Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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From: Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Edited by: J. M. Jacobson © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ 221 12 Host Cell-Directed Approaches for Treating HIV and Restoring Immune Function J. Michael Kilby and R. Pat Bucy INTRODUCTION Despite a number of recent therapeutic advances, there remains an urgent need for new approaches to treat HIV infection, the causative agent of AIDS. In this chapter, treatment strategies are reviewed that target host cell interactions or immune responses, rather than acting as direct antiviral agents. Certain treatments that target host factors— such as cytokines, chemokines, immunomodulators, or therapeutic vaccination—will probably prove to be effective adjuvants to conventional antiviral therapy in the future and may even hold the potential to alter the natural history of HIV infection in some individuals. The demonstration of persistent high levels of HIV replication within the untreated host, even during the often prolonged asymptomatic course of early HIV infection (1), has led to a logical therapeutic emphasis on the development of more potent antiviral drugs. Ground-breaking studies evaluating the responses to antiretroviral regimens revealed the dynamic nature of viral replication along with the potential to suppress the amount of viral genetic material (HIV RNA or viral load) in the plasma by 1000-fold or more (2,3). The critical role of the plasma viral load was further emphasized by the observation that this measurement is also tightly linked to the rate of disease progression in untreated patients (4). Larger randomized clinical trials later demonstrated that individuals treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimens had decreases in opportunistic infections and death compared with those treated with less potent therapies (5,6). Improved clinical outcomes have been well documented outside of the clinical trial setting as well (7), and for the first time in the history of the epidemic, a decline in AIDS-related mortality has been noted in the United States. The dramatic reduction in plasma viral load after HAART treatment is associated with an apparent halt in disease progression and substantial functional improvement in the immune system, but such treatment does not bring about complete eradication of the pathogen. Understanding the host factors that keep viral replication in check during the prolonged steady-state phase will provide key mechanistic insights, which may be critical for devising novel therapeutic interventions that will potentially synergize with antiretroviral regimens to eliminate chronic active infection.

222 Kilby and Bucy Although clinical outcomes have improved considerably in the HAART era, many individuals cannot tolerate long-term therapy with the complex drug regimens involved. The selection for drug-resistant viruses continues to be a major problem in clinical practice. Although there is clearly a significant improvement in the absolute number of circulating CD4 T-cells for most HAART-treated patients, CD4 counts rarely approach normal levels even when dramatic and sustained declines in viral replication rates are seen. Finally, when individuals who have achieved prolonged plasma viral load suppression discontinue HAART, there is typically a rapid rebound in viral replication, resulting in a return to high plasma viral load levels (8). Residual HIV infection persists following prolonged effective HAART and has been detected in both blood and tissue biopsies (9–13). Thus, although HAART has provided unprecedented benefits for many HIV-infected patients, many barriers remain if we are to rely on this approach alone in the struggle against AIDS. Previous investigations revealed several host factors that influence the risk of HIV acquisition or disease progression, often in the context of evaluating atypical clinical cases. The same viral strain may lead to extremely different rates of disease progression in different hosts (14). Conversely, the clinical courses of genetically identical triplets infected perinatally were strikingly uniform (15). These observations suggest that the viral load set point (and the corresponding rate of disease progression) for an individual may be determined primarily by host factors that control viral replication, rather than the virologic characteristics of the original inoculum. Although viral variants exist that play a role in some cases, understanding which host effects account for the substantial differences in progression rate between individuals should provide critical insights into the development of new therapeutic targets. Many investigations have focused on unique hosts who have been repeatedly exposed to HIV and yet have not shown evidence of productive viral infection. Subjects with defective expression of CCR5, a receptor utilized by most sexually transmitted HIV strains, appear to be overrepresented among this group of exposed, noninfected individuals (16,17). However, these rare host phenotypes do not account for the majority of differences in disease progression between individuals. Additional investigations of subjects with repeated exposure to HIV who have remained seronegative reveal that such individuals frequently have detectable HIV-specific immune responses (18–20). These data suggest that some individuals may become infected (perhaps with a very low viral dose) and mount an immune response sufficient to control the infection prior to the development of an antibody response and established chronic infection. Another approach has been to concentrate on long-term nonprogressors, subjects who are infected with HIV yet do not develop immunodeficiency over many years in the absence of antiretroviral treatment. Generally, these investigations demonstrate a combination of virologic (attenuated or defective viral strains) and host (strong HIVspecific immune responses) factors that contribute to slowed disease progression (21,22). Another line of evidence strongly implicating the magnitude of antiviral immune responses in controlling infection is the association between alleles related to immune responsiveness, such as HLA classes I and II, and the clinical course of HIV infection (23–25). Recent studies have focused more specifically on the impact of HIV-specific CTL responses, which are determined by HLA class I antigen presentation, on the rate of clinical progression across the spectrum of HIV disease (26,27). The critical role of

From: <strong>Immunotherapy</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Infectious</strong> <strong>Diseases</strong><br />

Edited by: J. M. Jacobson © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ<br />

221<br />

12<br />

Host Cell-Directed Approaches <strong>for</strong> Treating HIV<br />

and Restoring Immune Function<br />

J. Michael Kilby and R. Pat Bucy<br />


Despite a number of recent therapeutic advances, there remains an urgent need <strong>for</strong><br />

new approaches to treat HIV infection, the causative agent of AIDS. In this chapter,<br />

treatment strategies are reviewed that target host cell interactions or immune responses,<br />

rather than acting as direct antiviral agents. Certain treatments that target host factors—<br />

such as cytokines, chemokines, immunomodulators, or therapeutic vaccination—will<br />

probably prove to be effective adjuvants to conventional antiviral therapy in the future<br />

and may even hold the potential to alter the natural history of HIV infection in some<br />

individuals.<br />

The demonstration of persistent high levels of HIV replication within the untreated<br />

host, even during the often prolonged asymptomatic course of early HIV infection (1),<br />

has led to a logical therapeutic emphasis on the development of more potent antiviral<br />

drugs. Ground-breaking studies evaluating the responses to antiretroviral regimens<br />

revealed the dynamic nature of viral replication along with the potential to suppress the<br />

amount of viral genetic material (HIV RNA or viral load) in the plasma by 1000-fold<br />

or more (2,3). The critical role of the plasma viral load was further emphasized by the<br />

observation that this measurement is also tightly linked to the rate of disease progression<br />

in untreated patients (4). Larger randomized clinical trials later demonstrated that<br />

individuals treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) regimens had<br />

decreases in opportunistic infections and death compared with those treated with less<br />

potent therapies (5,6). Improved clinical outcomes have been well documented outside<br />

of the clinical trial setting as well (7), and <strong>for</strong> the first time in the history of the epidemic,<br />

a decline in AIDS-related mortality has been noted in the United States. The<br />

dramatic reduction in plasma viral load after HAART treatment is associated with<br />

an apparent halt in disease progression and substantial functional improvement in the<br />

immune system, but such treatment does not bring about complete eradication of<br />

the pathogen. Understanding the host factors that keep viral replication in check during<br />

the prolonged steady-state phase will provide key mechanistic insights, which may<br />

be critical <strong>for</strong> devising novel therapeutic interventions that will potentially synergize<br />

with antiretroviral regimens to eliminate chronic active infection.

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