Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

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Estuarine andCoastal Management-Tools ofihe Abstract only Trade. Proceedingsof the TenthNationalConference of The Coastal Society. October 12-15.1986. New Orleans,LA. Copyright by TheCoastalSociety 1987. RISK MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC OPEN-WATER RECREATIONAL BEACHES IN THE UNITED STATES James M. McQoy Coastal Zone Laboratory Texas A&M University at Galveston Galveston. TXT7S53 In the United Slates the number one recreational activity is swimming and the second ranked activity is fishing. Combined with the fact that the majority of the population ofthe U.S.A. resideswithin50 milesof the coast,it is estimatedconservatively thatannuallythereis a population-at-risk on the publicopen-waterrecreational beachesin excess of250 million people. These recreational beachesarevery heavilyimpactedby manand therehave been numerous coastal structures to maintain present beaches, retard erosion, and to trap additional sediment However, there are problems associated with these shoreline structuresand the geomorphicnearshore processes thathave a significanteffect on how the risks of these beaches aremanaged. The risk management of this beachuserpopulation hasbeenstudiedinonly theveryminimal way; public safetyeducation relating to the beach environment and processesencounteredthere hasreceived only modest distribution;and the equipment and methodology for carrying out this management has, in the main, received only cursory attention from the city, county, state, and national administrative authorities responsible forthe safetyandhealth of thebeach patrons. Becausethereis a perception thatpeopledo not understand the processes endemic to the nearshore environment and that the nearshore contains numerous and constant hidden dangers in the form ofripcurrents, sand bars, and scour holes there have been numerous law suitsbroughtto the courtswhen peoplehave Injured themselveswhile in the water,or diving into the water. The problem has become so acute in the United States thatcoastal communities have hadtheirmunicipalliabilityinsurance cancelledbecauseofthese law suits. In allthese law suits,the"standard of care" andthe methodologyof risk management arecalledintoquestion,examinedin minutedetail,andwheneverpossible found wantingby plantiffs counselandassociated expertwitnesses. 701



Robert Stewart, Chair

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