Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Host Cell-Directed Approaches 225 sponding to segments of gp41 have been shown to disrupt the folding and unfolding of the gp41 tertiary structure necessary for membrane fusion to occur. A 36-amino acid peptide, T-20, was found to be a particularly potent inhibitor of HIV-1 in vitro. This agent demonstrated a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC 50) of 1.7 ng/mL in T-cell lines (60). In the first clinical trial of a peptide fusion inhibitor, intravenous T-20 resulted in significant, dose-related declines in plasma HIV RNA levels (25). There was an approx. 99% reduction in viral load during short-term T-20 administration in the four subjects in the highest dose group tested (100 mg twice daily). An analysis of viral dynamics showed that the initial slope of virus decline, a measure of antiretroviral potency, was comparable to that achieved with other approved HIV therapies including three- and four-drug combinations of reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors. The second clinical trial of T-20, recently completed, involved 78 subjects enrolled at multiple sites around the United States (61). This trial allowed heavily pretreated patients to add T-20 therapy to their preexisting oral antiretroviral regimens. Over a 28-day administration period, dose-related reductions in plasma HIV RNA levels were demonstrated that confirmed the findings in the phase I trial. Thus, these findings provide proof of concept that therapeutics targeting a viral entry event can result in safe and clinically meaningful inhibition of viral replication. However, this approach to blocking viral entry is not directly aimed at a conserved host target, as exemplified by the suggestion that selection for resistant viral variants is possible (62,63). TARGETING CELL ACTIVATION STATE Closely related to direct inhibition of HIV cell entry is the concept of modulating host cell activation status, to influence the progression of disease favorably. It has been recognized for many years that activated lymphocytes are more susceptible to HIV infection than resting or quiescent cells (64). Nonspecific T-cell stimulation factors, such as phytohemagglutinin and interleukin-2 (IL-2), are routinely utilized in the laboratory to increase HIV infectivity in cell culture experiments. Clinical trials evaluating IL-2 infusions as a strategy to increase absolute CD4 numbers (see below) demonstrated that some patients receiving inadequate antiretroviral therapy had bursts of viremia corresponding to the immunoactivation state induced by potent T-cell stimulation (65). Possible clinical correlates include observations that nonspecific antigenic stimulation, such as routine influenza (66), pneumococcal (67), or tetanus toxoid (68) vaccinations, may transiently stimulate HIV replication in the absence of adequate antiretroviral suppression. Such effects have not been demonstrated among patients effectively suppressed on HAART. Similarly, there appear to be temporary increases in plasma viral load when patients develop opportunistic infections, despite adherence to antiretroviral medications (69,70). These bursts of viral activity subside as concomitant infections are treated. Although immunosuppressive therapy is obviously not an attractive option for widespread use among patients with acquired T-cell deficiency, preliminary studies have been carried out to explore the potential for limiting T-cell activation as a therapeutic strategy. Particularly in the pre-HAART era, such approaches were frequently a last resort for palliative reasons when conventional therapeutic options had been exhausted. Pilot studies explored the safety and feasibility of using agents such as pentoxyfylline (71,72) and thalidomide (56,73) as inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) to limit

226 Kilby and Bucy the proinflammatory cytokine cascade that stimulates cycles of HIV replication. When we administered tapering doses of prednisone to advanced AIDS patients with wasting syndrome, a decline in markers of immunoactivation (neopterin and TNF receptor II levels) was followed by a dose-related decline in plasma viral load (74). In a large clinical study involving less advanced HIV infection, patients receiving corticosteroids had prolonged moderate elevations in their absolute circulating CD4 counts while on therapy compared with individuals receiving reverse transcriptase inhibitor therapy alone (75). A multicenter trial in the United States is now being planned to evaluate the effects of low-dose prednisone when administered to patients with partial but not complete viral load suppression on HAART. A pilot study evaluating the effects of lowdose cytotoxic chemotherapy to limit the availability of susceptible target cells is also currently nearing completion. The evidence that inflammatory events adversely affect blood CD4 counts and the apparent paradox of prednisone increasing circulating lymphocyte numbers in less advanced HIV-infected patients are quite compatible with evidence regarding the T-cell redistribution phenomenon between tissues and peripheral blood. Based on blood analysis alone, Pakker et al. (76) surmised that the initial rise in circulating CD4 cells following initiation of HAART was due to a redistribution of memory cells from tissues to the periphery. To explore these issues further, we analyzed blood and lymph node tissues obtained concurrently from patients before and after the initiation of HAART (77). Ten weeks after HAART, the number of lymphocytes per excised cervical lymph node had decreased, whereas the number of blood lymphocytes tended to increase. The expression levels of several proinflammatory cytokines (interferon-� [IFN-�], IL-1�, IL-6, and MIP-1�) declined following HAART. After therapy, the expression of adhesion molecules known to mediate lymphocyte sequestration into inflamed tissues (vascular cell adhesion molecule [VCAM]-1 and intracellular cell adhesion molecule [ICAM]-1) was also significantly reduced. These data support the hypothesis that the abrupt rise in blood CD4 cells immediately after therapy is related to redistribution and that this redistribution is mediated by a resolution of immunoactivation that had sequestered T-cells within inflamed tissues. This inverse relationship between blood and inflamed tissues has also been described for other infectious diseases. For example, a recent report suggests that the reversal of anergy in patients receiving therapy for tuberculosis corresponds to the release into the bloodstream of tuberculosis-specific T-cells previously sequestered in infected tissues (78). TARGETING T-CELL NUMBERS Another logical approach to ameliorate the consequences of HIV infection would be to stimulate increases in absolute CD4 cell counts. The aim of this strategy is to reverse the best characterized immunodeficiency of AIDS without necessarily getting at the underlying cause of lymphocyte depletion. Controversy remains about the exact pathogenesis of CD4 cell depletion in AIDS; it has never been conclusively demonstrated that CD4 cells are killed by a direct HIV cytopathic effect. The frequency of infected CD4 T-cells is generally very low, so that even though infected cells are quickly cleared in active infection (via either a cytopathic effect or direct lysis by immune viralspecific CTL), this mechanism alone may not account for depletion of the entire population of CD4 T-cells. CD4 cell decline over the natural history of HIV infection may

