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• ^ CSDT of pa^OM. im fmximmt tmmd •e&As viUi tUs tm- .bttatd PUfiLISHia) WE0CLY BY mVES k SHAmAIID.~J. R GRAVES, BBtw. «in d. it it i l^o ai* •dcottaa te •»»• a. tHt ite - I Mil, ^ 'hjtim 7; siM. tk. ] t {amtatetf CxsyaKaa rftfa- o-ral ni jma Ciirr- |>ra*c« I ar 1. iL nxncxnn^ Tn HvutoM or Co*. m it mj stattj lo awcta «. 07 tattK. ia i&a i* foHr mtamL l i*. rCaBTTT FtHMil *m."Tr. smrra. w. Apnl 12, I£«L rpmr IMTI inwutalar iViUtdaiteSlMiy itsde. nKS|r wi»tiUnii» af CMK wm imr tmhmmmm •ad aenr u afnr wMka t vhat st faa br mt. jm ' Isruf fttfSMV of " intiMt til Mint. 1 •• JOSS X CLASXE. tat ^ famimAmmm,mm laniscasi nslov it Ik Sbbhi iAUSS C. ATZB. mdi »y aJl Ih* Otta^ Cam^ tiLde liiiuiuiiM. ia •Jut oam^tifvmM xsft l^oDHT yiTit,—Aaai . JBxanitppi. Jbtejtmrt 'Jm Ja^na lac uafiMiia Sosihea rtttthoUtafSsck I emrrwesr wrr mi TUlM«.ia t.i»cm«itiA Hrratr, SMS* : TavB^Thw IkSan. ft eheww iBw Basd. TaitMB. SB the jnghmi Sag^ TawtiB Wim ^ JLiBWETT, Mae^ rtjsxsojr s Sttrr,^ raB-Cha bttm rf iha"'^ if BatU baa beeBaBid,-nbeda(iMt Btesit IndboBBB WBRlwIiieli boar ia jBi« beCHed^." It any baaBlfiwta.aadoalr iaiiwk.stiB ltdoos aatso- ^pmUj.BBVBttastttndiy. Tho |pwBB-]fer either to the enm^aai npmtt, t to the j^if I f it. It Sr.*. ».n.: 1 , «MI»LIMP«RQRAR TBEAVIMAATUT! tha w«ds. the prom->aaqMct^ lBthbfsa.itmtims nan; iwmti^m mUat^ Iwt w mmIL Wm^ ^ " '-^'y t» satwpartaf theiaBd l BBBM Mnjiily pray—froai tm/k^ l4r«««wB7jpM6>a«taa iaimel; Be died wilk** the mof wlwA VMer ^idhs. W BMB&ni *^eoaia»«d bB ta^ytlKd. battbe gift of tbe > BilawHT wig l>e i»«By efftfi**. ) of Jeni*' -'Btn that ibulii) it diiaiiBia^wid T wjlihil n m. ••< I~has« UeBcoaiygMseatiobiabeBfeis to upeci Holy Gbost He eoald not easUy Itave led yaa. why did Haoc eompe) JNM to sap- no doabt Mr.'Caaipl^ Umacir waiM add iWUtdaw' U* gift of tho H«Iy GbosC His words tsoaipresaed as nacb Use statement in few poaaAatthesposdeinusthaT* refemdto ahaat^aacBl Itwas ia ads Seato Isap- tell. bri^iM^ofU. «B. -Rei^at. aad be baptised e»«ry aae cr words. hoitf the other of thegiftaf theH«yGbo»t? Bat ha says: poMd the ebai^ Mada agaiai M. hi tha lie ezpnrM HM^ of kit person—km of yoB. ta tb« nasae of Jons C%rist for (be i Agaia be says. "Wow the Isagaage "IfcbiidKB — f iiatniimaiaaiiiffdi^on ei- biait my character, |We8STtoBro. Whaeiav. that ; hare been dose wfces died? it ting this, joins toij^eOier what is di>coan«ct- penoas io the eommaad be baptised, than therbomoftbe ddeaima! leaoreadilyl ftualndoataBitoliept^wkrOaheH- ("^•wof.orspnlagiM imls^ imfjf iW Ahmgitf. doae* It was mL Tfce rendiog rocks— ed, by OMudag a pait of the words, aad be iatetids to inclmle in the command w- beheve that BiBi^ that, this writer has said ,isa»—the daan^ sin of Ah erOodoz age. ia both ridiedoBS aad fake, bat I woald jBomon thaawBwfiraay €adU.m»dialasmmm. Ot^.'tzi. the quakoi^ esrd]—the d»rfceeed •nn— And I BmsmyoBTixeadeTaaMstsareg^ «M>p» at the word "BiiidreB," witboBt gi»- peat. Tbe espressioB is n^t ye and let aot think, maeh feas say this of words dic- f^hfcl^ 8eiweeBBapti«.aadCWriegepramg gmres—and >>jiB|ia4)ixiaj; lutare. it. beeaase Aey i^ra from yoa, thafetea iag the expknaure ekwao. "ewa as suwy ; every one of yoa be baptised. Why this tated of the Holy Spirit, even tboogh I did f Marreif rtjeeted Mr. C.-s bi^^: he waat l^ebanci^rorGod tapr{«t. ' It ouj nT saUteLotdotirGodslmUeaa." What m^ht ehai^ ia tbe BBmber of tbe if the not BBderstand ihem. There ia, bowem, t«d a Bew heart." Letas with the bf ! -dlmpaSirthe pifS^ it was BoC Tbe qiu»4Soa is aaw he not prove in ibU way? Our Lord said apostle did not Intend to inelade mes that ihe vorisg to shun. ;«b«wBe« ftht fWyheiltt.] ami his words. I suppose, with a gestare of the thw? There is a change in the number tm^ tt» it, mil aaifu^ «hE die «ptm Th* b«iiivss of tbe diTiw natiin promise of was made to them aad their chd- Cfc«eh*^ dmt cmait he head ia ezpUaatk». When bo was ar-ibe In the above aease, then. I «B BO Camp- Tert>, which shows that more are meant af'^ioncm, w sfcall votii&tp Gorfacwpta- as to aeoowit Ibr it. Ia no oOsn drea. There is nothing either ridkaieas bndged^ver by aay .Bdk dmehmcaHiei. »»«aed afterwards feiote C.-tiaphas. tbe; to Be inclodwl in thecommand be baptised. briKte. Bat. if to have lead the Harl^. B«K wkiMMU UBitit Tim of Oe way CSB h be acnnutted fcr. The dinae or iidse ia this. ^Beenng as whieh he pwfeawes iS Chief Priesu aad eiders aad all tbe COBB- ! than in the coramaal repeat; this Is what er. as well as the Tecnnire Bn^sdst, for tbeie on be BO iceept:^ pni? »kn>«« fortfj in awftil graadeurin tbe raMfly, Mr. J. a H. says: -If «he coa cd soBgfat ftLe witnesses at;aaut him to ^ he says. Tbe command repent is sMteaoe- several years past—tryh* them bodi by —*gBlf wi^ Bad de^erthaalh^ahM fact dMold hm taki-a iwM ae- erwa. Tfce man wbo take^ fcis staad 00 maud is to bsptiBediildrPB.the paiemtwho p«i him to dt« b." "At lart," it is said,! tlje command be baptised is tbe wt^s of ia.«i« B>i«iiit. per a formal declaratimi of aw. caSiag oa West Tenaeaaee Ooasartiap? T |i u hw ji»Scates a boly L-iW girer. The based mhI tkistora? If to. we have tbe ibey are Saved withoat repentance, as J. S in fiwt been sncb a chaage in number, as he In die Tennes^ Baptist of the 5ih of the ministers to Aow their eakcs. If thej jCampbellitej ^derived from dte Miflesi ofllw peparadoB to eojoy tbe Uiss of H. allowa. may th^j aot he saved withoat falsely intimates, even that would not warFebrasry, there is a commnnicatioB over dare, and on the diardies to dis^iGae the PjafaestioBaUe {iMW of tile hoSaes* tta A,xtiior baptism? Is baptism snd salvauon so conrant the inference be draws from it. Xo- the signatare af J. B. Justice, parportiag Campbdfites, I mast be permitted toactoB itea a Ba|tti Biacb stiei^^ iroiB tbe ^pmtoaStr ^ law. Its rp^nMijoa r^b br- 5. Tbe wnregeeerate areosfit ibr bea- nected in tb« mind of J. H., that he can licehis revised trsnslatiuo—"Be bapUsed to be "a reply to Rev. D. A. Whitelaw." aiy OWB coesaeatioBs coavidioss, sad re- Itao to t&e exaer^ eoadnct—eren to •B. They lore SIB. Tbey conid BOI reJ- not sepante them io thoogiit? Or does 1 J ® ® . " to, "let every I had supposed there was no necessity for maiit as I am, fta hamhie meinhrr of the AiBUBB CatWBxi xbb ITWT e»il desire fik^iuJu joy" "sd wervices of tbe ce- he write thus to iasmuate that the "oppo | of you be baptixed." What difierence a reply fioQ Deacon iastiee to me, althoagh Baptist cha^. I cannot, however, nfraia The : regvdlBtts devdopment in aetioB ! irtiial tempie. Tbey woold be misersble ncntt of infant baptism," are also the "op- tl»i« niske? It reminds a»« of the my letter to the Tennessee Baptist sras call- from protesting, ia the iutme af religioa, iiHiilL It to the cirwdatioB of A^, ftifpac tcdenied. dMM^ itlea&to »> , aeia beaves. Sesers? yon most be iot* ponenu of in&at salvation?" The creed j horlesqoe qaestioB I have beard mooted ed forth by one from bim. I mast be per(so scarce a commodity m these orthodox •^tiaaal papen mmmg tfwa. h vi^i mitted still, to decfine, as formerly, any days,) i frooi sach a sfniirifsi ndsaicidal iag. Koinfeamcw a aaK pawctifi titiif# TStflsw deataads pnritj of beart oyssa—-yoB xs j BXBM become mem crentwrcs. which diKtinguis-hes infaots as "elect," is ^ mock trials of law. as to tbe difierence controversvorcorrespondence^-ththeDea-!^esi^f veafika of trBeGodfiBes., Binch more liable to ^acli a reproach, tbs^ j between tbe phrases, '*Come oat of here pma. «ifip>t)ei ba« of pwiQr of Aa tta-1 ooe which simply denies them the lite of McCaria," and "McCarta come oat of COB. It is. however, doe to myself to say, j ^ ^ hi^gfciag woaid not ea«ts boiy law.— CeBinifliiifQtians. baptii'm, and. in doing this, pots no differ liere." It has beea well remarked, only that I bare made no charges against th|' Cam^>d}>sm has no pbee ia the the t«£g«M tdumielBr af a eaKaraid^ Ihr bis law is IwIt, 4C. ence beta tea such as are bom of belkviag tbeoli^an*, when adrocatiog popu character of tbe Deawm; and hence hb ad- nomenclatare . - . , of oar laagw^e; « .r r aiadabhoBgh -s - , aay oAer mstramuiBaiy. riom^^ rortbeT pareats and s^uch as tfe not. Ur errors, are permiued to write nonsense monition "to la cl,»;scter alone in" fiuure" " * weli defined has i«*ms fungn^ takes Owii AeH^ »jmcmmk £Er gtoUg, SHutrmte tie Jhiti- 'fitii A aew¥pa{icr. to be called Uie "Missis- Ifr. J. a H. aext. after a labored syllo

