Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library Full document / COSOC-W-86-002 - the National Sea Grant Library

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Estuarine and CoastalManagement - Tooti of the Trade. Proceedingsofthe Took NationalConference of TheCoastal Society. October12-15.1936. New Orleans.LA. Copyrightby TheCoastalSociety 1987. MARYLAND CRITICAL AREA PROGRAM SarahTaylor and J. Kevin Sullivan Chesapeake Bay CriticalAreas Commission Department of Natural Resources Tawes State Office Building Annapolis. MD 21401 Abstract only The Chesapeake Bay CriticalArea ProtectionLaw (Natural Resources Article 8-1801 - 8- 1816)was passedby the GeneralAssembly in 1984becauseofconcernaboutthe declineofcertain natural resources of the Chesapeake Bay. Recent studies by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency andothershave shown thatthis declineis relatedto the intensityofhumanactivities within the watershedofthe Bay. In orderto begin to addressthese sourcesof impact, the GeneralAssembly designated a geographical areaaroundthe tidal watersofthe ChesapeakeBay and its tributaries as the "Critical Area." It directedthatnew developmentin this area be suchas to minimize impactson the Bay's water quality and plant, fish, and wildlife habitat. Pursuant to the requirements of the Law, the ChesapeakeBay CriticalAreaCommission was established to develop criteriafor guiding local jurisdictionsin developing programs forCritical Area. The processof approval for thesecriteria as con be imagined,was fraught with political pitfalls and enhancements - all of which resultedin a set of landmark land-useguidelines for developmentaroundthe Bay which passedGeneralAssembly scrutinyin April of 1986. At this time, theCommissionwill seek to work with60 jurisdictions in helpingthem use thecriteria in the development of theirlocal Critical AreaProtection Programs. 395


J. Kevin Sullivan, Chair

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