Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Tuberculosis and Other Mycobacterial Infections 297 57. Stenger S, Mazzaccaro RJ, Uyemura K, et al. Differential effects of cytolytic T cell subsets on intracellular infection. Science 1997; 276:1684–1687. 58. Nash DR, Douglass JE. Anergy in active pulmonary tuberculosis. A comparison between positive and negative reactors and an evaluation of 5 TU and 250 TU skin test doses. Chest 1980; 77:32–37. 59. Daniel TM, Oxtoby MJ, Pinto E, Moreno E. The immune spectrum in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Am Rev Respir Dis 1981; 123:556–559. 60. Onwubalili JK, Scott GM, Robinson JA. Deficient immune interferon production in tuberculosis. Clin Exp Immunol 1985; 59:405–413. 61. Toossi Z, Kleinhenz ME, Ellner JJ. Defective interleukin 2 production and responsiveness in human pulmonary tuberculosis. J Exp Med 1986; 163:1162–1172. 62. Toossi Z, Sedor JR, Lapurga JP, Ondash RJ, Ellner JJ. Expression of functional interleukin 2 receptors by peripheral blood monocytes from patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis. J Clin Invest 1990; 85:1777–1784. 63. Tweardy DJ, Schacter BZ, Ellner JJ. Association of altered dynamics of monocyte surface expression of human leukocyte antigen DR with immunosuppression in tuberculosis. J Infect Dis 1984; 149:31–37. 64. Ellner JJ. Regulation of the human cellular immune response to M. tuberculosis. The mechanism of selective depression of the response to PPD. Bull Int Union Tuberc Lung Dis 1991; 66:129–132. 65. Toossi Z, Ellner JJ. The role of TGF beta in the pathogenesis of human tuberculosis. Clin Immunol Immunopathol 1998; 87:107–114. 66. Bermudez LE, Champsi J. Infection with M. avium induces production of interleukin-10 (IL-10), and administration of anti-IL-10 antibody is associated with enhanced resistance to infection in mice. Infect Immun 1993; 61:3093–3097. 67. Shiratsuchi H, Johnson JL, Ellner JJ. Bidirectional effects of cytokines on the growth of M. avium within human monocytes. J Immunol 1991; 146:3165–3170. 68. Rastogi N, Bachelet M, Carvalho de Sousa JP. Intracellular growth of M. avium in human macrophages is linked to the increased synthesis of prostaglandin E2 and inhibition of the phagosome-lysosome fusions. FEMS Microbiol Immunol 1992; 4:273–279. 69. Kleinhenz ME, Ellner JJ, Spagnuolo PJ, Daniel TM. Suppression of lymphocyte responses by tuberculous plasma and mycobacterial arabinogalactan. Monocyte dependence and indomethacin reversibility. J Clin Invest 1981; 68:153–162. 70. Dahl KE, Shiratsuchi H, Hamilton BD, Ellner JJ, Toossi Z. Selective induction of TGF� in human monocytes by LAM of M. tuberculosis. Infect Immun 1996; 64:399–405. 71. Sibley LD, Adams LB, Krahenbuhl JL. Inhibition of interferon-gamma-mediated activation in mouse macrophages treated with lipoarabinomannan. Clin Exp Immunol 1990; 80:141–148. 72. Sibley LD, Hunter SW, Brennan PJ, Krahenbuhl JL. Mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan inhibits gamma interferon-mediated activation of macrophages. Infect Immun 1988; 56:1232–1236. 73. Chan J, Fan XD, Hunter SW, Brennan PJ, Bloom BR. Lipoarabinomannan, a possible virulence factor involved in persistence of M. tuberculosis within macrophages. Infect Immun 1991; 59:1755–1761. 74. Chujor CS, Kuhn B, Schwerer B, Bernheimer H, Levis WR, Bevec D. Specific inhibition of mRNA accumulation for lymphokines in human T cell line Jurkat by mycobacterial lipoarabinomannan antigen. Clin Exp Immunol 1992; 87:398–403. 75. Schwander SK, Torres M, Sada E, et al. Enhanced responses to M. tuberculosis antigens by human alveolar lymphocytes during active pulmonary tuberculosis. J Infect Dis 1998; 178:1434–1445. 76. Barnes PF, Mistry SD, Cooper CL, Pirmez C, Rea TH, Modlin RL. Compartmentalization of a CD4� T lymphocyte subpopulation in tuberculous pleuritis. J Immunol 1989; 142:1114–1119.