• ^ CSDT of pa^OM.<br />

im fmximmt tmmd<br />

•e&As viUi tUs tm-<br />

.bttatd PUfiLISHia) WE0CLY BY mVES k SHAmAIID.~J. R GRAVES, BBtw.<br />

«in d. it it i<br />

l^o ai* •dcottaa te<br />

•»»• a. tHt<br />

ite - I Mil, ^<br />

'hjtim<br />

7; siM. tk. ]<br />

t {amtatetf<br />

CxsyaKaa rftfa-<br />

o-ral ni jma Ciirr-<br />

|>ra*c« I ar 1. iL nxncxnn^<br />

Tn HvutoM or Co*.<br />

m it mj stattj lo awcta<br />

«. 07 tattK. ia i&a<br />

i* foHr mtamL l i*.<br />

rCaBTTT FtHMil<br />

*m."Tr. smrra.<br />

w. Apnl <strong>12</strong>, I£«L<br />

rpmr IMTI inwutalar<br />

iViUtdaiteSlMiy<br />

itsde.<br />

nKS|r wi»tiUnii» af CMK<br />

wm imr tmhmmmm<br />

•ad aenr u afnr wMka<br />

t vhat st faa br mt. jm<br />

' Isruf fttfSMV of " intiMt<br />

til Mint. 1 ••<br />


tat<br />

^ famimAmmm,mm<br />

laniscasi nslov it Ik Sbbhi<br />

iAUSS C. ATZB.<br />

mdi »y aJl Ih* Otta^<br />

Cam^<br />

tiLde liiiuiuiiM. ia<br />

•Jut oam^tifvmM<br />

xsft l^oDHT yiTit,—Aaai<br />

. JBxanitppi. Jbtejtmrt<br />

'Jm Ja^na lac<br />

uafiMiia Sosihea<br />

rtttthoUtafSsck<br />

I emrrwesr wrr<br />

mi TUlM«.ia<br />

t.i»cm«itiA Hrratr, SMS*<br />

: TavB^Thw IkSan. ft<br />

eheww iBw Basd. TaitMB.<br />

SB the jnghmi Sag^<br />

TawtiB Wim ^<br />

JLiBWETT, Mae^<br />

rtjsxsojr s Sttrr,^<br />

raB-Cha bttm rf iha"'^<br />

if<br />

BatU baa beeBaBid,-nbeda(iMt Btesit IndboBBB WBRlwIiieli<br />

boar ia jBi« beCHed^." It any baaBlfiwta.aadoalr iaiiwk.stiB ltdoos aatso-<br />

^pmUj.BBVBttastttndiy. Tho |pwBB-]fer either to the enm^aai npmtt, t to the<br />

j^if I f it.<br />

It Sr.*. ».n.: 1 ,<br />


tha w«ds. the prom->aaqMct^ lBthbfsa.itmtims nan;<br />

iwmti^m mUat^ Iwt w mmIL Wm^ ^ " '-^'y<br />

t» satwpartaf theiaBd l BBBM Mnjiily pray—froai tm/k^<br />

l4r«««wB7jpM6>a«taa iaimel; Be died wilk** the<br />

mof wlwA VMer ^idhs. W BMB&ni *^eoaia»«d bB ta^ytlKd. battbe gift of tbe<br />

> BilawHT wig l>e i»«By efftfi**.<br />

) of Jeni*'<br />

-'Btn that ibulii) it diiaiiBia^wid T wjlihil n m. ••< I~has«<br />

UeBcoaiygMseatiobiabeBfeis to upeci Holy Gbost He eoald not easUy Itave led yaa. why did Haoc eompe) JNM to sap- no doabt Mr.'Caaipl^ Umacir waiM add iWUtdaw'<br />

U* gift of tho H«Iy GbosC His words tsoaipresaed as nacb Use statement in few poaaAatthesposdeinusthaT* refemdto ahaat^aacBl Itwas ia ads Seato Isap-<br />

tell. bri^iM^ofU.<br />

«B. -Rei^at. aad be baptised e»«ry aae cr words.<br />

hoitf the other of<br />

thegiftaf theH«yGbo»t? Bat ha says: poMd the ebai^ Mada agaiai M. hi tha<br />

lie ezpnrM HM^ of kit person—km of yoB. ta tb« nasae of Jons C%rist for (be i Agaia be says. "Wow the Isagaage "IfcbiidKB — f iiatniimaiaaiiiffdi^on ei- biait my character,<br />

|We8STtoBro. Whaeiav. that<br />

; hare been dose wfces died? it ting this, joins toij^eOier what is di>coan«ct- penoas io the eommaad be baptised, than<br />

therbomoftbe ddeaima! leaoreadilyl ftualndoataBitoliept^wkrOaheH- ("^•wof.orspnlagiM<br />

imls^ imfjf iW Ahmgitf. doae* It was mL Tfce rendiog rocks— ed, by OMudag a pait of the words, aad be iatetids to inclmle in the command w-<br />

beheve that BiBi^ that, this writer has said ,isa»—the daan^ sin of Ah erOodoz age.<br />

ia both ridiedoBS aad fake, bat I woald<br />

jBomon thaawBwfiraay<br />

€adU.m»dialasmmm. Ot^.'tzi. the quakoi^ esrd]—the d»rfceeed •nn—<br />

And I BmsmyoBTixeadeTaaMstsareg^<br />

«M>p» at the word "BiiidreB," witboBt gi»- peat. Tbe espressioB is n^t ye and let aot think, maeh feas say this of words dic-<br />

f^hfcl^ 8eiweeBBapti«.aadCWriegepramg<br />

gmres—and >>jiB|ia4)ixiaj; lutare.<br />

it. beeaase Aey i^ra from yoa, thafetea<br />

iag the expknaure ekwao. "ewa as suwy ; every one of yoa be baptised. Why this tated of the Holy Spirit, even tboogh I did f Marreif rtjeeted Mr. C.-s bi^^: he waat<br />

l^ebanci^rorGod tapr{«t. ' It ouj nT saUteLotdotirGodslmUeaa." What m^ht ehai^ ia tbe BBmber of tbe if the not BBderstand ihem. There ia, bowem, t«d a Bew heart." Letas with the bf ! -dlmpaSirthe pifS^<br />

it was BoC Tbe qiu»4Soa is aaw he not prove in ibU way? Our Lord said apostle did not Intend to inelade mes that ihe vorisg to shun.<br />

;«b«wBe« ftht fWyheiltt.] ami<br />

his words. I suppose, with a gestare of the thw? There is a change in the number<br />

tm^ tt» it, mil aaifu^ «hE die «ptm Th* b«iiivss of tbe diTiw natiin<br />

promise of was made to them aad their chd-<br />

Cfc«eh*^ dmt cmait he<br />

head ia ezpUaatk». When bo was ar-ibe<br />

In the above aease, then. I «B BO Camp-<br />

Tert>, which shows that more are meant<br />

af'^ioncm, w sfcall votii&tp Gorfacwpta- as to aeoowit Ibr it. Ia no oOsn<br />

drea. There is nothing either ridkaieas<br />

bndged^ver by aay .Bdk dmehmcaHiei.<br />

»»«aed afterwards feiote C.-tiaphas. tbe; to Be inclodwl in thecommand be baptised.<br />

briKte. Bat. if to have lead the Harl^.<br />

B«K wkiMMU UBitit Tim of Oe way CSB h be acnnutted fcr. The dinae<br />

or iidse ia this.<br />

^Beenng as whieh he pwfeawes iS<br />

Chief Priesu aad eiders aad all tbe COBB- ! than in the coramaal repeat; this Is what<br />

er. as well as the Tecnnire Bn^sdst, for<br />

tbeie on be BO iceept:^ pni? »kn>«« fortfj in awftil graadeurin tbe<br />

raMfly, Mr. J. a H. says: -If «he coa<br />

cd soBgfat ftLe witnesses at;aaut him to ^ he says. Tbe command repent is sMteaoe-<br />

several years past—tryh* them bodi by —*gBlf wi^ Bad de^erthaalh^ahM<br />

fact dMold hm taki-a iwM ae- erwa. Tfce man wbo take^ fcis staad 00<br />

maud is to bsptiBediildrPB.the paiemtwho<br />

p«i him to dt« b." "At lart," it is said,! tlje command be baptised is<br />

tbe wt^s of ia.«i« B>i«iiit. per a formal declaratimi of aw. caSiag oa West Tenaeaaee Ooasartiap? T |i u<br />

hw ji»Scates a boly L-iW girer. The based mhI tkistora? If to. we have tbe ibey are Saved withoat repentance, as J. S in fiwt been sncb a chaage in number, as he In die Tennes^ Baptist of the 5ih of<br />

the ministers to Aow their eakcs. If thej jCampbellitej<br />

^derived from dte Miflesi ofllw peparadoB to eojoy tbe Uiss of H. allowa. may th^j aot he saved withoat falsely intimates, even that would not warFebrasry,<br />

there is a commnnicatioB over dare, and on the diardies to dis^iGae the PjafaestioBaUe<br />

{iMW of tile hoSaes* tta A,xtiior<br />

baptism? Is baptism snd salvauon so conrant<br />

the inference be draws from it. Xo- the signatare af J. B. Justice, parportiag Campbdfites, I mast be permitted toactoB itea a Ba|tti Biacb stiei^^ iroiB tbe ^pmtoaStr<br />

^ law. Its rp^nMijoa r^b br- 5. Tbe wnregeeerate areosfit ibr bea- nected in tb« mind of J. H., that he can licehis revised trsnslatiuo—"Be bapUsed to be "a reply to Rev. D. A. Whitelaw." aiy OWB coesaeatioBs coavidioss, sad re-<br />

Itao to t&e exaer^ eoadnct—eren to •B. They lore SIB. Tbey conid BOI reJ- not sepante them io thoogiit? Or does 1 J ® ® . " to, "let every<br />

I had supposed there was no necessity for maiit as I am, fta hamhie meinhrr of the AiBUBB CatWBxi xbb<br />

