Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

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Brid Sampling- The Operational Phase Grid sampling ol available NWI maps began on June 17,1986. Fifteen habitat types are now sampled from each map when they are present. The wetlands team also met with representatives from USGS and NMFS and determined that the sampling design Is adequate for the numberol wetland categories sampled. A data base management system has been developed to record map information such as name, location, scale, and availability in order to efficiently monitor and document the progress. Software has also been developed to reproduce grid sampled data In map form on a color monitor and color printer. Up to six different 1:24,000 scale maps of grid sampled wetland data can be simultaneously displayed illustrating the general distribution ol habitat types. Hard copies can be obtained using a color Ink-Jet printer. Additional software has been developed to aggregate grid sampled data by state, county, and hydrobglc unit as well as by EDA. A quality control procedure has been Implemented to minimize the types of errors Inherent in this technique. The first product from this work will describe Ihe general distribution and areal extent of coastal wetlands in the Northeast (ME-CT) and should be available by the spring of 1987. Reports to followwill Include the Mid-Atlantic (NY- VA). Southeast (NC-FL). Gufl ol Mexico (FL-TX), and the West Coast (CA-WA). NOAA expects to complete this work by the end ol 1988. Contusion Recognizing lhat coastal wetlands are an Important national resource, NOAA has endeavored to develop the first comprehensive national coastal wellands data base. Grid sampling offers an Inexpensive and relatively simple method for estimating the areal extent of wetlands from NWI maps at a level of aggregation suitable for national assessemenl. Development of these data would not be possible without the significant contribution made by the FWS In mapping coastal wetlands. Products Irom this project will complement the FWS work and provide a useful management tool for coastal resource managers at all levels of govemmenl. particularly those Federal agencies with responsibilities lor wetlands management and conservation (e.g. FWS, EPA, and COE). Baseline data for the Nation's coastal wetlands will be a significant addition to our understanding of these systems and should Improve our ability to manage them effectively. These data will eventually be integrated into NOAA's NEI framework to establish a national eslaurine assessment capability. References Aloxartder. C.E., M.A. Broutman, and D.W. Field. 1S86. An invontory ol coastal wetlands of the USA. Strategic Assessment Branch, Rodwilte, Md., National Oceanic and Atmosphoric Administration, 25 p. (mlmoo). Bonner, G.M. 1975. The error ol area ostlmates from dot grids. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. (5)10. 463

464 Cowardln, L.M.. V. Carter, F.C. Golot. and E.T. LaRoo. 1979. Classification of wetlands and deepwator habitats of tho United Slates. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sorvice. FWS/OBS-79/3L Washington. D.C Enter, C.N., and D.J. Basta. 1984. Strategic assessment of multiple resoutco-use conflicts in tho U.S. Exclusivo Economic Zone. In Exclusive Economic Zone Papers. Reprint from Proceedingsol Oceans '84. Washington, D.C. Frayer, W.E., T.J. Monahan, D.C. Bowdan, and FA Graybin. 1983. Status and tionds of wetlands and doepwater habitats in the coterminous United Sotas, 1950s to 1970s. Colordado State University, Doportmont of Forest and Wood Sciences. Ft. Collins. Haddad, K.D., and B.A. Harris. 1985. Use of romots sensing to assess ostuorine habitats. In: O.T. Magoon, od. Proe. fifth symposium on coastal and ocean mgmt. - Coastal Zone "85. American Soctoty of Engineers, N.Y.. N.Y. Llndall, W.N. Jr. and G.W. Thayor. 1982. Quantification of National Marine Fisheries Service habitat conservation oflorts In the Soulhoaat region of tho United Stales. Marine Fisheries Reviow. 44:18-22. May, L.N.. Jr. 1988. An evaluation of Landsat MSS digital data for updating habitat maps of the Louisianacoastal zona. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (52)8. President's Council on Environmental Quality. 1984. 15th annual report ol the Council on Environmental Quality. Washington, D.C. Exocuthre Office of tho PresktonL Strategic Assessment Branch. 1985. National estuarine invontory data atlas: physical and hydroiogic characteristics. Rockvilta, Md.. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 103 p. Strategic Assessment Branch. 1986. Summary ol proooodings: NOAA coastal wetland workshop. Rockvtlle. MD., National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 11 p. (mimeo). Tinor, R.W. Jr. 1984. Wetlands of the United 8tatos: Current status and recont trends. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Newton Comers.

464<br />

Cowardln, L.M.. V. Carter, F.C. Golot. and E.T. LaRoo. 1979. Classification of wetlands<br />

and deepwator habitats of tho United Slates. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Sorvice.<br />

FWS/OBS-79/3L Washington. D.C<br />

Enter, C.N., and D.J. Basta. 1984. Strategic assessment of multiple resoutco-use<br />

conflicts in tho U.S. Exclusivo Economic Zone. In Exclusive Economic Zone Papers.<br />

Reprint from Proceedingsol Oceans '84. Washington, D.C.<br />

Frayer, W.E., T.J. Monahan, D.C. Bowdan, and FA Graybin. 1983. Status and tionds of<br />

wetlands and doepwater habitats in <strong>the</strong> coterminous United Sotas, 1950s to 1970s.<br />

Colordado State University, Doportmont of Forest and Wood Sciences. Ft. Collins.<br />

Haddad, K.D., and B.A. Harris. 1985. Use of romots sensing to assess ostuorine<br />

habitats. In: O.T. Magoon, od. Proe. fifth symposium on coastal and ocean mgmt. -<br />

Coastal Zone "85. American Soctoty of Engineers, N.Y.. N.Y.<br />

Llndall, W.N. Jr. and G.W. Thayor. 1982. Quantification of <strong>National</strong> Marine Fisheries<br />

Service habitat conservation oflorts In <strong>the</strong> Soulhoaat region of tho United Stales. Marine<br />

Fisheries Reviow. 44:18-22.<br />

May, L.N.. Jr. 1988. An evaluation of Landsat MSS digital data for updating habitat<br />

maps of <strong>the</strong> Louisianacoastal zona. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing<br />

(52)8.<br />

President's Council on Environmental Quality. 1984. 15th annual report ol <strong>the</strong> Council<br />

on Environmental Quality. Washington, D.C. Exocuthre Office of tho PresktonL<br />

Strategic Assessment Branch. 1985. <strong>National</strong> estuarine invontory data atlas: physical<br />

and hydroiogic characteristics. Rockvilta, Md.. <strong>National</strong> Oceanic and Atmospheric<br />

Administration, 103 p.<br />

Strategic Assessment Branch. 19<strong>86</strong>. Summary ol proooodings: NOAA coastal wetland<br />

workshop. Rockvtlle. MD., <strong>National</strong> Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 11 p.<br />

(mimeo).<br />

Tinor, R.W. Jr. 1984. Wetlands of <strong>the</strong> United 8tatos: Current status and recont trends.<br />

U.S. Department of <strong>the</strong> Interior, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Newton Comers.

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