298 Wallis and Johnson 77. Ellner JJ. Pleural fluid and peripheral blood lymphocyte function in tuberculosis. Ann Intern Med 1978; 89:932–933. 78. Rossi GA, Balbi B, Manca F. Tuberculous pleural effusions. Evidence for selective presence of PPD-specific T-lymphocytes at site of inflammation in the early phase of the infection. Am Rev Respir Dis 1987; 136:575–579. 79. Vanham G, Toossi Z, Hirsch CS, et al. Examining a paradox in the pathogenesis of human pulmonary tuberculosis: immune activation and suppression/anergy. Tuber Lung Dis 1997; 78:145–158. 80. Ellner JJ. Tuberculosis in the time of AIDS. The facts and the message. Chest 1990; 98:1051–1052. 81. Small PM, Schecter GF, Goodman PC, Sande MA, Chaisson RE, Hopewell PC. Treatment of tuberculosis in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus infection. N Engl J Med 1991; 324:289–294. 82. Wallis RS, Vjecha M, Amir Tahmasseb M, et al. Influence of tuberculosis on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1): enhanced cytokine expression and elevated beta 2-microglobulin in HIV-1-associated tuberculosis. J Infect Dis 1993; 167:43–48. 83. Folks TM, Justement J, Kinter A, et al. Characterization of a promonocyte clone chronically infected with HIV and inducible by 13-phorbol-12-myristate acetate. J Immunol 1988; 140:1117–1122. 84. Chun TW, Engel D, Mizell SB, Ehler LA, Fauci AS. Induction of HIV-1 replication in latently infected CD4� T cells using a combination of cytokines [published erratum appears in J Exp Med 1998 188:following 614]. J Exp Med 1998; 188:83–91. 85. Griffin GE, Leung K, Folks TM, Kunkel S, Nabel GJ. Induction of NF-kappa B during monocyte differentiation is associated with activation of HIV-gene expression. Res Virol 1991; 142:233–238. 86. Potts BJ, Maury W, Martin MA. Replication of HIV-1 in primary monocyte cultures. Virology 1990; 175:465–476. 87. Latham PS, Lewis AM, Varesio L, et al. Expression of human immunodeficiency virus long terminal repeat in the human promonocyte cell line U937: effect of endotoxin and cytokines. Cell Immunol 1990; 129:513–518. 88. Goletti D, Weissman D, Jackson RW, Collins F, Kinter A, Fauci AS. The in vitro induction of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in purified protein derivativepositive HIV-infected persons by recall antigen response to M. tuberculosis is the result of a balance of the effects of endogenous interleukin-2 and proinflammatory and antiinflammatory cytokines. J Infect Dis 1998; 177:1332–1338. 89. Kinter AL, Ostrowski M, Goletti D, et al. HIV replication in CD4� T cells of HIVinfected individuals is regulated by a balance between the viral suppressive effects of endogenous beta-chemokines and the viral inductive effects of other endogenous cytokines. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996; 93:14076–14081. 90. Zhang Y, Doerfler M, Lee TC, Guillemin B, Rom WN. Mechanisms of stimulation of interleukin-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha by M. tuberculosis components. J Clin Invest 1993; 91:2076–2083. 91. Zhang Y, Nakata K, Weiden M, Rom WN. M. tuberculosis enhances human immunodeficiency virus-1 replication by transcriptional activation at the long terminal repeat. J Clin Invest 1995; 95:2324–2331. 92. Lederman MM, Georges DL, Kusner DJ, Mudido P, Giam CZ, Toossi Z. M. tuberculosis and its purified protein derivative activate expression of the human immunodeficiency virus. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 1994; 7:727–733. 93. Mudido P, Georges D, Jacobs G, Toossi Z, Ellner JJ, Lederman MM. Mycobacteria and their products activate HIV expression. Int Conf AIDS. 1993; 9:325 (Abstract). 94. Nakata K, Rom WN, Honda Y, et al. M. tuberculosis enhances human immunodeficiency virus-1 replication in the lung. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155:996–1003.