ITWT e»il desire fik^iuJu joy" "sd wervices of tbe ce- he write thus to iasmuate that the "oppo | of you be baptixed." What difierence<br />

a reply fioQ Deacon iastiee to me, althoagh Baptist cha^. I cannot, however, nfraia The<br />

: regvdlBtts devdopment in aetioB ! irtiial tempie. Tbey woold be misersble ncntt of infant baptism," are also the "op- tl»i« niske? It reminds a»« of the<br />

my letter to the Tennessee Baptist sras call- from protesting, ia the iutme af religioa, iiHiilL It to the cirwdatioB of A^,<br />

ftifpac tcdenied. dMM^ itlea&to »> , aeia<br />

beaves. Sesers? yon most be iot* ponenu of in&at salvation?" The creed j horlesqoe qaestioB I have beard mooted<br />

ed forth by one from bim. I mast be per(so<br />

scarce a commodity m these orthodox •^tiaaal papen mmmg tfwa. h vi^i<br />

mitted still, to decfine, as formerly, any days,) i frooi sach a sfniirifsi ndsaicidal iag. Koinfeamcw a aaK pawctifi<br />

titiif# TStflsw deataads pnritj of beart oyssa—-yoB xs j BXBM become mem crentwrcs. which diKtinguis-hes infaots as "elect," is ^ mock trials of law. as to tbe difierence controversvorcorrespondence^-ththeDea-!^esi^f veafika of trBeGodfiBes.,<br />

Binch more liable to ^acli a reproach, tbs^ j between tbe phrases, '*Come oat of here<br />

pma.<br />

«ifip>t)ei ba« of pwiQr of Aa tta-1<br />

ooe which simply denies them the lite of McCaria," and "McCarta come oat of<br />

COB. It is. however, doe to myself to say, j ^ ^<br />

hi^gfciag woaid not ea«ts boiy law.— CeBinifliiifQtians. baptii'm, and. in doing this, pots no differ liere." It has beea well remarked, only that I bare made no charges against th|'<br />

Cam^>d}>sm has no pbee ia the the t«£g«M tdumielBr af a eaKaraid^<br />

Ihr bis law is IwIt, 4C.<br />

ence beta tea such as are bom of belkviag tbeoli^an*, when adrocatiog popu character of tbe Deawm; and hence hb ad- nomenclatare . - . , of oar laagw^e; « .r r aiadabhoBgh -s - , aay oAer mstramuiBaiy. riom^^<br />

rortbeT<br />

pareats and s^uch as tfe not. Ur errors, are permiued to write nonsense<br />

monition "to la cl,»;scter alone in" fiuure" " * weli defined has<br />

i«*ms fungn^ takes Owii AeH^<br />

»jmcmmk £Er gtoUg, SHutrmte tie Jhiti-<br />

'fitii<br />

A aew¥pa{icr. to be called Uie "Missis- Ifr. J. a H. aext. after a labored syllo

IX<br />

C n f f l M F f l ^ p t i s t<br />

iijusHmL*.-ntenf-<br />

SATVBMY. JBMPA ». n<br />

ba»a pcopoMd to daliMa<br />

lha Mtha of Hanh aad ApA to aa<br />

liKrttoiBuaaM.kif.fy thaeieakikBof<br />

pk "BaptNt," to oaahk a. to ptoeaia<br />

MkcPMa.'* Sod bkH aad -MP •dtool-noinT Aawkfr^Wbar qm** tf^ fltoic pdky<br />

tijMI Dm door »ato GaHtst," Mcotdtog to t Uic cbwtJtesftroiriMkf to wipport awik^ ftol of pwiy poli6«». k k<br />

t^ iarytonoother mhjM!i,fttuidftnMthtH.<br />

" ftoeot^ng to If tho bwthrea atE. & heipw aotr, teaioa ud eaaMd.»tioa of the<br />

ftB^ ftalUttTlMMprtiiftt specifiMi ft i«* ^ohareb. vUeli M body, , «U1 try ud help theKttoa. WUli^l'T'^bciin aad aben aay siket thfttiaib.<br />

limpff ufajeet, fiwbid. at to b«piiie u omt brother, rfxnre!!<br />

mMitwtr or ft NM Mbwr So «y w». It i. by MIowiBg o«i wwA . rprineipte. ^ Sifter Uaiy JahMa. of Aia.. Wiitai aft. ly to kto the eoiiii^<br />

, . throagh her haiAtaad: •'Tb. pka aMMt be<br />

to owdoftr brother CrowH.ftwlo«rcb«iki th»th»ean»to tho eowlwMthftt it i« eoBMBiatted. the pma beagbt. the oM 6, B«ia»vd. That Omian -m<br />

ban thftt TC fti« eftDftd upon to »fty it, that "rigbi" lor bim. •• ft ininUt«, to b«pti«e<br />

th« precept thU eoiomwuU ft bftptlied ftd-? "wroofthftt». to ghr. th« oC<br />

«iBi»trfttortobftpd«.fartid. «• labftpti. thftt..cfwlord«.aoe.to« «TOwed «««<br />

ledmftn to »ct-*Bd the eommiMioa WM tiott, •Bdpwpowtocofttn.ftemwro^J W.<br />

mAmMlMt^lWL mhi th. VnOTOM Uut h« MOMdM* tto «ll •fa<br />

•f m O0L of vkM he ha*<br />

THB wol<br />


efaetwWpeHiwli^ ad, i> uaamlj aarrj. iwppyia ^ moWMttdiBg . -. - -.-At- to - cMf Am reftdcn. i nef Am Aorweeeetlluu specifio. ft i«*<br />

1,1,1. fitli aadvkidiba9 that . Bapiirt eaanoi immerae . iewdid.te "<br />

Ommmm^amaUtmn. ItitMbiqwr-<br />

to anite with ft Podohftptirt aockty. be-<br />

•#««lM*k-kw|iMsto ijaaaadikclMd. Acu ^<br />

htmknmAUxim<br />

i Am atv, towraMi ad*- S:38. A«al3:» a. r.<br />

•nto Aoek. af hi. rivak," and of Babyka. aad tlid into the oame error. bat ly Jeaaa Christ, Md Ood the Father."<br />

iouad frtrooly to this aiMiara, is that<br />

TaoHM HOWMX E«i. Thk gtmiimuM<br />

Ia tto aut } re-examine hk priaciples. aad rememtor<br />

Mr. OuapbeUaeedi akh My thiagtoOR; aenioes of aU tto M ealM retigkia* 80- xorroaiAi, asMUtu. that we are not Apostfes. oeidMr do we<br />

U.<br />

Bra<br />

iattocityofEkhBioad,batwa.per-i "It k cooipeieai for tto State, by<br />

m nsTEKi wtiouus. explicit thM this.<br />

of Christeadoai, or aoae of theai.—<br />

We publth tto atova communication, in tto day. of tto pkatmg ea-i^ it? Ue k coofoanded, aad eMBotu•re.<br />

in our view, exceedingly croawoas,— np atove it. No miniter CM be joMiiabk<br />

CUrksvilk, Bed Kver coaaty. Texas. We propmy."—/Waa vs. Jhtm, St, Mmm<br />

ito riew» apoa tto desiga of baptios; bat mw. aad ao aiM wto takM bk positioo The writer hat aa^uoMd positiocs which in we baptixiag "wroag" priaeiples, either kcommead<br />

bin u a geatkmM thoroaghly It^^ports.<br />

qualified k hk profoxMoa, aad totpeak for: 11 it thoidd M coaclade k r«toka Is<br />

Kwtkrtto withoM tha above stateawat are aawarraataUj c«a aanMr—tot to doea, m other* think aiost he will soon perceirr, are unKopturto tto ehareb. or mto tto werti. "What- him ttot shue of tto pabto pMraa.ge,of ,^,iiiunas or wtoxicatiif^ dmAs, whMde-<br />

rtto<br />

bose.aBddoaoteoaTeyBraCrowet'afaaKfootohly do, jampowall established orsl sad disorgMixi.g.<br />

soever k not tffmitk, k sia." s«th the<br />

whieh to will doabdew jHove hiancK de- ^aad to to ued as a bever^fa, tto mmotherihat<br />

d»y teaeh tto doctrine of ttol^, to tto Harbioger or tto AposUee. I He To come »t the p«Mnt direcUy. let us Scripture; ex- wd if ao. h k wn for a niiaktw<br />

•erring. ^elwtoi^ woald to janiied by iht<br />

irataalBi«.C.yatdoit? Befaraatim k andeaiabk. We hope Bra-j^y,; .We ask, m reply, wss Joba amine tto hk three cooetuding positions, to toptiM wrong, sad it w sin for a mM to<br />

kthk CroweU wiS fidd to hk friead*—ykld toj BaptiM t* tto visibk kiagdoat of Christ? ! which he uadertakes to ju&ufy hU cimduct be toptitod into ito sanction aad fellowship i ! SlullTeai««e^ttoMaaeLtw? T*—^ „ . , , leaMaad htatorTaf aiM. umtanypMria. aatf wiB idM<br />

partida;ar aeif liat* < a. thoagh wa asioMMiW. wto regret themk wa- Or WM tto kast oae in that kkgdoai great in toptixing perMW*. then Methodisu, who of what is- wrong.<br />

J . . ol tto eoa^auoa had beea vadmai.-—<br />

.hkaaakMttoakaroabBBBi at hk oarself—aad k hk oexi editioa^^r tton be? Coald k toptiae nen mto announced their iot^ntioe to continue such. In coaeiusion. we commead thefolowiBg Thutjaertiua WM diMBMed at tto at ttokto kto ^<br />

^Wa dbaSiw iraCkri^ aoMH^hk laagaage that it wilf teach ^ Ttsibk kiagdoat? Wbeace wa« They are u Wlows:<br />

panii^ of Scriptare to tto osreM atea- Stato Temperaae* Coaveaite told ra thk 'Errrr Sate mar regukte iti aaak-<br />

lakiqaislilrf<br />

hksraiuaeBtaelcariy,aadfeBd ttoeaeiayjiaptkm? From Hearaa or of awa?" "1. It was right for tto penitent believer tioa of all. "Look to yourselves, ttot we city, aad decided ffinmtMf. "Skk or<br />

hM. Cwaidt kui we»rqw*sSr •••o aid aad oo«C«t." We aMwer hiai ia bk MM ki^M^e to to to immersed, no mater if to is at tto loMaot those things which we have wrought, swim, live die, survive or peikb,<br />

iteraal tnific n spiriaous liquors, ac«a'dk|<br />

readersi W« fid<br />

um« a Methodist, or a PresbrteriM. S. but It that we receive a fall reward. Whosogive<br />

oar beartaad baad to thkeate."-]<br />

jto Msowa jadgmeat, and upea its awa<br />

0« seeoad objeetioB to Bro- Crowel k, Bio. Hopper. "We trast oar brottor<br />

of tto interests of Ha eniaraa*—<br />

; WW right for tto minister to toptize him, ever tcansgicsMih aad abideth aot k tto (tot tto kw J^<br />

that to reeeiTM tto iaunePMOoa of Pedo- j ^ iw.e»ber to re eZMuae his , prinei- on a profession of his iaiUi. 3. Bat it doctriae was of Christ, hath aot God: to U»at iforth «sara», girdled m terrom, aad p«ta. -pf ' .<br />

bapliato, CuqpbeOitea and Catholic*, aadi^i^^ maeaiber that we are aot Apos I wrong for him to tvmsin in a Pedobaptist abideth k ito doctrine of Christ, he toth stop to tto aecaraed traffic k tto proper^,; . . . , ,<br />

