manager Knauf RAK FZE

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