Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

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CONCURRENT SESSIONS STRUCTURING A PROGRAM Chairs:Thomas DeMoss and FranFlanigan EPA Northeast Estuary Program: OrganizationalStructureand Early DevelopmentofBuzzards Bay, Long IslandSound, and Namgansett Bay Programs Wendy l.Wiltse j67 A Comparisonofthe Coveinance ofNarragansett and San Francisco Bays: The Role ofAdaptive Implementation Timothy Hennessey and Donald Robodue, Jr. 73 MODELING FOR MANAGEMENTOBJECTIVES Chairs: Donald Pritchard and H. Lee Butler PracticalTools forGuiding EsnutrineNutrient Controls Wu-SengLung 89 PanixentRiver EstuaryResearch,Modelingand MonitoringStrategy Michael S. Haire and Ninth Panday (Abstract) Sfl Development of aCoupled Hydrodynzmic/Water Quality Model forAssessing Eutrophication and Anoxia withinChesapeakeBay James J. Fitzpatrick, Alan F. Blumberg, DonaldJ. O'Connor,and Thomas J. Mulligan .99 Circulation ModelingasanAid to Management of the BlueCrabFishery in ChesapeakeBay David F. Johnson, Kurt W. Hess, and Peter J. Pytlowany 111 ModelStudyofEutrophication in Virginia's Potomac Embayments Cart F.Cereo. Albert Y. Kuo and PaulV. Hyer 119 Statistical Models for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Arthur J. Butt 125 ImpactEvaluationofEngineering Projects inCoastaVEstuarine Waters S. Bird and A. Swain „ 133 The Effectsof Hydrodynamic Circulation on Estuarine WaterQuality DonaldJ. O'Connor and Alan F. Blumberg(Abstract) 140 CirculationModeling andRealTime Measurements asTools for Maritime Commerce and Environmental Management HenryR. Frey(Abstract) 141 Multi-Dimensional Modelingof Estuarine Processes J. Letter,W. McAnally,andD. P. Bach(Abstract) 142 OptimalControlofSalinity Level Dueto River Discharge inthe Upper ChesapeakeBay - A StochasticControlModel Bernard B.Hsieh 143

CHARACTERIZING A SYSTEM Choir. Charles N. Enter Characterizingthe ChesapeakeBay Ecosystem andLessons Learned David A. Flemer, Virginia K. Tippie, Gail B. Mackieman, Robert B. Biggs.WiUa Nehlsen, and Kent S. Price 153 Protocol Standardization for Puget Sound, Washington John Armstrong and Scott Becker ~ 179 Changes in Vegetation in the Cameron-Creole MarshesofLouisianaOver a Thirty-twoYearPeriod Billy R. Craft and E. Ray Smith 187 Evaluatingthe PotentialEconomic Benefits ofEstuarineWater Quality Improvements: A Cross-Estuary Comparison Kenneth Adlerand William Desvousges 205 Strategic Assessment ofthe Use and Healthofthe Nation's Estuaries Daniel J. Basta (Abstract) 216 PLUGGING THE PIPE Chain David Rerra Perspectiveson Combined Sewer Overflow Management Eva J. Hoffman .219 ManagementStrategiesfor StrengtheningPointSourceControls Michelle A. Hiller (Abstract) 224 The RegulationofPoint Source Dischargesinthe CoastalZone Under the NationalPollutantDischargeEliminationSystem (NPDES) Gary Petrazzuolo (Abstract) .225 Virginia's Innovative Financing Mechanism to MeetItsWaterQualityNeeds Susan Gill Dull 227 THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER DRAINAGE AS AN INTEGRATED SYSTEM Convenors: Richard Sparks and John W. Day, Jr. Human ImpactsofMississippi River Ecology Calvin R. Freroling 235 Habitat DiversityandUtilization by Invertebrates andFishAlongthe Mississippi River Continuum Richard V. Anderson, Tom Claflin,James Eckblad, StephenCobb,and Larry Sanders(Abstract) 241 HydraulicRetention Devices in the Middle and UpperMississippi River NanlG. Bhowmik, J. RodgerAdams, and MisganawDemissie 243 Successionin the UpperMississippi River Richard Sparks, N.G. Bhowmik, and Mark Grubb 251


Choir. Charles N. Enter<br />

Characterizing<strong>the</strong> ChesapeakeBay Ecosystem andLessons Learned<br />

David A. Flemer, Virginia K. Tippie, Gail B. Mackieman,<br />

Robert B. Biggs.WiUa Nehlsen, and Kent S. Price 153<br />

Protocol Standardization for Puget Sound, Washington<br />

John Armstrong and Scott Becker ~ 179<br />

Changes in Vegetation in <strong>the</strong> Cameron-Creole MarshesofLouisianaOver a<br />

Thirty-twoYearPeriod<br />

Billy R. Craft and E. Ray Smith 187<br />

Evaluating<strong>the</strong> PotentialEconomic Benefits ofEstuarineWater Quality<br />

Improvements: A Cross-Estuary Comparison<br />

Kenneth Adlerand William Desvousges 205<br />

Strategic Assessment of<strong>the</strong> Use and Healthof<strong>the</strong> Nation's Estuaries<br />

Daniel J. Basta (Abstract) 216<br />


Chain David Rerra<br />

Perspectiveson Combined Sewer Overflow Management<br />

Eva J. Hoffman .219<br />

ManagementStrategiesfor Streng<strong>the</strong>ningPointSourceControls<br />

Michelle A. Hiller (Abstract) 224<br />

The RegulationofPoint Source Dischargesin<strong>the</strong> CoastalZone Under <strong>the</strong><br />

<strong>National</strong>PollutantDischargeEliminationSystem (NPDES)<br />

Gary Petrazzuolo (Abstract) .225<br />

Virginia's Innovative Financing Mechanism to MeetItsWaterQualityNeeds<br />

Susan Gill Dull 227<br />


Convenors: Richard Sparks and John W. Day, Jr.<br />

Human ImpactsofMississippi River Ecology<br />

Calvin R. Freroling 235<br />

Habitat DiversityandUtilization by Invertebrates andFishAlong<strong>the</strong><br />

Mississippi River Continuum<br />

Richard V. Anderson, Tom Claflin,James Eckblad, StephenCobb,and<br />

Larry Sanders(Abstract) 241<br />

HydraulicRetention Devices in <strong>the</strong> Middle and UpperMississippi River<br />

NanlG. Bhowmik, J. RodgerAdams, and MisganawDemissie 243<br />

Successionin <strong>the</strong> UpperMississippi River<br />

Richard Sparks, N.G. Bhowmik, and Mark Grubb 251

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