Monaoavioa. for to iaa*< oa hk princi- ^ ^ [joh« tto Baptist.) aeistor do i church; we but thk wrong cannot to imputed both the Father aad tto Soa. If there lives Md ImMXtal »ak of our kthon. I "^e acknowledged poEcepawcr «f a<br />

d.at.IIhiwiii, pke; aad wo declare this practice, whoever live k tto days of the pkaikg of the to tto minkter; to has done his du^." come My uato yoo. Md bring aot thk doc- brathen. frieads aad fcHow-dtket*. Let Stato, extends often to tto destiaetion d<br />

tto Great W«t. ITo- mppota k, .Mi-aerv-araiaBdoali ehaictoa. Tto Ui^dom of Christ kaow This, we presume, k the be»t defease tiine, thM reeaive him aoi mto your house, nei- every "hell^"th»tkseaU.kgSead broih,property. A aataace migr to dmi^rialik,<br />

ealy rather Qaixetk, We r^t Bwet deeply ttot Bro. C-, set ia np k tto world, Md noWaister m could set<br />

i. tto bilk aad vaBev. of oar .tata,dktil-i Every<br />

to made. Our brother, of course, a«««a "Gaa Soe«nr," m ttoy :ter aUaded.<br />

Siftopay. totftk T^mSf^<br />

toaaaariae.agak.d»aaBBdacMafhkfiva theaMdrMdewMakatad a,<br />

.^^i.imtM'r baatkm.—' Whew khwtto* Gwrdi aowt<br />

pare^e^oA. EaA<br />

aa ka-<br />

it X BaMlead. fhatin Mgatd ^varevOdd<br />

J^aIkwKSMairfTe«-igvai»«».tot doera lat apoa ttopo« pen MMpmvieaek kid dawa, to whkhf 100,0001 TheM an tto ;<br />

Ilk year^<br />

Tiart or Bihk. ar flBai^ fletoeii Ik a^<br />

tto<br />

i. vM. diMct-ieaitomke fegaiMr. B.'. kIWr. He ' Ito erBo eaiei^Sei^^^^^S^iri<br />

dmaaaiaefrialer<br />

,, ,H«w CM tottoa ebieettohi•,b«>.H«f-<br />

i othtf gatatto uwf ar toaa aay<br />

very bad k witoaf ftat.<br />

'latotai4i^i«t.a»k.btodlyMpo..ikalkBwithlt.wittoattto e# ifc. widapB^anditoyghto^ te pMfb thatOa JNaiT alUa eaSie<br />

/or Ik fffVia,j>«r^yMitka.thaiaBap(kteaghiifiafBi-<br />

(k efarth to kto tto aai^ kM^,.iii|iiiii l.tto<br />

huAWm toptka a eaafidMB tm.,jm a FMa^ ^ a ^ ^ ei, tot aia ttoMiWa ehaB watoh fhk _ _<br />