Host Cell-Directed Approaches 225<br />

sponding to segments of gp41 have been shown to disrupt the folding and unfolding<br />

of the gp41 tertiary structure necessary <strong>for</strong> membrane fusion to occur. A 36-amino acid<br />

peptide, T-20, was found to be a particularly potent inhibitor of HIV-1 in vitro. This<br />

agent demonstrated a 50% inhibitory concentration (IC 50) of 1.7 ng/mL in T-cell lines<br />

(60). In the first clinical trial of a peptide fusion inhibitor, intravenous T-20 resulted in<br />

significant, dose-related declines in plasma HIV RNA levels (25). There was an approx.<br />

99% reduction in viral load during short-term T-20 administration in the four subjects<br />

in the highest dose group tested (100 mg twice daily). An analysis of viral dynamics<br />

showed that the initial slope of virus decline, a measure of antiretroviral potency, was<br />

comparable to that achieved with other approved HIV therapies including three- and<br />

four-drug combinations of reverse transcriptase and protease inhibitors. The second<br />

clinical trial of T-20, recently completed, involved 78 subjects enrolled at multiple sites<br />

around the United States (61). This trial allowed heavily pretreated patients to add<br />

T-20 therapy to their preexisting oral antiretroviral regimens. Over a 28-day administration<br />

period, dose-related reductions in plasma HIV RNA levels were demonstrated that<br />

confirmed the findings in the phase I trial. Thus, these findings provide proof of concept<br />

that therapeutics targeting a viral entry event can result in safe and clinically<br />

meaningful inhibition of viral replication. However, this approach to blocking viral<br />

entry is not directly aimed at a conserved host target, as exemplified by the suggestion<br />

that selection <strong>for</strong> resistant viral variants is possible (62,63).<br />


Closely related to direct inhibition of HIV cell entry is the concept of modulating<br />

host cell activation status, to influence the progression of disease favorably. It has been<br />

recognized <strong>for</strong> many years that activated lymphocytes are more susceptible to HIV<br />

infection than resting or quiescent cells (64). Nonspecific T-cell stimulation factors,<br />

such as phytohemagglutinin and interleukin-2 (IL-2), are routinely utilized in the laboratory<br />

to increase HIV infectivity in cell culture experiments. Clinical trials evaluating<br />

IL-2 infusions as a strategy to increase absolute CD4 numbers (see below)<br />

demonstrated that some patients receiving inadequate antiretroviral therapy had bursts<br />

of viremia corresponding to the immunoactivation state induced by potent T-cell stimulation<br />

(65). Possible clinical correlates include observations that nonspecific antigenic<br />

stimulation, such as routine influenza (66), pneumococcal (67), or tetanus toxoid (68)<br />

vaccinations, may transiently stimulate HIV replication in the absence of adequate antiretroviral<br />

suppression. Such effects have not been demonstrated among patients effectively<br />

suppressed on HAART. Similarly, there appear to be temporary increases in<br />

plasma viral load when patients develop opportunistic infections, despite adherence to<br />

antiretroviral medications (69,70). These bursts of viral activity subside as concomitant<br />

infections are treated.<br />

Although immunosuppressive therapy is obviously not an attractive option <strong>for</strong> widespread<br />

use among patients with acquired T-cell deficiency, preliminary studies have<br />

been carried out to explore the potential <strong>for</strong> limiting T-cell activation as a therapeutic<br />

strategy. Particularly in the pre-HAART era, such approaches were frequently a last<br />

resort <strong>for</strong> palliative reasons when conventional therapeutic options had been exhausted.<br />

Pilot studies explored the safety and feasibility of using agents such as pentoxyfylline<br />

(71,72) and thalidomide (56,73) as inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) to limit

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