298 Wallis and Johnson<br />

77. Ellner JJ. Pleural fluid and peripheral blood lymphocyte function in tuberculosis. Ann<br />

Intern Med 1978; 89:932–933.<br />

78. Rossi GA, Balbi B, Manca F. Tuberculous pleural effusions. Evidence <strong>for</strong> selective presence<br />

of PPD-specific T-lymphocytes at site of inflammation in the early phase of the infection.<br />

Am Rev Respir Dis 1987; 136:575–579.<br />

79. Vanham G, Toossi Z, Hirsch CS, et al. Examining a paradox in the pathogenesis of human<br />

pulmonary tuberculosis: immune activation and suppression/anergy. Tuber Lung Dis<br />

1997; 78:145–158.<br />

80. Ellner JJ. Tuberculosis in the time of AIDS. The facts and the message. Chest 1990;<br />

98:1051–1052.<br />

81. Small PM, Schecter GF, Goodman PC, Sande MA, Chaisson RE, Hopewell PC. Treatment<br />

of tuberculosis in patients with advanced human immunodeficiency virus infection. N<br />

Engl J Med 1991; 324:289–294.<br />

82. Wallis RS, Vjecha M, Amir Tahmasseb M, et al. Influence of tuberculosis on human<br />

immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1): enhanced cytokine expression and elevated beta<br />

2-microglobulin in HIV-1-associated tuberculosis. J Infect Dis 1993; 167:43–48.<br />

83. Folks TM, Justement J, Kinter A, et al. Characterization of a promonocyte clone chronically<br />

infected with HIV and inducible by 13-phorbol-12-myristate acetate. J Immunol<br />

1988; 140:1117–1122.<br />

84. Chun TW, Engel D, Mizell SB, Ehler LA, Fauci AS. Induction of HIV-1 replication in<br />

latently infected CD4� T cells using a combination of cytokines [published erratum<br />

appears in J Exp Med 1998 188:following 614]. J Exp Med 1998; 188:83–91.<br />

85. Griffin GE, Leung K, Folks TM, Kunkel S, Nabel GJ. Induction of NF-kappa B during<br />

monocyte differentiation is associated with activation of HIV-gene expression. Res Virol<br />

1991; 142:233–238.<br />

86. Potts BJ, Maury W, Martin MA. Replication of HIV-1 in primary monocyte cultures.<br />

Virology 1990; 175:465–476.<br />

87. Latham PS, Lewis AM, Varesio L, et al. Expression of human immunodeficiency virus<br />

long terminal repeat in the human promonocyte cell line U937: effect of endotoxin and<br />

cytokines. Cell Immunol 1990; 129:513–518.<br />

88. Goletti D, Weissman D, Jackson RW, Collins F, Kinter A, Fauci AS. The in vitro induction<br />

of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in purified protein derivativepositive<br />

HIV-infected persons by recall antigen response to M. tuberculosis is the result<br />

of a balance of the effects of endogenous interleukin-2 and proinflammatory and antiinflammatory<br />

cytokines. J Infect Dis 1998; 177:1332–1338.<br />

89. Kinter AL, Ostrowski M, Goletti D, et al. HIV replication in CD4� T cells of HIVinfected<br />

individuals is regulated by a balance between the viral suppressive effects of<br />

endogenous beta-chemokines and the viral inductive effects of other endogenous cytokines.<br />

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 1996; 93:14076–14081.<br />

90. Zhang Y, Doerfler M, Lee TC, Guillemin B, Rom WN. Mechanisms of stimulation of<br />

interleukin-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha by M. tuberculosis components. J Clin<br />

Invest 1993; 91:2076–2083.<br />

91. Zhang Y, Nakata K, Weiden M, Rom WN. M. tuberculosis enhances human immunodeficiency<br />

virus-1 replication by transcriptional activation at the long terminal repeat. J Clin<br />

Invest 1995; 95:2324–2331.<br />

92. Lederman MM, Georges DL, Kusner DJ, Mudido P, Giam CZ, Toossi Z. M. tuberculosis<br />

and its purified protein derivative activate expression of the human immunodeficiency<br />

virus. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr Hum Retrovirol 1994; 7:727–733.<br />

93. Mudido P, Georges D, Jacobs G, Toossi Z, Ellner JJ, Lederman MM. Mycobacteria and<br />

their products activate HIV expression. Int Conf AIDS. 1993; 9:325 (Abstract).<br />

94. Nakata K, Rom WN, Honda Y, et al. M. tuberculosis enhances human immunodeficiency<br />

virus-1 replication in the lung. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1997; 155:996–1003.

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