ttoe-fyiMHeatkpakrhaptkkr Ia«.{with. fieat latoteet. toaaanto^G

^<br />

rfdwpw^<br />

tkmmmtU,<br />

iatfctt'<br />

^ to<br />

•tuhm<br />

iif<br />

m a<br />

. BSd gl^<br />

;%iaIatiTe<<br />

tfe tin<br />

{iiutaukw.<br />

ad^t^viHkr-<br />

rt&^ii^ nl tifcilW<br />

r din great mt-. if;<br />

I lewemfcie appxt-<br />

tfuty MtNS<br />

Jm^<br />

-B0 BWQBT HSnEI TBX.<br />

•mi<br />

edy oC<br />

t<br />

e n w<br />

ai::<br />

B7«df a fan^lnsf<br />

m; imA Myarif »<br />

littfe i d M ^ doan<br />

daw ito I* wmikiatAm *>imgng»&m\.<br />

vpA I fowd ^Mttfer aBaM wnga of tike MigUorlKwi<br />

1 toOuBlj ethoee. fcr ifcej werid Wwr e^<br />

p t ^ a t n ^ d w t ^ K M arimd p i m ! ik^ M r f t h M v I m<br />

Theaaii I got b m » put of om.I tliednehmn—<br />

a Tte w M nWsktMm tkOT.<br />

- wannv iotran Mthiiw,<br />

i f<br />

Hm €alm Ham Jkj arc'rr (<br />

TkyboMMTiitae'sikrM: ^<br />

Mai AIM wBbeaa gma *<br />

T« MtarB^f anousc koar.<br />

Psre. warn, m v^a fimBeara<br />

Uhn^&aaUcm'al<br />

aft iommI vidkm^MT toil,<br />

ty eeeiiw* HN e aettee:^a»d ixed off ee<br />

fiml" tWeirimrwwmB&s^b^liwti<br />

VBOeft MWtadaad oqarf tbniiaa.<br />

tadaotiiiialiiiBtenWUBd Oa pripit—<br />

tlM t m Acn cam »iHa and Uf<br />

vifit, IsEppwd,edaewilie«iy-dr«sw4<br />

lidin to the ioar, tad at mm n<br />

liM^i W wi^ed to i^Mik to aae: «r ebe<br />

v«a v a i ^ for to In4 off ia dutt fine;<br />

mid to b* poSte t "Bo« f je do^ air<br />

—voBtTMeoma?** Sa^ "Tee.<br />

•ir, «Mi ei* BbMeft—diia i« aqr xeirt—<br />

pjease gire tbe tafdie*Tooa " laKwIvw<br />

ia X boL So gadieriag mp aij palmetto^<br />

llwinaatfe aTtha gay—<br />

t wiU kauv aesAir<br />

in m f ia da<br />

, afaail oaauKM*<br />

s&aU ba<br />

.tt wiOdwa<br />

j m t and n ^ M<br />

Ffiiefldfy to B.<br />

hTegsrd dto edBsti-<br />

prahttitiaHai dHt<br />

jFoaa isattxo***^.<br />

Siprema Cuunat<br />

|9nB«s.tB ironts aad<br />

pr»^a«a*ly. ia<br />

I ttioiivaii U> Ute paii-<br />

I attail BM ftUBBanto<br />

i W . 3S. Jtmim<br />

iia ntariaa to<br />

draka.<br />

iIm tm^<br />

by tMe eifeii><br />

•Id mai aflbnl<br />

tbxAWBf pwiMwa<br />

iTWaaa'.Wsto<br />

' TWjlrr liaHoeaoawKt<br />

J f W •ownw fcnrar ke Wad.<br />

aHioT Mha; taMMwar da diiBge lUain;!<br />

Iiaaifmlnwittfcat tkmhamm waaae^ to<br />

tlto fiitltolie ebvelh «id « M aat tine<br />

AnndiiMztto » Kaiiipaiiea.peiii^peT<br />

Tlw was I ngacad^.tojr thaajMe fcr<br />

a kiH^lciit ^ eualrter wiyitaaak-<br />

iag. bataiy araeee jtt aaeawd ctsaiKd; «•-<br />

aa iadiatiBetaoaNd leached Mjsasa. I<br />

^Wl® dl Ik wIlBtt I d»t>B|lrtowaidhBidaM ^ btoihM!<br />

•Tkaa Ita« Iwipad ia rwy aaaid.<br />

laariMdns «e t» p M :<br />

rhaatcTpai*.<br />

ilartaaaiakatlaM}<br />

n m SIBBITE S SiifSTlUJ.<br />

3fatln>«a «i rrkiay. aad took<br />

I in that 4e "CSiy HoteU"<br />

O f Bra. Sfeott. who deaerraa tbaaase<br />

haWaa^twearaedaf Priseear Hatei-<br />

M^erit dwa^ be did aal kaow aelroai<br />

i - M a a ^ abaia tbe cftyo.<br />

i K ft* ekief of whsA waa the •ntire<br />

aperfcrt aarfw lauiigiatotbaag<br />

reetia^ oa Bothii^;! 1 caatd aat. ht<br />

•ka aaah«wtbaynHHdit.whaB<br />

gotitaiade! The* I weat«p to *e<br />

. a kaaaa ande «f aefid aHHrWa. «•».<br />

a aaif K n af groaad aad three ato-<br />

iaffanrlBgef wood ia the whole<br />

•aam! Taft a ^ bewM^ I a a w<br />

iliHi whatwboaae «%l4belMfa«Iaaw<br />

ii. b b a w«Mtor. aad thca dto lA<br />

•aBtokanbtca iuid» firilt TiMtf<br />

atwrapea the D^pei, erOaft huge<br />

tknndia^ wbew Omfimtfikm^<br />

•boad—batlai thaw duae<<br />

a aaitoriMto<br />

1m! Iitoi«Mit^?w« a f a f teday<br />

I bad aHBaed the matimm, it waarTt-<br />

daat; bat there waa no kelp fiir k. If I<br />

•kiiiilit get mp they waaM eertaialy thiak<br />

dwt I waa ia Uqpor and had faBea. Bat<br />

then I waa. aet aahaaed to faw before aqr<br />

Maker aoywhere, and my mother—aow in<br />

Hea*«B. taa^bt my ia&at kaeed to bow<br />

wi& herm her elaaet, aa ahe laid her wft<br />

haad apoo my bead and tapk»t«d tba Wea-<br />

mgs of oar'^HeaTealy Father'* apoa her<br />

ehild. Okt I never faiew aatU ioag after<br />

abe had paaaed iato the «kie«,.wky ahe t i ^<br />

wbea abe prayed. They wwe dooMeas<br />

smilixtg it my podlioa. bat that Btotherj<br />

toBci7><br />

1 p a w r i a a a apea my aeat, weak aa<br />

aa m&at. t Mitotii' afy flme Si my fca^-<br />

aad aoticod that no oae prayed below hot<br />

the jwvocier, aad no eae saag bat tbejMo-<br />

pU m tk* fmthry, aaM the aaaehiae.—<br />

Wbea the aoog waa givea oat the preaeher<br />

aaid that a auMeetiuB wnali ha takea ap to<br />

pmy iiayrri/ And two aaen weat aroand<br />

with a stngalar arraageneat to take the<br />

money in; they eame to me—it was a little<br />

bag at the end of a ahoR (tick. I did aot<br />

give—I sever before had been aaked topay<br />

fo^ks at chorches t& pram God for am. I<br />

haVe nothing to aay ia objection; it doea<br />

aot bectwte wm—T leel prodigioatly wkifptd<br />

at my SiimJay adTeataie, bat I have the<br />

a >prob«uoB of my eonacieace; I know if I<br />

did do wroag. I had ao mmUet in my heart<br />

I MU doare, aot to write yoa the tenth part<br />

of this, bat aiaee I have got home, jaat to<br />

ssk yoa what ineetiag-hua«e that araa I got<br />

iato?<br />

•MdkvSKTkwedar,<br />

K E T I K W .-^The trade haa dm^- aa iha<br />

WMU aay,<br />

aaahwaaia^aimtiiaa OiedaMl _<br />

aad iadamaadt a toM v«iak Mia toaaMia ig-<br />

•iva. The haOf af eaWaa anWag ii lafciiai.^<br />

WalaftAaawatotlamWaiaaeiei.W. wftklik-<br />

ttada(ag.4aatiag*«a^tot«. Th«a*qr,<br />

fAter. aabedey aiid Maadar dwFdaiad aat the<br />

laa^dMaca. aida»«e>tiMi>CU)^ aadtgrnai<br />

itaaggd. Oataiaday tharawaalitairily aa<br />

Maydaitc. Taatarlvllweww aamaUbad<br />

aaaa data(t vitWoot aay cbai^ca ia ^aatatiaaa.<br />

aad etnaa the wart M it Wfaa. at «.<br />

Thaiveaiptaaf the weak aaNwat to dS8 hakw.<br />

agaiaat 1.799 far HM m a tuae bat ymt. TW<br />

total n n ^ aiaee lat Bepi. 3t.«K. a-<br />

gaiaat 33.n> Cw the aaaK tiawlaat jtar.<br />

ToBMsa.—The aalaa lukra baaa baavy Cu-<br />

riae tlie waak. vithMt aay chaaga ia prieea. raa-<br />

giac&«o 4«0 toCe. Saka yaalarday af »<br />

khda at JekBMB A.Hatae'a at 3 CSaS 55.<br />

Gaacaaoi.—Aa agaaaial thiaf than ha*« baaa<br />

ao ekaacaa utiMr in tha chaiaetarar aaMont at<br />

tiaB(a«aaaa.ordwraUB(^iMtatiaaM, TWaniv-<br />

al«r VewOriaanabaatadsriaf tha weak haaaan-<br />

Uaaall; laiaforced the anppUaa. and the endk nt<br />

af thaii*ariaaff«aiaBlM aateaaA-<br />

efbati-<br />

• S K ^ p t i s t .<br />

'•waridealltha<br />

BH* to adveedmwat of<br />

Bani * fiMly ia aaatbw aohnm. Tb^<br />

wfcr to j^emaa' of aiaaJB^ whoae<br />

aaaMa ato i^iiiiiHi gmumtim that whatev-<br />

er barii^aiay be etdnatadto the<br />

^ ^ laaitHiny aadattiaftrttorily attaad-<br />

S p e e i i l H t l l c e s .<br />

Btftar Oinaataai^Tha Bhoaial<br />

' ar thaSaotham Biytiat Oaavaatiaa wOI<br />

batoM with tha flrvMMiiaafiiatChmeh. h. tW<br />

aity af MWaaia. taeamamaM aa toi MAMay<br />

(lSdi}iaH«r.t8U.<br />

Brr. m. & C. Binrd] h appaialad ta pna^ tha<br />

Fonaga Mitiian Sanaaa; Kcv. J. L. BtTasUh.<br />

altcnata.<br />

B«v J. S. Dawaaatoptea^thaDamaalielCa-<br />

BCT.S. Bator, abaraate.<br />

Jaa. O. (>aaa. Wm. Oanqr Oraaa.!<br />

Bapbat pariadiadiiB thafiwrthaadaHtth.«Bat<br />

are la^aaitad ta pakliahtha abaa* aatite.<br />

XMaaam Dsuauna—Tha faUowiagMagaiM<br />

•d at Ototaa t* npnaaat toe Mt><br />

aaatoanOM-<br />

Joka Miaaa. Bar Wm. Omrf<br />

Crmm*.M^nmmMa.Stewra,Dr.M.W.na-<br />

ipa.I>r Wai L.Balfw.aai Krr.D. K. Bataa.—<br />

Tha Baeid ware aaapaweied •• aid ta the aerter<br />

if lalilliifdaaa.aadf aanr aaMii,<br />

xnnsTBRiAt nccATioir.<br />

r » Biv*( OtoMfoa to «t<br />

Aieiafcnrnitom. wXamalBriMha Kail<br />

af WtLLUM HnweBa.ln<br />

forthaOMfdXiaiatiT. (WhaaWtogl<br />

aaaaad ail. ^itepaaiam Ofbatof'to^i<br />

piaatoaammaaitoto ifcamamto aa.tMa(r<br />

MARCH<br />

S i l s ^ i f i r t i I t f a r t i<br />

^ at aaa<br />

TfiBadcr.<br />

O-^XChaadh<br />

Chnrdh aT ftaapiiitj aafha<br />

SaUi^to<br />

BytoafcaiOiy'aOtoifc<br />

•adTkmai^atHaihaaatoaa'. miaiUc.JUto|<br />

wkkh watatobMaj<br />

ia XorbaaahamT HAIUL<br />

eientitMk will ba laid ia to tappiy tha<br />

drmaitd.<br />

Scou—Then have beea aaaw cooMderaUe ar- j<br />

rivals, bat va haar af ao ehaage IB prier* W> |<br />

eaotuBe to qnata ia kkdi, kiftor ia<br />

bbU. t<br />

XouwKS—The Mock oa haad ia ample. Iiaih :<br />

of New Orleana aad St Laaia. Ptiec*<br />

ScsMT Scaeoi. Coamnatr m Bicaasas, T*.-<br />

•t a iveeat BMaCag of the Ba|>tiM Sonday SdKwl I<br />


owruflrr.<br />

CTThe iiiijiiiiiaw W thia Jaady iiilitmlii I<br />

amiiriBi «a ia tha daily wea^af the iitpat<br />

ifyial taati»niiial«af ita avraUraaa. Oaamthat<br />

hidbwagiTCaiqpaa iai arahh to am* AiltMM<br />

fihjafeiwa. wara cuxad<br />

rai« wrm frrtm. TiMcertiCi<br />

aeathathii iaiyeariblatapeUiah ttom wfthia<br />

thalimitaof aaewiiafiar. bataa it aww aaaa-<br />

tto* ITLaaa'aJ^rakantlM<br />

arar aOML Itotoa care af<br />

d>faa«tBeBt. thairpahiii atiia ia<br />

Thoae wha aaftr bam thai<br />

K-JH K«Mfciek...„<br />

H^ B lEaami* e le* • .1<br />

B J t o a a a y * . . . . 1<br />

* HaOaiy.. 1<br />

%<br />

^^ LMSttte* • * * a*-^* « vs.* 1<br />

J S^^MHI* • • vsi^^t X<br />

^ 1<br />

K ^ ^ B ^ a d w r t i r * * S<br />

Mcl; tuj^ctt*........ — 1<br />

T—HWTigriar I<br />

VJThaom. - I<br />

BS Twaar.— J<br />

T—Tirraad* SnUm. il. I<br />

T-I.B«n|h< I<br />

TaW....<br />

a«)oiattdac«»au»aat«a»keattaagei»«»»f<<br />

Ciiiith—.afthrl<br />

rnrf"«v» af 1MM at tlw FoircraitT af Vir-<br />

{ii^St which iaKiUMtoaMiiad Imaaria*.<br />

• M».; lotk luchaiaad {Ta > bar. wterhMnr-<br />

6eei SJt aane t.Hae:tohi» bte.X. B. C L I U ^<br />

f uaca—The atock af Teaaeaaea fanad* iasaai-<br />

Ididaot wiabtoaskia thedty, for | ler thaa aaoal. bat viU dwdxlaaa to apeedily ta-<br />

HaoAaad'afla<br />

m l ^ weat of the Aaegkaaiea. wbidi wifl ^ refections, the preacher clo^lfia<br />

ke^intrd hv Biafaop Hsgte. It i, m | .^-di.* «»d - » «*n,p-<br />

b.4 tower. e;cb « • kamU«i fcei high. « aitemyed to. np^ my km».. j<br />

^ W 1-! ! iqrasr got iredged between the p ^ k and-<br />

, l have bad atx chtldreB." nid Kiief. > the aeat. aad coah! not get my kaeeatotlie<br />

••a^lUeaa €hidthatthey at^ all eiiber|||Mir. Ia making aa rfiort to extricMe my-<br />

Orutar m CinM, aad my •»diB|Kclf..I autde qaito a poasding'with my.<br />

at mc cmtceiaing: tbrm. My d>am|c]iicfc faoota, bat reached the floor. lacaat-<br />

wa ibmt tbey nhuald have terad Chriat iag my eyea ri^tiy to we if any oae<br />

noticed tae. I »aw every oae itn£mg mp,<br />

I did IMt ari^ any ooe to know that I was | inioncd. Cinciaaati Svcoadit caa be bought at<br />

there. Do tell n>«. was that U»e Baptist W 50. though »S«i» asked for a good article —<br />

