Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
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Passive Immunotherapy for HIV Infection 203 anism of ADCC, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC), has been described in which natural killer (NK) cells with anti-HIV antibody bound to their Fc receptors (CD16) target HIV-infected cells coated with HIV envelope antigen (gp120) (76). Lin et al. (77) showed that gp120-specific CMC could be augumented by interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-12, and IL-15 and could be augmented further by combining IL-2 and IL-15. The addition of HIVIG also enhanced CMC (77). The anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies 2G12 and F105 have demonstrated ADCC activity (46,78). Bispecific Antibodies Another approach to enhance and broaden the activities of antibodies and effector cells is the creation of bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) (79). One type of BsAb combines two monoclonal antibodies with neutralizing activity against different HIV epitopes. Using the hybridoma cell fusion technique, Gorny et al. (79) combined MAbs targeting conserved epitopes of V3 with MAbs against the CD4 binding domain. The BsAbs created had synergistic anti-HIV activity when tested against the HIV-1IIIB laboratoryadapted strain (79). These antibodies presumably would have all the advantages of using combinations of single MAbs. Another type of BsAb combines anti-HIV and anti-effector cell specificities to mediate ADCC against HIV-infected cells (79). Antibodies against Fc�RI, a signaling receptor on monocytes, macrophages, and activated neutrophils, were combined with MAbs against HIV-1 envelope epitopes. The resultant BsAbs were shown to mediate lysis of gp160-transfected CEM cells by Fc�RI-expressing U-937 cells, a monocytoid cell line (79). A BsAb containing anti-V3 and anti-Fc�RI components had the highest activity. Importantly, these antibodies did not mediate antibody-dependent enhancement of HIV infection. Other Mechanisms of Anti-HIV Antibody Activity There are other mechanisms by which antibodies could control HIV infection (Table 2). One is through complement-mediated lysis of free virus or viral-infected cells (80,81). V3 peptides inhibit complement-mediated virolysis by the serum of HIVinfected persons (82), and MAb 694/98D, an anti-V3 antibody has been shown to be complement-activating (83). Antibody binding of gp120 expressed on infected cell surfaces could inhibit fusion of cells, syncytia formation, and cell-to-cell spread to virus (84). In addition, antibodies could serve to clear immunosuppressive HIV proteins, such as gp120. Soluble gp120 is known to impair CD4 lymphocyte function and to promote cell-mediated lysis of uninfected CD4 cells (85–89). Finally, neutralizing antibodies have also been found to inhibit the infection of dendritic cells and the subsequent transmission to T cells, thus potentially interfering with the early events around mucosal HIV transmission (90). However, some antibodies could have deleterious effects on the course of HIV infection. Anti-gp120 antibodies could mediate lysis of uninfected CD4 cells with free gp120 shed by the virus bound to its surface (85). In addition, some antibodies that bind virus could enhance HIV infection of cells via binding of antibody-HIV complexes to Fc or complement receptors on mononuclear phagocytes or dendritic cells (91,92).

204 Jacobson Table 2 Potential Protective Effects of Antibody in HIV Infection Neutralization Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity Complement-mediated lysis of virus and infected cells Inhibition of cell fusion and cell-to-cell spread of virus through binding of gp120 on infected cell surfaces Clearance of immunosuppressive HIV proteins, such as gp120 Inhibition of HIV infection of dendritic cells ANIMAL STUDIES Preexposure Protection Studies in Monkeys Using Polyclonal Antibody Preparations Animal models have been used to help define the role of humoral immunity in protection against HIV infection. SIV infection in macaque monkeys mimics HIV infection in humans in that it causes a progressive immunosuppressive illness leading to death. The chimpanzee can be chronically infected with HIV-1, although progressive immunosuppression does not result. The ability of antibodies to protect against infection has been demonstrated in these models, but the results of experiments have not been universally successful. Differences in results may depend on the viral strain tested, the challenge dose, the type of antibody preparation, and the dose of this product. Putkonen et al. (93) administered 9 mL/kg of anti-SIVsm sera from a clinically healthy SIV-infected cynomolgus macaque to macaques challenged intravenously 6 hours later with 10–100 median mouse infectious doses (MID50s) of SIVsm. Three of four animals were protected from infection, whereas the two control monkeys who received uninfected monkey serum before challenge became infected. Prechallenge antibody titers in individual animals did not correlate with protection. An anti-HIV-2 serum was obtained from a macaque that was vaccinated with inactivated whole virus and, as a result, was protected from homologous challenge (93). This product was administered as a low dose (3 mL/kg) to four macaques and as a high dose (9 mL/kg) to three macaques, followed 6 hours later by challenge with 10 MID50 of homologous HIV-2. One of four animals receiving the low-dose anti-HIV-2 pool and two of three animals receiving the high-dose pool were protected from infection, whereas all seven animals that received either noninfected serum or no serum became infected when exposed to the same virus dose. However, when human anti-HIV-2 pools created from five asymptomatic HIV-2infected individuals were given in the same manner in doses of 12–20 mL/kg before challenge with 10 or 3 MID50 of the same HIV-2 strain as the above experiment, all 12 animals became infected (94). This occurred despite neutralizing antibody titers against the challenge viral strain in these animals comparable to those in animals protected by simian-derived anti-HIV-1 serum. Infection in chimpanzees with the T-cell laboratory-adapted HIVIIIB strain was prevented by the administration 24 hours before virus challenge of a high dose of human HIVIG (95). This HIVIG preparation was pooled from plasma of asymptomatic chron-

