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Lett A W pres and treas Lett & Co (Inc)<br />

Wholesale Potatoes and Watermelon 61 Walnut<br />

Dealers, Accounting Department, 113 E. Lett & Co (Inc) A W Lett pres and treas<br />

Front; Branches, Budd and Harriet, J M Lett V pres T M Lett secy .\ .V<br />

Front and Broadway, 2d an'd Plum and Lett gen mgr, com mers 61. Walnut<br />

L.&N.R.R.; Melon Yards, Front and Lett J M V pres Lett & Co (Inc) 61 Walnut<br />

Butler<br />

Lett T M secy Lett & Co (Inc) 61 Walnut<br />

Leonard Henry stair bldr 4734 Whetsel Av LETTER SERVICE CO. (THE),<br />

M<br />

Letter Department <strong>of</strong> The Circular Ad­<br />

Leonard John shoemkr 3134 Reading Road vertising Co.; Letters, Addressing, Fold­<br />

Leonard Margaret J nurse 2510 Gilbert Av ing, Mailing Lists, s.e.c. 7th and Broad­<br />

Leonard Michael W contractor 4222 Delaney way; 'Phone Canal 2300<br />

Leonard Ottillie E music teacher SO E Mc­ Leuchtenburg G W real est 1339 Race<br />

Millan<br />

Leue Albrecht E atty 711 Mer Lib Bldg<br />

Leonard Peter cement pavements 4124 Lake- Leurck Edward grocery 1221 Chapel<br />

man<br />

Levassor L E pres The Service Bureau Co<br />

Leonard Theo C mgr W T Buckner 422 1st rm 300, 406 Elm<br />

Nat Bk Bldg<br />

Levendorf Harry adv novelties 307 Prov Bk<br />

Leonard Thos E saloon 356 E Sth<br />

Bldg<br />

Leonard W F '^supt The Grasselli Chemical Levendorf Isaac propi* Levendorf Novelty<br />

Co 260 Eggleston Av<br />

Co 31 Emery Arcade<br />

Leonard V/esley A -painter 5712 Prentice M Levendorf Novelty Co, Isaac Levendorf<br />

Leonard & Wiec'herlng saloon swc Sth and propr 31 Emery Arcade<br />

Baymiller<br />

Levendorf Wm special agt Berkshire Life<br />

Leonhardt Karl & Co jewelry 1351 Central Ins Co <strong>of</strong> Pittsfield Mass 307 Provident<br />

Av<br />

Bank Bldg<br />

Leopold Chas F delicatessen 4019 Hamilton Levensohn Max cigar nifr 526 W Liberty<br />

Av-<br />

Levensbn Lia lunch room 1320 Central Av<br />

Leporis Samuel painter 1877 Fairfax Av Leventhal Julius H secy and treas The Gor­<br />

Lepper A & Co bonds 306 1st Nat Bk Bldg don-Leventhal Co 7th fl 120 Opera Pl<br />

Leppert Adolph confec sec Carthage Av Leverone Building 4 W, 7th<br />

and Ehrman Av<br />

Leverone Chas mer broker 1206 1st Nat Bk<br />

Leppert Chas real estate 3622 Carthage Av Bldg<br />

Leppert John barber 1106 St Gregory Leverone Eugene mgr Buckeye .Brokerage<br />

Leppert Otto carr trimmer 2128 Central Av Co 1206 1st Nat Bk Bldg<br />

Lepple Geo music tchr, also prop South Side Leverone J & Co fruits 100 E Front<br />

Specialty Co 1771 Baltimore Av<br />

Levi Albert F special agt Home Life Ins Co<br />


<strong>of</strong> N Y 605 4th Nat Bk Bldg<br />

Director Clifton School <strong>of</strong> Music, 510 Levi 'Chas E loan <strong>of</strong>fice 512 Central Av<br />

Odd Fellows'' Temple Bldg, n.w.c. 7th Levi & Co installments 609 Central Av<br />

and Elm; Branch School, 120 W. Mc­ Levi H Clyde prop Quick Printing Co 1422<br />

Millan; Telephone West 3029<br />

Freeman Av<br />

Lerch & Menges millinery 2609 Vine -Levi H Cnyde Co mail order business 1422<br />

LeRett F M propr Atlantic Hotel 426 Central Freeman Av<br />

Av<br />

Levi Harry J loan <strong>of</strong>fice 617 Central Av<br />

Lerman Clara restaurant •2d fl 434 Race ;Levt I & Co wh liquors 224 E 3d<br />

LeRosen Angle dressmkr SOS W 9th<br />

Levi Mrs Jennie P prop Burnet Delicatessen<br />

LeRoy Retha nurse flat 2, 1604 Chase Av & Grocery Co 3351 Burnet Av<br />

LeSairit Louis secy-treas The Steinhauser- Levi Louis S commissioner Board <strong>of</strong> Hos­<br />

McKenzle Co rm 4; 12 E 3d<br />

pital Commissioners, Burnet Av opp-<br />


Ridgeway Av<br />

Saloon, 2974 Spring Grove Av.; 'Phone Levi & Ottenhelmer liquors 607 Main<br />

West 1366—Y - . Levi Sol J (The Gem Loan Office) 537 Cen­<br />

Lesher, Whitman & Co (Inc) <strong>of</strong> N Y, S P tral Av -<br />

Frazer representative clothiers' supplies, Levi Walton C manager State Loan Bank<br />

nwc Elm and McFarland<br />

<strong>of</strong> Ohio 515 Central Av<br />

LESLIE CHAS. M.,<br />


Attorney at Law, 805 Second National Cigar Manufacturer, 711 Kenyon Av<br />

Bank Bldg; 'Phone Canal 109<br />

Levin .Isaac D & Son installment gds 7-14 W<br />

Leslie-Judge Co publishers Leslie's Weekly Sth<br />

and Judge, H H Stern manager 98 Perin Le-vin Jos picture frames 620 W Sth<br />

Bldg<br />

Levin Nathan installment gds 744 W Sth<br />

Leslie R representative Spencer Kellogg & Levine Abe loan <strong>of</strong>fice 333 W 6th<br />

Sons <strong>of</strong> Buffalo N Y 925 Summer Levine Bros rags 424 F^ 2d<br />

Leslie's Weekly 98 Perin Bldg<br />

Levine ^Fos prop West End Rags, Iron &<br />

Lesser Rev A J G, rabbi Bethdfilah Temple Metal Co 1212 Gest<br />

627 Richmond<br />

Levine Louis & Sons notions 434 W 6th<br />

Lester E E secy The McCullough Seed Co Levine Mendel drayage s w c 3d and Plum<br />

316- Walnut<br />

Levine Moses mgr Artistic Garment Co 4tb<br />

Lester Geo B vice,pres The Fleischmann Co fi 205 W 4th<br />

419 Plunri<br />

Levine Samuel men's furnishing goods .319<br />

Lett A A gen mgr Lett & Co (Inc) 61 Wal­ W. 6th<br />

nut<br />

Levlnson Anna -midwife 752 Kenypn-;A.v

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