Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

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ORGANIZING INFORMATION JamesBergerandJerryOglesby,Chairs

Estuarineand Coastal Management• Tools of the Trade. Proceedingsof the TenthNationalConference of TheCoastalSociety. October 12-15.1986. New Orleans,LA. Copyrightby TheCoastalSociety 1987. Introduction A DATA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR VISUALLY COLLECTED ENVIRONMENTAL DATA Ann Sherlock and Andre Szuwalski Coastal Engineering InfcnnancnAnalysisCenter Coastal EngineeringResearchCenter VS. Army EngineerWaterwaysExperimentStation Vcksbuig, MS 39180 The Corps of Engineers has as part of its illusion the responsibility for the design and construction of shore protection works. In carrying out this nlsslon coastal project planners and designers require Information on meteorologlc and oceanographlc forces which effect the coast. The objective of the LEO program is to provide this information by establishing an econoalcal and easily retrievable reservoir of repetitive and systematic observations of both the forces and response elements in the coastal zone. Data Collection LEO observations include surf conditions, local winds, littoral currents, and foreshore slope. Surf conditions include estimates of breaker height, period, direction, and type of breaking waves. Wind observations Include speed, measured using a wind meter, and direction. Longshore currents are measured using small packets of dye which disperse upon immersion. The current speed is estimated from the movement of the dyo patch centroid for a ono-mlnute period. Current direction Is also noted. A measurement of foreshore slope (using a topographic hand level) is aade at the upper limit ot that part of the beach which la being vetted by awash runup. All this data is recorded by the observer on the form shown in Figure 1 from which the data can be readily transcribed to computer disk or magnetic tape for further processing. 429



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