mummiez & daddiez magazine

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When I became a mummy I was<br />

completely prepared! I knew every piece of<br />

equipment I needed, I knew that my life<br />

would be turned upside down, that I needed<br />

to child proof the house, how to care for<br />

her, how she would grow and develop and I<br />

knew I wouldn‘t be able to go out as much<br />

anymore, I was ready... or was I? It took<br />

me until my daughter was about 3 years old<br />

to realise that I hadn‘t been prepared at all<br />

for the biggest change... losing myself into<br />

motherhood.<br />

Don‘t get me wrong I love being a<br />

mummy, it is what I was born to do. I love<br />

the tears, the laughter, the mess, the<br />

development, it doesn‘t faze me and I<br />

embrace most things. But I also love being<br />

Kate, and not just ―Laura and Daniel‘s<br />

Mummy‖. I think I was so determined to be<br />

the best mummy I could be that I immersed myself in<br />

motherhood and lost Kate somewhere in the process. The<br />

irony is it is all the things which make me Kate which<br />

make me a good mummy. I love being creative, I love<br />

singing, I am calm, I love reading and I am patient but I<br />

love time to myself and when I get that time I am<br />

reminded who Kate really is and am much better at being<br />

―Laura and Daniel‘s Mummy‖ again.<br />

I‘m sure most mums have had a day away from the<br />

children and gone back home feeling recharged and<br />

knowing that they have more patience and are just<br />

handling things better so why do we not enable ourselves<br />

to have more times like that?<br />

In my work as a children‘s healer I see many families who<br />

are suffering because the mums have had to deal with<br />

things, maybe a bereavement or illness, but they haven‘t<br />

given themselves the time they needed and this has had a<br />

knock on effect on their child‘s emotional state. It doesn‘t<br />

have to be something so enormous to have an impact on<br />

us either. A bad day at work, traffic jam, someone being<br />

rude to us in a shop, all have an impact on our mood and<br />

as emotional beings we need time to process this and deal<br />

with it. As mums, realistically we don‘t get that time very<br />

often, the knock on effect is that we pass this negativity<br />

onto our children; we tell them off, we lack patience, w<br />

don‘t engage them in the same way we usually would.<br />

Having observed this for many years in parent I decided<br />

to create a workshop where mums could come along, to<br />

Magical Mummy<br />

Workshop<br />

be pampered, meet other mums in the same situation and<br />

discuss what they need help with. Throughout the day<br />

offer advice, tips and encouragement and also remind<br />

them of things which may help them to rediscover what<br />

makes their heart sing. As part of the day we do simple<br />

activities which reinforce our new promises to ourselves<br />

and learn a little about how meditation and relaxation can<br />

actually help us to stay calm during even the most<br />

difficult parenting days.<br />

My Magical Mummy Workshops are always very<br />

popular, I host them at home so numbers are limited, I<br />

could probably fill at least double the places but then it<br />

would change the day and part of what makes it special is<br />

the relationships built during the day, the personal details<br />

(home cooked lunch, goodie bag etc) and everyone having<br />

chance to talk. My last workshop was in April and we had<br />

such a fabulous day, chatting, encouraging,<br />

congratulating, creating and making some wonderful<br />

friends.<br />

My next Magical Mummy Workshop is taking place on<br />

Sunday 7 th October and places are already being booked.<br />

If you are a Mummy who is craving some quality time<br />

and would like to join us you can find out more details on<br />

my website (www.katebeddow.co.uk) or my Facebook<br />

page (GrowingSpiritKids) or follow me on Twitter<br />

(@GrowingSpirit) for more news.

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