Passive <strong>Immunotherapy</strong> <strong>for</strong> HIV Infection 203<br />

anism of ADCC, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC), has been described in which natural<br />

killer (NK) cells with anti-HIV antibody bound to their Fc receptors (CD16) target<br />

HIV-infected cells coated with HIV envelope antigen (gp120) (76). Lin et al. (77)<br />

showed that gp120-specific CMC could be augumented by interleukin-2 (IL-2), IL-12,<br />

and IL-15 and could be augmented further by combining IL-2 and IL-15. The addition<br />

of HIVIG also enhanced CMC (77). The anti-HIV monoclonal antibodies 2G12 and<br />

F105 have demonstrated ADCC activity (46,78).<br />

Bispecific Antibodies<br />

Another approach to enhance and broaden the activities of antibodies and effector<br />

cells is the creation of bispecific antibodies (BsAbs) (79). One type of BsAb combines<br />

two monoclonal antibodies with neutralizing activity against different HIV epitopes.<br />

Using the hybridoma cell fusion technique, Gorny et al. (79) combined MAbs targeting<br />

conserved epitopes of V3 with MAbs against the CD4 binding domain. The BsAbs<br />

created had synergistic anti-HIV activity when tested against the HIV-1IIIB laboratoryadapted<br />

strain (79). These antibodies presumably would have all the advantages of<br />

using combinations of single MAbs.<br />

Another type of BsAb combines anti-HIV and anti-effector cell specificities to mediate<br />

ADCC against HIV-infected cells (79). Antibodies against Fc�RI, a signaling receptor<br />

on monocytes, macrophages, and activated neutrophils, were combined with MAbs<br />

against HIV-1 envelope epitopes. The resultant BsAbs were shown to mediate lysis of<br />

gp160-transfected CEM cells by Fc�RI-expressing U-937 cells, a monocytoid cell line<br />

(79). A BsAb containing anti-V3 and anti-Fc�RI components had the highest activity.<br />

Importantly, these antibodies did not mediate antibody-dependent enhancement of HIV<br />

infection.<br />

Other Mechanisms of Anti-HIV Antibody Activity<br />

There are other mechanisms by which antibodies could control HIV infection (Table<br />

2). One is through complement-mediated lysis of free virus or viral-infected cells<br />

(80,81). V3 peptides inhibit complement-mediated virolysis by the serum of HIVinfected<br />

persons (82), and MAb 694/98D, an anti-V3 antibody has been shown to be<br />

complement-activating (83). Antibody binding of gp120 expressed on infected cell surfaces<br />

could inhibit fusion of cells, syncytia <strong>for</strong>mation, and cell-to-cell spread to virus<br />

(84). In addition, antibodies could serve to clear immunosuppressive HIV proteins,<br />

such as gp120. Soluble gp120 is known to impair CD4 lymphocyte function and to promote<br />

cell-mediated lysis of uninfected CD4 cells (85–89). Finally, neutralizing antibodies<br />

have also been found to inhibit the infection of dendritic cells and the subsequent<br />

transmission to T cells, thus potentially interfering with the early events around mucosal<br />

HIV transmission (90).<br />

However, some antibodies could have deleterious effects on the course of HIV infection.<br />

Anti-gp120 antibodies could mediate lysis of uninfected CD4 cells with free<br />

gp120 shed by the virus bound to its surface (85). In addition, some antibodies that<br />

bind virus could enhance HIV infection of cells via binding of antibody-HIV complexes<br />

to Fc or complement receptors on mononuclear phagocytes or dendritic cells<br />


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