Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Passive Immunotherapy for HIV Infection 211 No difference between treatment groups in plasma HIV RNA levels was seen, but more patients receiving hyperimmune plasma than those receiving HIV-negative plasma had negative plasma HIV cultures (but not cellular cultures) during the study period (131). In a different approach, Osther et al. (132) infused a porcine hyperimmune globulin, created by immunizing pigs with an HIV lysate, once daily for 5 days into 14 patients with HIV infection. These infusions resulted in loss of p24 antigenemia, enhancement of CD4 cell counts, and improved symptoms (132). HIVIG was studied in the Pediatric AIDS Clinical Trials Group (PACTG) Protocol 185 for its potential effect on reducing perinatal transmission of HIV. An unexpectedly low overall transmission rate resulting from zidovudine (AZT) treatment caused the trial to be stopped early without determining the effectiveness of HIVIG. However, there were statistically nonsignificant trends toward reduced transmission with HIVIG treatment in women with CD4 lymphocyte counts �200/mm 3 and in women who had started receiving zidovudine before they became pregnant. Presumably, these were women with more advanced disease and greater risks of transmitting infection to their newborns. In addition, none of the 9 infected neonates in the HIVIG arm of the study had positive HIV cultures at birth compared with 5 (38%) of 13 infected neonates in the IVIG arm, a statistically significant difference (133). Thus, passive immunization with HIVIG may have been effective in reducing transmission in the subset of patients at greatest risk to do so, and this may have affected the degree of viral replication in those infants who did become infected. However, an effect on plasma HIV RNA levels was not seen in PACTG Protocol 273 when 30 HIV-infected children aged 2–11 years on stable anti-retroviral therapy were given 6 monthly infusions of 200, 400, or 800 mg/kg of the same HIVIG preparation (134). Monoclonal Antibodies Hinkula et al. (135) studied two different murine monoclonal antibodies, F58 and P4/D10, targeting the V3 loop of HIV-1IIIB, a TCLA strain. One of the antibodies was given twice a month for 3 months to 11 patients with AIDS. The antibody administered neutralized the primary virus isolate of 9 of the 11 recipient patients. Plasma HIV RNA decreased in four patients, remained stable in another four, and increased in three patients. There were no changes in CD4 cell counts, but mitogen- and non-HIV antigen-induced lymphoproliferative responses improved in 9 of 11 patients (135). Gunthard et al. (136) studied a chimeric mouse-human monoclonal antibody (CGP- 47-439) against the V3 loop of HIV-1IIIB, MN laboratory-adapted strains. This chimeric antibody was derived from the murine BAT123 monoclonal antibody. Various doses were given to 12 patients at 3-week intervals for 24 weeks. Plasma HIV RNA levels decreased in two patients and increased in one (136). In sum, although a number of these human studies suggested a clinical benefit from the administration of various passive immunization products, no clear antiviral effect has been demonstrated to date. CONCLUSIONS There is now a body of evidence showing that antibodies have the ability to prevent and control HIV infection. Antibodies with neutralizing activity against strains of HIV in vitro are able to protect animals against infection with those strains. These include

212 Jacobson clinical isolates, which are more resistant than laboratory-adapted strains to neutralization by antibodies. Successful animal protection studies usually have utilized 10 MID 50s of virus as the challenge inoculum to be neutralized. It is likely that natural human exposures consist of inocula far smaller, probably on the order of �1 MID 50 (115). On the other hand, natural host antibody responses are usually inadequate to protect and control HIV infection durably. Exogenous administration of protective quantities of more potent targeted antibodies seems to be technically feasible and practical in the clinical setting. Undoubtedly, the doses of anti-HIV antibodies required for treatment must be greater than those required for prevention, perhaps 2–3 logs greater (23). A Pediatrics AIDS Foundation-sponsored workshop on HIV passive immunization recommended that the criteria for advancing candidate anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies to human trials include a requirement for 90% in vitro neutralization of most clinical isolates at concentrations of 5–10 �g/mL. It was felt that these concentrations could be safely reached in the sera of patients after administration of monoclonal antibody preparations (137). Comparable levels have been associated with protection in animal studies. However, several hu-PBL-SCID mouse experiments have demonstrated that doses associated with >99% in vitro neutralization activity are required for successful protection (115). Treatment of infection, as opposed to prevention of infection, is likely to require even higher doses and/or potency. No clear therapeutic antiviral benefit has been seen with the antibody preparations studied to date, but monoclonal antibodies with potent neutralizing activity against clinical isolates have not yet gone into clinical trials. In addition to neutralizing activity, the ability of antibodies to activate complementmediated lysis of free virus and infected cells, as well as ADCC against infected cells, would be attractive features. These activities were found to be important in hu-PBL- SCID mouse protection studies (114, 123). Monoclonal antibodies will need to be administered in combination to obtain synergistic potency, reduce dosage requirements, counteract any infection enhancement activity of any antibodies in the combination, and prevent the emergence of mutant viral strains resistant to neutralization. The host immune response to natural infection with HIV involves both humoral and cellular components. The response is partially effective in controlling viral replication but not in eradicating infection in most circumstances. Enhancing either arm of the immune response should prove beneficial. Passively administered antibodies might prove to be particularly useful in protection against the initial infection of dendritic cells, as well as monocytes and lymphocytes and might thus protect against the establishment of the infection. In addition, research in this area should identify HIV epitopes targeted by antibodies and cytotoxic T lymphocytes that will aid in the design of effective vaccines. REFERENCES 1. Albert J, Abrahamsson B, Nagy K, et al. Rapid development of isolate-specific neutralizing antibodies after primary HIV-1 infection and consequent emergence of virus variants which resist neutralization by autologous sera. AIDS 1990; 4:107–112. 2. Robert-Guroff M, Goedert JJ, Naugle CL, Jennings AM, Blattner WA, Gallo RC. Spectrum of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies in a cohort of homosexual men: results of a 6 year prospective study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1989; 5:343–350.