Otareb, and that thr way oor folks do ia , 8e withTenna-aebraada. 81. Umi. is atiUad<br />

the city? If it is. do we do that way in | ^ m ^ ^ i ^ . S a A r U l e . . , -<br />

all «a «f azistiag aCeata aad tkeir<br />

Rwulta, ooaipam oar varioca awthods of prate<br />

dale, and to kiadte a BMIC daep, giiawsL aad a-<br />

ht-i.aic iatrtwMia thasatgecl. Aad wetrastthat<br />

thia eaay to the eoeawBcawat af a sariea ef vig-<br />

owMM»oi»watiaBa. which «haU naalt ia aaiahliah<br />

ing a Snaday Schaal ia evrry Baptiteclraidi in<br />

» ^ . Ir. BiiDWS^ ESSSSCt OP JAMAKl eiSOL<br />

CSMaauOw—Basil Manly. Jr.. Jaa. Thnasaa. Jr,<br />

n.|»apatadhrSr.C IL<br />

faefcaaa. PhilBdelphia. wiUas aanfy oamaa Mv<br />

alar aad healthy aetiaa ef the atowA SB aO wiU<br />

ksaoa t]M> bictiaa af Kaciiia«7 latttovictm<br />

of dispepsia or iaJigeaiaa ia aay af Its<br />

try it. aad wa<br />

»igar. firaaa<br />

ctaawid daarfalaasr by dst<br />

Swai<br />

March 19. ISS3.<br />

Vmim<br />

SAmm .<br />


wBc&saux sa» arr»n :<br />

LrfGmit,<br />

Buii>wa»,riiDa»-lriah S«e: Swart 50c.<br />

Zona are sold in laiga i|aaBt)tica at (^^aS)^.<br />

Pautp Awjacunnsai 85al M from wagoos,<br />

rsadily. j<br />

D«IB> Fucasiaia BM'told atS OOaSSO. sad<br />

aaaatobebmightatthatatwholaaale. i<br />

rtisiaa Willr 5 keg* aad ovar 4 75; lesa. 5<br />

Blastiag, 5 ksga aad avar S 50; leaa, 4 OQ.<br />

Sotf-Oaaimoa tor 5aSt^<br />

Saor-eqrffci^c*icib,<br />

DmJUtt»Ba€km>ftmmiMki»UgCutatrmd<br />

acTtse sn iBUJSs SAns. smu S9><br />

MBajr<br />

Taaaeasa.payd>la at KashTiUe.. pri 1 pr*<br />

P"<br />

par<br />

par<br />

aa a btaapbeawas sheet. **tecming, aa iu<br />

coiamaa do, with low bred biltiagigate,<br />

bitter invective, low biackgaardism aad<br />

siaaf." Tbere, kas ha aot givea hia Heth<br />

odiat BdacMiea a &ir trial? What laa-<br />

gaage it gives them! or is die above oaly<br />

tha qark af lietbodi«ai! He decbirrt be<br />

ooaaiden it a aia aad deseeratioa to read<br />

tba Baptaat aa tba Sabbath! Yeteeafcaaea<br />

that ha laad it oa tbe Babhath bimadCaad<br />

the laaai waa, tba mad «dy eaiM to hk<br />

oSca onee a waaK aad aewapafue are net<br />

at^akawdaat there aa ia same atotaa! Tba<br />

w i ^ Mow—to aa^eet Ua BiUe aad fka<br />

AdeaaaSMMid ^pe!id hk Sabhadw readtaf<br />

tbe Teaaataee Baptiat! What ^ple tnea<br />

aieeWibad tba meet?<br />

Aantber writer ia the aaaM paper ae-<br />

eavMs for tiPlaiga aumbcta Utot leava<br />

Methodism to^«h>TlniliiH. aafafcara;<br />

1; laaaaai "tbey eadiiai* get ea««f<br />

Metbodiat Traiatisa.** % Becaaaa<br />

M t o d to be neaiiad iaia amacbaxGh fa<br />

ar«afar^** Aad3. Tbey«d«».<br />

eadartaba tiyitfiiiifia eimSaaw toUeSto<br />

a m f Tft ia doeiag ai^ bk aitaah. U<br />

aad daekita that it k b a M ^<br />

raf^jfaaitftr H -<br />

t^ dis a par<br />

X d U a p «<br />

1 die par<br />

pwXl-v<br />

1 dia pat<br />

dia a par<br />

1 dialed.,<br />

dk a par<br />

^ apar<br />

I dia par<br />

Ji P»<br />

paraJi p»<br />

J^a^telpi.<br />

OeonrU<br />

Alahasm State Baak A Btoachaa<br />

Baak of Mohila<br />

Sondkera Baak of Alstama<br />

liaaiaiaai..-..<br />

sntcix.<br />

Aitiuin Qatd - ^ pes t pre<br />

Silver. Dallais sad Half Dallam.. J}^ p» 9« p«<br />

- DimmaadHatf Ojmaa.-.ajipm S pm<br />

KSKAiraS.<br />

Ssht Xaahasfsaa Vaw Task... par pm<br />

- • ThSaMphia. par paa<br />

atdqebaaeaX TmkaadrhiLH«a pm<br />

» - - « - tdisKdts<br />

SghtDtaftsaaJTawOriasaa.... H^fOT I pw<br />

- - - P")%P«e<br />

- - - t « a X<br />

Cheehsaa Otaciaaati pv K fO«<br />

" ~ U«ie*iUs parj^pae<br />

- - 8t.iia«>s........«... parj^pm<br />


§ MMHI** a* ea^wavas aw^^a^EJU^<br />

1. eu,||«B*ii«.:<br />

weU. B. B. Gibba. B. Waraer. C. & Meaoud. M.<br />

Granbeny. D. B Buniv W H. Farrar. J. T. Bus-<br />

aaU. R Sells. P. 8. Oayle. SJKI Vm. Jordsa Den-<br />

aoa. IKMW by order of thr Board.<br />

J. a. K5IGHT.<br />

StmnUmg SMrrtary<br />

To TBS Cacacan or COSRWB AnaasTKKi.—<br />

Seaicdv aa Association in the Stala bat has ea<br />

joysd fevival bleaatogadnriagthepa^t year.awv<br />

larcdythaa Oaaeord AsMciatiae. Xaay of mr<br />

chintQhes are snflnisg. sad nunt shortly die vm<br />

nalaaB revived, and aaaieriealiy •tfeag&eeed.—<br />

We an williag to yield to the soheitBticait ef<br />

bmhiaa. aad aid thi*> in hnldiaff spcctal nett<br />

iags. Thtae thinri idumld to kaowa: I. What<br />

chnrrhe* . What miairters aie williag ta cooperate wHh<br />

each other ia these special amtiagsT<br />

K ii>eeliBg «f poiat d to te<br />

held at the Eaoa Chnrch, RdtbfTfardcaaaty.caBk-<br />

Bieaeing on Saturday, tbe 9 ilm ia<br />

[5m. U. 18<br />

L e t t e r i B e e e i T c i .<br />

To lac Catncam ar Does Rtrsa AaMOuaoK^<br />

As tha Tnatosaof dM Daek Rivar Male Aeads-<br />

ny, we take thia aathod af adtiag kaowa ta<br />

yoa, that at ear last •taattng. wa sppaiated Rev.<br />

Hsser IbusB as ear ageat (ia Ow {Oaea af Ber.<br />

IStrods, radiaedj toahtaiBthesdCtiaBsleBh-<br />

I A—T R Aadrewa sad reBittaaea<br />

BF Acne aad renittaaea<br />

1 JLAmadell<br />

A L Aadsnaa: tha haek was<br />

addnasat Athis<br />

W R Alsaaadw sadwmitlsar<br />

B—J A BaUagtoa and raanttaaea<br />

ftBmyaadraBittaaca<br />

T 8 latlar aad rsoMaaes<br />

JHl<br />

JLl<br />

BSBrH)hs<br />

W B M Kanw aad THBsttaaea<br />

C-^ If Chamtonsad rsadttaaca<br />

JaaOtoadbees<br />

J WCtotsrSaad rsmittaaeaa<br />

KSCarbiUaad<br />

TCUridaaad<br />

3 S CaUsway sad lamittsnce<br />

&-BWDavis<br />

HUaris<br />

DHDamsad<br />

AHOiahiasaad<br />

GO Dieksoaaad<br />

ACDaytnaaad<br />

{S-BBKpperaeaaad<br />

M^BstiUaadnmitmaH<br />

F—WPPahaor<br />

Miwach<br />

0—A M Ureer snd raautUaoa<br />

OoaldAUiMMda<br />

WOrahamaadl<br />

H-Sl<br />

J CHaaeockaad iiwitli<br />

T S Bardy sad rmaittaaea<br />

J B Behaa sad nadKaaea<br />

JHobaataadl<br />

ZH^rweed aad ra<br />

1-Jlrwia<br />

J-JeidaaAOe^aad<br />

JCJoaea<br />

K—D B * W Ellafarew aad<br />

Jtrirk<br />

WCKiiiHa<br />

JBKaadriekaadiamit<br />


W ^ 'H^e «<br />

e h r i ^ - * - '<br />

ka^<br />

, Wly^mwrilhra m peoffe; to f ^ m uA ^ au being » 1 » «<br />

" . Wm * : Lai4 vffl itck iKSkf W j^tW Be ImmI<br />

We BMd sdirfbetter ieitkelUMe tadg^twdL IfbeJoei<br />

It fe ff'ii^teWuli-fiwt.tlM GreiU P&j«di4B inU "fet him<br />

fmtiSA pZa^ tn4e; i kMe." sad tkca b* wfll pBrt^ Md wm<br />

iik^n^'^Jil ibe wmfasT «re bikt aai •!»; » •iwy.<br />

UtHwiiMln^ A «bT jLUttfc rtrmi. rrtr • tii-r no put ia die "reutmetMM of tbe<br />

WMB TIST. M A R C H ^ l S S a .<br />

I kadMta4 thm elnl-<br />

, Vii*."' tSj Wiloiriej<br />

JfofA wit<br />

Mmfer, f^Mf^ttidiK<br />

trwiili biiJthT "til VfflrtiT '' ^Tff iiiw -^ryj;,<br />

datoy.'<br />

lobi'tiM .lA'iiilife'pwn^**.- -<br />

Mot: Ml^ e«i TiJir«« a««ti of<br />

In m« iatcrt^tiBg<br />

. Wly.iHwiiii^ «i|i« W wdnrbwxi; f<br />

wlw oil Vfew Atft W i» mar<br />

»trudfcr; Aflr m»y to<br />

«U ncWtoe* ftaSif*? in»«l OMMkor;<br />

rwWt. DAK<br />

Ntar aad fte w abc^h^<br />

if»-H • ••iiiinaiiat Mffiag^te wA^<br />

^m^Amf^m^WfaoMMl Mm. w«BU '<br />

Citerntr<br />

I IMl<br />

S^ntfaOwpenu^<br />

I % ^ toa Ib^aahiw inbdAr Oil Mails. atMw; iMHied:<br />

Ika aMe'lft fte aad PstM rrMf Mat;<br />

175Winter atrr-<br />

- tiBiyiaiaga ^ ef Snl.aB«l * * CtM ctorp, isnii, m ^<br />

^^trite.<br />

" «yui afc trr*cTtm.T qouu.ar<br />

Of aa Ae BTODRflBs w£aiHB WW. (m^<br />

jpis. -fle^kFtAiurs anaKor then nBoaUi^lbr dv emerfpriaw^<br />

l^dd Wn Jt grei* TOJ<br />

(£) b i t n a r i 13<br />

4» r tiavadqU;<br />

mrf eoiqibuata, ai^t^ kw vto^t Um bmd<br />

airltav^j. woaW pledge<br />

I wu ft aeiaber—rwaplifini tlw ehriAlu<br />

SliK, W wlA Wgotry, with Ike diaritj tneid U«t IHi Mirfn* Sewn. »«ak aad OoWlatV<br />

nuEOasD<br />

ahirii aodii cwutiaieia ito eScta wU tU*<br />

i»rf»e8 to dealadaaMy wtA a mcrchaat.[<br />

paratioB. rhhezs cmao^iraaife.hBtataBtiMi,<br />

caa pt Ike Uai of a Buui.<br />

B. WMtaMt. ' oucd ia ike fkret af trufk. wkick »ke laved to maHbuct Pari. Qn^. G»«e®. d^y DB. C. II. JACKaOS.<br />

fenm. SlMftoaldmbtaee ^•htolaraI»otWde- aad mvaad<br />

aad ia aH di^aaroii of the lo^ atid <br />

tienaan Siiaan. wwnh it;«oheaittiBctlT dtnaiy eao-llsari'ai>d iMfslii^<br />

OOaatU i ihiiir m[aaih»-n ifaianl malt in sietoess: » t e a d e r aier herpreamee eTarexerei^ a mild eufrtnilliitK ia- _<br />

i^ood ^ we ate iw-M^arrf iaiFof dtt dweoeroi^ BoarovMif,<br />

' - UmlmtU<br />

far belagiad^ —^t^^^<br />

' fluene*. *'Truly ka» kke been like a uve plaaied naahTille 1—ifcfa. WmtUM. •aithwitavatMaftvdhrykwredoaathairin^l<br />