212 Jacobson<br />

clinical isolates, which are more resistant than laboratory-adapted strains to neutralization<br />

by antibodies.<br />

Successful animal protection studies usually have utilized 10 MID 50s of virus as the<br />

challenge inoculum to be neutralized. It is likely that natural human exposures consist<br />

of inocula far smaller, probably on the order of �1 MID 50 (115). On the other hand,<br />

natural host antibody responses are usually inadequate to protect and control HIV<br />

infection durably. Exogenous administration of protective quantities of more potent targeted<br />

antibodies seems to be technically feasible and practical in the clinical setting.<br />

Undoubtedly, the doses of anti-HIV antibodies required <strong>for</strong> treatment must be<br />

greater than those required <strong>for</strong> prevention, perhaps 2–3 logs greater (23). A Pediatrics<br />

AIDS Foundation-sponsored workshop on HIV passive immunization recommended<br />

that the criteria <strong>for</strong> advancing candidate anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies to human trials<br />

include a requirement <strong>for</strong> 90% in vitro neutralization of most clinical isolates at<br />

concentrations of 5–10 �g/mL. It was felt that these concentrations could be safely<br />

reached in the sera of patients after administration of monoclonal antibody preparations<br />

(137). Comparable levels have been associated with protection in animal studies. However,<br />

several hu-PBL-SCID mouse experiments have demonstrated that doses associated<br />

with >99% in vitro neutralization activity are required <strong>for</strong> successful protection<br />

(115). Treatment of infection, as opposed to prevention of infection, is likely to require<br />

even higher doses and/or potency. No clear therapeutic antiviral benefit has been seen<br />

with the antibody preparations studied to date, but monoclonal antibodies with potent<br />

neutralizing activity against clinical isolates have not yet gone into clinical trials.<br />

In addition to neutralizing activity, the ability of antibodies to activate complementmediated<br />

lysis of free virus and infected cells, as well as ADCC against infected cells,<br />

would be attractive features. These activities were found to be important in hu-PBL-<br />

SCID mouse protection studies (114, 123).<br />

Monoclonal antibodies will need to be administered in combination to obtain synergistic<br />

potency, reduce dosage requirements, counteract any infection enhancement<br />

activity of any antibodies in the combination, and prevent the emergence of mutant<br />

viral strains resistant to neutralization.<br />

The host immune response to natural infection with HIV involves both humoral and<br />

cellular components. The response is partially effective in controlling viral replication but<br />

not in eradicating infection in most circumstances. Enhancing either arm of the immune<br />

response should prove beneficial. Passively administered antibodies might prove to be<br />

particularly useful in protection against the initial infection of dendritic cells, as well as<br />

monocytes and lymphocytes and might thus protect against the establishment of the<br />

infection. In addition, research in this area should identify HIV epitopes targeted by antibodies<br />

and cytotoxic T lymphocytes that will aid in the design of effective vaccines.<br />


1. Albert J, Abrahamsson B, Nagy K, et al. Rapid development of isolate-specific neutralizing<br />

antibodies after primary HIV-1 infection and consequent emergence of virus variants<br />

which resist neutralization by autologous sera. AIDS 1990; 4:107–112.<br />

2. Robert-Guroff M, Goedert JJ, Naugle CL, Jennings AM, Blattner WA, Gallo RC. Spectrum<br />

of HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies in a cohort of homosexual men: results of a 6 year<br />

prospective study. AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 1989; 5:343–350.

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