T—i tIiiii ti It'tiF— r~<br />

posed. Bai tbere are diaeaaes to wbich , ^ ^ ^ ^^^ „ ufcctio-te fiu»»eTt. ad- ' k? the riTar».rf waterwhich briajvth iufniit JKmaawiif*. TtmOt, Orvm Sterna. Mmwdt. tvraceef adactief. bat ^ a•edicn'*langjatifr iaail Otoaf<br />

oTtheCBiiMBiinryaaeiah ef ife ],<br />

AMh« dUM tTMttal •»<br />

aaaaa pmoaa aeeaa to be aaunally pwdts-' rvia^ ki* ekildm t* kc obedient to tk^r aotkcr. 'in seawB,' and' aow t* ike tniai>ptai>ted lo a (Wir- mi^hini*^ BommWmk. l!d»d.aa}«r«aa» print, and wWchhiia-sttie!""'^ Sr JaBs. KarS Iga<br />

poaad, aad ^^aiaat «bieb tber bave seed Be dttd qan* eoa>fnaed,k»lait words beia;, -I er elia>p.<br />

rrtHE «ub^crihM•t«»s to the citiaeBo of Saifcto<br />

bedotriiTy oa tltwgwurd»or tbey wOl<br />

aagotsgtoi^vva. tke righumcukatk kope in<br />

'She died: yea. death could Karc»ly ckiU ker I TiUe aad neuuiy, aH knwtaef Mmkii imdr •ScaOV WeeUj; my pnc&c. ha. I<br />

. . — 1 it- • ^ t^-r, . kn deaik." Hr kaa left a wife and~fiire ckildrrn loTeliaeMi. and long win she li»e in thb mew iatke httest ktvle low ak can be booght la an<br />

«rt«alj«8erBader«be« lo-a. W.wo«ld I rie« of her frKiid*. f«r aooe knew her weU, bot<br />

of the esKtem cities, a^ win warcaBt oar w«A ^a^ andmoftkete' . w aa articieof nadi eC ^^<br />

I ' . . , ) to gire »- If aorcilaaMUwiU Cnoraa «aey mcaaasof lirauft weaUra*.<br />

tolor^ker , ^ . 1 wii a caU, on the ««aer ef Spring and bOualed coMitmiam wiU find<br />

1 NetlBegiiwe*eea*eae*ee»aBailiek,:eete.t*».***ok*'reiK»ko|*.-<br />

"May tJod eanctify the kearu ol tkw bereaeed j ^ ,,-j^tkem oar price* of<br />

faaiily, no Ikat white tkey are deprired of a wife. diSneat kinds of vark. We kii^ to he patN<br />

' eat flwasaaeld paper, fa w<strong>Web</strong> are deawib-j L. H. B.<br />

ad some U Ite tjmptoaw of a cbrwtian'sf'<br />

Cntft. ^ with Christ «he U fw better, than ia thi«.aanvw<br />

vbicli laay proTe a tiaielj admo-<br />

' ing woild.<br />

tadHMa vka aiaa«v iebeakh. aad,<br />

^ be af aerviee «> awk aa wiU ta be restored<br />

wboareaowwk. Tbe i^pss of tbe ebristfaa's<br />

aekaeas were—<br />

aaj wgn«dbMt»Una awaiar<br />

I. Tit iisealiasTs wm* ohwytd. This<br />

hM 'm jaadiff m batia,<br />

IhcahaM tlqr paacaM: AMter.<br />

Jfai^ aFakvnr af filb.<br />

•Bmrtmtguir''. O Gad ^oey.<br />

Unrij-hrcatkad ia mmW%tmmf:<br />

r " .' -<br />

Citpif iefta^tnKi<br />

ncmaufrd*<br />

icatesigd.<br />

•a.in'fktc<br />

I thhik ito e«aa] k«» Mft yet farca<br />

:TMttaxeo>tatkeirfaeUth.aswekaowinaBxpe<br />

^ ^<br />

~ dniiwam--*^'*-<br />

I faWw fwlwVB* how a kFttrr wai.-^<br />

r<br />

Fsa fe •<br />

diSneat ^ .<br />

riencethe»aiut».-yeaertthqrhareojwaweakqra J. J. WTBTOS.oTriui!<br />

daughter, -.her and ^. er. they j<br />

Bee what H h««d«»e ao a cawJiiMj^<br />

hMaairuw-. —» JAMSS SLQAJ*.<br />

MOR£ EVWBXCB. J»ol oolr ia the fcHawitig «««,. W a t h ^<br />

yaATiiie.yoTg.jt'ai<br />

J. 6. Jlaore. E-q .of tke-PaDy Kewa. i^Oc ; »«t«i ^<br />

Died, ia Jigimia Ownty. Plarida. «• Xoaday Cr PulaAi (Teaa.) Oasette pletee e-ff.<br />

keeSlat- at. «iL<br />

C.aiUTCH^fl'0,<br />

Fobraary 7tk, I8U. altar a paMiU «Mi prauacted<br />

i. "ftL HMnjuD'aChaaua Skmaa -We trr ; -f JawJafci<br />

W. W Will. Jr.<br />

illaaaa af etghtowa day*. FMen XAnuaa, e)jdekt<br />

aiAHcr&cnraaas Am txroama or i u^ reaowned medieiw fo- a «tabl»r» dee^ . br a rwJtat dtanhe^ t£e ai»»«t 09 hniith,4B #a<br />

tiaa: «kata eoaaleaaaee! Xbere isaeilfa ' ««> aeaa and perfect wwcaaiioB. ia»i«w of<br />

tMU. **^a«oiHUa«aKe. J.»ere«»«w ^^^ kaKaerer before been witaoi^ad br tha him twice while he wait Aick.aad never haaid«<br />

C»DER UARMESTS. M O 3i K Y 8 K.LT 8, B|M>naen-Qa*{>ra**rxti«B ixwallv •oTjwiaiinr It "pace of wikht m>iatS«, U fnllv n«E« BH.*CES. Ac, *c. eal«» and*ti»ajj:«8ieaa the-»«iv«S kri«nfi«iK tkean 'trihc^ it:>a tke pwe of yaw Otrm ftgmtj<br />

•r esaraga. m bi^ aor pease, wtr any at ^^^^ ^^^^ ^ af Di»iae Grace; aad hiwralttr a mwwitiay ward, bot appeared lo be Q^Aiid every die»cripl»oH of Oonda sppertainiutr ! iava a «Ute left the chtrdt oo c«th to<br />

— lie »Jirti ».T pkTi4i iaii SmA<br />

Dtsa'ieald<br />

aielia and |ff(^beta aad apostles bad (oudu nxw.coaaart af Simoo Mxthcw, deceucd. ia the joiu the chareh tnuatphaat, «1>«n iw is aoWNap-<br />

C^mr ».. »(«r (fe fM Qfc^ Ka^mlh, Taaa.<br />

^ ^ 'me* haeh rf yoia• It annmdh^<br />

AmtiT. Maerbwmeaeiaaesafw<br />

to be tbe icrdOeat tmaiy—bat this poor<br />

^hyrarof kerace.<br />

niK «ka »wsld aC aU tha faOhM.<br />

DattJias t> («aynA)u«'a Aptaku Axa dencMofSMiit.'^<br />

;h>rd imavdiasc reiitf. avd now ia aAW anmki<br />

< time k»*ve^sn S b« to nwoil tialft<br />

Mrs.'X«diew. (daofhterof vt iiiiaia and Ann<br />


f raawuaa Gaoaa.<br />

For sale. whoIevW and a<br />

! If it wilt da ^ aihers ii kmi Iv aw jal<br />


lick brother did aot reli*b iw "There w»-<br />

{ are certainlT aar aT tkr 1 af »—<br />

i<br />

juatpa.) waa bora ta Fao^niarCoaa^.Va. April Ftbnmrt ^^ i AVISG taceady e S without betag weaiy. Bat those wbo bad<br />

inti, period of oaoaUiaB uf llear Whiles. Ague aad Few, HiUiwu 01 MewiUeni<br />

titada. He waa aa acceptahie aad pra ' fever, Typhu* Fevi-r Scarlet Fev^r, Suiall Pii»<br />

" buwe'rer. bava<br />

He was scarcely ia mouoa at all wben I af tha Baptist ekarshfraaiaa eady ^^ta j H j tijtalBi dr SC Aattwaj^ Wiv. Piwitf<br />

nar ' awf rtfcey aegas^yaa saw bna. Wbat tkesa «aa of aratioa was ika day af km daatk. Ua beioaged la tha Ma- j 7. Oo-t|vt-ue>i«. ^wd »u the m<br />

yia^E^—cropa for ihiw<br />

*o laagakl and taebie tbat tbere was fittle soaicfeatarajty.aadtkeyaU WvadhimardeaUv. • oweU, ' t^JrTa "" •ui«, ConMimplio<br />

• - • , lW«a<br />

' imi.-mm\<br />

progress. TbcT»«asooq«estiaB iAk>« bis<br />

aad hia msmury will hare tha daa kaaer paid at<br />

a pta^ tins. Brotkar Wthk davated a paniaa<br />

'fjfatuian weta aaasBaHy dear. beiag sick. Pebpte taid be was a stroo); of kis liie ta edocatiag tka yaaaf. The f«|ala<br />

sMa to raa a race m regard to tbe world, all Sovad aad obeyad him. hia roiea were dnnily<br />

ateiaan ei^teat; stiQ oar bet 1 wasleokiag at kia proigrsas ia Zioo. •>bMnad t^ each. I haaw the ih rsassil batter,<br />

aDl7Beaa.ba(«i»ma. If be was woridiy well, be was ^irttaaily perhaps, thiu any other pcrsoa. I loved him; ha<br />

sidt. that I ^mA aot gi*a Bp.<br />

was ateatlsaaa af the highest order, a insB of<br />

^ . . ^ tnwh sad kosasty a detifal aat. atoviaa kretk<br />

^ ^^ agtatiaaMakashw^l. a kiad teber. aad<br />

LigiitM<br />

.tnJyaaabBparasifMMr. Tbs ksn^ scaaMa<br />

A rtaca «f p(od%H>a>.of •yaaaodiatiaawitkl^wiUBotiwfcrgaltt'a.<br />

aad raaafe Cat-<br />

so laa( m msiaury lataisa a seat ia tki* body of<br />

wae. Tha sesaa tbst pcsaaated ttaelt' to aw. s«<br />

1 drew Bear tha ^aeawhare.tbs eorpaalay. will<br />

aaver ke feipitlea. Hia ^er. bnahars aad siatsrs<br />

mat ata sad took sMby tka haad, whib tl^<br />

Isara fall from tkair fricf wuta cheaks. aad tba<br />

dsep sigbs that ea«s ap 1mm their tHMblMl<br />

hiamiH.laM hi lifaataaettabamiaaadstHasi.<br />

tbskdaitkkadbeaa mmaiVtlMai. My fcaliaga<br />

-M MS imtisMibsliii Tkagravepssssatsai<br />

m eiwratad gnni.<br />

itM^rnlASimm<br />

Spitting<br />

, widi ercry thing ia their line. | : WiU he a CsiiarMe peikal l^tiM^eBW^ati<br />

latpetdiAw^<br />

lEwis cniar A qp-<br />

I lAudi-iitK aJxhiMgh pupih. ane received at mg<br />

'->>t and boM >4ock ever afli-ted M this market,<br />

! unie.<br />

; Fe)>I»-tf<br />

Ih^are dewrmiaed ta sdl, CKKAT BMC-<br />

i Expenses far Baard and Tiiitaaa,if| BaM<br />

GAlJfS can ke had far cvh, ar(oiai m«ia.dtaar.<br />

; «tadu» aaly. wkhom I Bkmcmeasai<br />

;«tgtt.ten«t. rA»»g u. lica<br />

MAYUm USl^-KIHITT. ' yw-<br />

Tvra Handled -aad Twenty Tit* DdDara. fS<br />

^ODA WATEK—1 his cnjJittg and >vih»biB|> Adqtmieme*. Viidyi^rtaa Gs.. Tssst. j anaues. will auarr all ge far Baaid, Tainsa,<br />

O driak isweiladi^tad tatka syktaa danaf ^ -WS T^»aaa of Ihw la.«itBta» ka»»> chwr ^<br />

:he warm &tU moaifca, and la appraciated h^ . 1<br />

many fnr the relief and cure it aflow ia diaar- :<br />

ad tba sesaioax from 5 at 10 awatko. aad"<br />

Mond. ivflaama, Cfac:(is, rnflammSiMW ol en>eH. riCeM, Sorea, aaga. WasBs - Syriacaa. • SpecalaBi - " Far t ha aiote diMcrccahla auatks of wiatar wiUi thair i<br />

, Afltctioeaaf tba Skin, tuad dtl Piiiaalan arieiM 4lebT ^^ H. ft. acfivia^ Wekda. '<br />

sr M. T. ^XDM£S03r d 8i<br />

from Impale Bload, Ac. Prick pat kattte iljw<br />

The asrt-asssioa 1> sssaabs wgl ! Ewtk«»estaTk»aaathH liMiBiilg<br />


lHMO«DATinM(aek.I«:U. At the cae af S ^taJMUKtaUthe k»aa afdksab<br />

Ami yua iha oa* ai^wet of tbe<br />

; 1H. O. aCOVEL. Jfarteatntt. Ja^MOt risiMiii. aatetka Ae' Board of Tidti rs. wkawiS eaaStSatr and tMlatattaS aad Jbwf.<br />

* aiwiaiac Oamaeeee. wUl kwFB *#eiieieaad if<br />

^ this tick diacipie.<br />

WtAJAAW dfc CUVBCM.<br />

DATID T. TISSTOK. Ptafdetsr. tkorawh c»aiii>atioa af tke Sladrats. and ic|«n saaai^hear.<br />

^ caefgy aad pemr biai often broke apoa<br />

^^^^ ' CINCK tba Srs this kavae kas keen tkotowhtr oatkesaam At^ke aad af eadi OtOtariate year Wa «« aa as ta tradt Arm Writiiup Aifei^ '<br />

mUiltiaU JiMaiZ Boot Jk Shot Dtakn.\O r^red.sadlsaowTesdyTorpeblic accoii- s fUituwaaati.a wiU k.ke)d:^3 psMma<br />

' btB ta tke appe|d. "Watoi!" bat ke wooW<br />

Ian of hath last^^^arepahtisktd ia«4warBic<br />

Bod witk ilrnatiwass wbilati was riagiagia<br />

Ca^lega atraet. KaskeiUa. Teaa<br />

i Apaitmant* ara ira laMB 1 aad caadurt-<br />

Uaasa. Aadagaiit. l>aaaiaa»aiea,wtu<br />

; kava jaat raeatvad. fteia tka MA^ ahie.aadoo petas shall baspaiA ispaiM I tasatiafy an<br />

FaCTOB^ a laitt stark af BOUTS. rho msy rivo statkeir pttrsMaa.<br />

J r^pri ef Ike FHa^t aMfe.<br />

G«na>shBig, Cbaatiaa e^t^<br />

iag eery load, bad Mag%ttai^ketim witfk<br />

: aettpMol Atamkadisawai k^S^bia far tba see<br />

tba ssaai, **A#aA yi^ tmiT sutxMicfr*<br />

Mim, Mimm aad CMMrra* dreiw atid walktnf BMdstioB of borNca.<br />

' r 1 ftsT likid ii aaa I'aai<br />

Bat bia eyelids aaly opra^ a Ittifo way<br />

I -kfiae, Mk.'Oaitwai ffftjffert, ^ emaistiac ia<br />

aitx OP OLUMia.<br />

Fmadtm.<br />

aad D^i wa leack adms alaa^ f<br />

Ipartaf<br />

wkea tkey kasteaid tagathar agaia.'aad be<br />

I per day.................. Ml<br />

Rev Rrrts C 'Beujaw. X. *, Ibaiddeataad vaar, Tke tena will eoB*Beaee «i d*<br />

Udiaa Kid and Fteack Nonoct> Baakiaa aad b- I m v i ^ . . 0 ®<br />

Piulkwweaf Bdlas liwcaas. AsMi audi acoaia eM.UOl. thttWi I I iVi<br />

was la aaaoandaalaabfr aaeear. And<br />

celsiota;<br />

Siaetellealfi 35<br />

ef Jaaoan. andaaJke tat «f J^iiy-sf<br />

bakaabsea toaf ia Aiastapiditate. Aad ehaly. frwad*; hat aais thehapeaf haUs Ikat tkaimaaiaa af aar Ladiw Kid aad Fleadk Moneeo Pua^ Sola 1 Lsd^peraicht 35<br />

A. M .^rafcrniarartk* Wat I<br />

as aB aMwsv evea tba eery best, bave beea away Aa yiaasa. aaatjag bte iabaavea Welt Boats;<br />

Day BaantsisyCT aaak ...iS 3a<br />

Pump Med aad WsU Oaitara 1<br />

aMdtoraase kiai lato wakefalaasa. aad tntaaf sympathy, ftma tka Daalk iafcatsa la tke tha fee age*- cbati-<br />

Hofwperd^r 50 Hrv S. G. O'BK^A. Ik Ikafcewa ;<br />

Half (jaitars;<br />

QtMC^It fftf^ aaaa-aaa aaaooaaaaa a* aov<br />

Z ! J , . from the Euur ttaaa hia lAraa*. ta Ua paaaaBi.ia<br />

Ladle* Curadoa Eid Slippers, Ptaia wd waltk J^.ra U. lasa^iy<br />

Me. fc ft riTBiisaani. Pr&eipal •( ilai«ipai» j<br />

IloaMa;<br />

tery PfpansMat. J-<br />

kaTefiulad—tbsnwSKgraatwuaetyabaat hJaeotae»-Hiill« lot*<br />

EteBrasdeied P. Uad>er aad Btaaasdaip^<br />

kk ease. ' rupted retjpt .<br />

lAdita Vaim-gUippeTaaad Fnmdt UwtiacGaita<br />

TbeiaatascveialBtaretkiBgetkailaiigbt ThsMeateoI'de^lisfcoiddJaipr.ssoiwiAthe r^ref. Suffsfs UMMfBIMllal sad Italiaa Knel<br />

aayaborttkesiA&cipl^ batl " " and spicndor.and ^ the t<br />

Ladies aapL PkBsd nd Ps«9 f. CM» eriaw!<br />

aowoalyfartw^<br />

Mi*sM Ga>t*eta albava^ tka af tkia tcr^'<br />

aiiin&l «i>lteniaaV«sa'>a bMVfi^ "Wataaiw' ^HdMh^aar BoXfl^&mnS^ 'inissad<br />

aad tkaakfal sd^ MWc^rovad-Mmd. ia wW vlatets'idhsaf: « ' -<br />

vol..<br />

(£1)<br />

-We needa<br />

kav. adrvui^<br />

tftnc- So misa<br />

ew miw be is<br />

itorj tif HT.«tif<br />

Thr li^<br />

The It'esa<br />

If cymjx'^e'<br />

^rits id tk<br />

fence, rank,]<br />

In ihr r^P*<br />

of rti<br />

rd. Vri, a<br />

in the rz-W<br />

cooUttneii W<br />

spinuial bf<br />

gitxce and |<br />

br qor-iidiinc<br />

fd iiitttsclf <<br />

rj«ucd U(i«<br />

et^bu^ ba<br />

fty-nr of CUOJ<br />

wi>icii tlie J<br />

Uxav Wiott!<br />

an l bear til l<br />

The iHiunaii<br />

19.31. i<br />

'•Tiwrc w<br />

was cUiiiicd<br />

fared »ninpi<br />

ara.-^ a ci^rtai<br />

vat» laid at<br />

Btring to b

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